Ok, before you read this read, ''sparkling'' and ''youngling'' it will help a lot to understand this story

ok ,guys this is the new 1st chapter i would like to thank Chibimax for every thing

It was a quiet day aboard the Artimus1 when all of a sudden someone yelled.

''Optimus sir , we have a problem! '' yelled Silverbolt as he ran to Optimus.

''What is it Silverbolt'' Prime asked as he looked at Silverbolt.

''It's the youth sector. It's under attack by the Decepticons !!'' answered Silverbolt.

'' Who's attacking it ?!" asked Optimus worried.

'' I'm not sure, sir. I'll get Red Alert to get the youth sector on the screen ''Silverbolt said .

At that moment, Red Alert came in the room. ''You needed me Optimus, sir ?'' he asked.

''Yes, I need the youth sector on the screen now ." said Optimus on a worried tone.

''Okay, but it may take a few minutes." Red Alert said as he walked to the computer.


Meanwhile at the Youth Sector,

''Lord Megatron, all the sparklings have been eliminated."said Megatron's ever so faithful second in command bot, Starscream.

''Good. Now, let's leave before the Autobots get here.'' Megatron said while taken a quick look around the place, making sure they did enough damage.


In Artimus 1,

''Optimus, sir....'' Red Alert said in a hushed tone.

"Oh no…."said Optimus as he stare at the screen. "The Yought Sector."

Red Alert sighed as he looked back on the screen.

What they saw horrified. Every bot that was in the room, saw the Youth Sector burning in flames.

''Red Alert, I want to transwarp ! Now! '' commanded Optimus.

''Yes sir, everyone get ready and....NOW." said Red Alert as he beamed them to the Youth Sector.


Youth Sector,

''Sir, I suggest we split up. Look and see if any sparkling made it out alive." suggested Ironhide as they arrived at the Youth Sector.

''Yes." Said Optimus. "I want Jazz, Ironhide and the twins to help searching and the rest of you, I need you to stay here and be ready if we need any help. Ratchet and Red Alert, I need you two to prepare the med bay if we need it, okay ?'' Optimus said.


Outside of the bots ship.

''Oh .. my.. primus..'' Ironhide murmured as they went outside.

''Let's get looking bots. I want the twin to look in the nursery , 'Hide' look in the east sector, Jazz with me." Said Optimus.


''Hey Sunny, I don't think any sparkling made it. ''Bluestreak said as they arrived in the nursery.

''I know blue, I don't think so either .'' Sunny said as he looked around.

''Do you think all the sparklings offlined painfully ?'' Bluestreak asked.

'' I'm afraid so, Blue." Said Sunny as he looked around. "They just waited and offlined .''

Sunstreaker stopped as he saw something. 'A Sparkling !' He thought. Sunny ran to it and bent down.

''BLUE !!" Sunny yelled. "Here's a sparkling ! It's offling !''

Blue came to Sunny and looked at the offlining sparkling. ''Sunny, there's nothing we can do anything for it .''

''I guess you're right." Sighed Sunny as he watched the sparkling offline in front of them.

''Let's go and find Opitmus and the others. There's nothing left here." Said Blue.


''I can't believe Megatron did this. They were all defenseless.'' Optimus said with a sigh.

''Optimus ... Megatron is just a evil Decepticon. You can't blame yourself.'' Jazz said trying to comfort their soft sparked leader.''Prime.. look maybe we will find a sparkling.."

''I guess you're right, Jazz. thanks.'' Optimus said.


'I can't believe those slagheads did this ! If I find out who did this, I will' thought Ironhide. Ironhide was pulled out his thoughts when he heard some something snaper and chirper.

''Who's there ?!'' yelled Ironhide while scanning the area. He picked up a energy signal. 'Prime we got trouble over here.' hide said over the com-link.

'Ok 'Hide, I'm coming.' Said Optimus.

'Hide went over to investigate to see what the noise was, but he knew that it wasn't a Decepticon. Next thing he knew he was being attacked by a blurr of yellow and black.


A few minutes later, Prime arrived with Jazz and the twins. ''Ironhide ?" said Prime as he didn't see his weapon specialist.

''Look what I've found." Smiled 'Hide as he came behind of a wall. Everyone stared at what 'Hide held. Two pair of blue optics looked at them.

Jazz and the twins yelled ''NO WAY ??!!!"