Reviews for Dark of the Moon : Explanations
1arigato chapter 3 . 2/15
I’m ecstatic to see another chapter on this! Thanks for writing, and hope inspiration hits you soon for the next chapter!
Anodythe chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Perfect explainations. Now, when I watch DotM, I will have your story in the back of my mind. Filling in what Bay did not.
LunaeShark chapter 2 . 12/22/2011
You have a gift, you know that? Turning situations that don't make sense into stories that does make sense. This is a wonderful fic.
LucasVN chapter 2 . 12/19/2011
There are some spelling errors here and there, and some inaccuracy regarding the movieverse mythos. Nevertheless, this is a reasonable, and believable, insight, as to why Prime said that uncharacteristic phrase. I eagerly await more.
Alathea2 chapter 2 . 11/28/2011
Very nice, I like getting to read about the motivations behind what we see on the screen. Superb job with both of these, I do hope you will continue. I would love to see your take on Optimus and Sam's parting on the launch pad. Please update soon.
amber8807 chapter 2 . 11/23/2011
Very interesting! There were a lot of gaps in that movie. i am so glad that you are writing this! I just wanted to add something i noticed the other day when watching this movie that i hadn't noticed before. After Ironhide dies, does Sideswipe become second in command? Because in the city he follows Optimus and tells Ratchet to cover high, then he tells Wheeljack it's time to roll out. I would also like to know how the heck did all those Auto Bots get captured by Decepticons! I guess Sideswipe isn't a very good 2nd in command... But Sideswipe is my favorite next to ratchet and Ironhide. Keep up the good work. I added this story to my alerts! cant wait for the next chapter!
Botosphere chapter 2 . 11/22/2011
Again, a great insight into Optimus and his motives! I really hated what Bay did with the Prime during the Battle of Chicago, not because he killed pretty much the entire leadership of the Decepticons but because he made Optimus self-centered and shallow. Thank you SO MUCH for giving him depth again! ~ Eowyn77
Cairistona chapter 2 . 11/19/2011
Awesome. And chilling. I think you are the best ffn writer. When I first heard Prime declare "We will kill them all," it was pretty stunning. I was like, "WHOA! Dude...! O_O wow." I was pretty amazed. And then that part in the movie was just intense. I love it how you went in to see it from Prime's POV, and how deep you went. Chapter one was fun; chapter two was raw awesomeness. Keep it up! XD
Anodythe chapter 2 . 11/18/2011
You say what I've tried to think through, so well. I always thought that Prime had had enough. Warring with one another, the Cybertronians had only themselves to hurt. Their well-armed and armored selves.

Here on Earth, we humans are a bit vulnerable. We have no built in armor and few of our own weapons could match anything from Cybertron. Optimus was tired and angry and his rage was righteous. It was time to end the war, the only way that was left. With extreme prejudice against the Cons.
Joyfull scroll chapter 2 . 11/18/2011
I'm wondering if it's somehow Wrong to like this chapter best? The 'explainations' given make perfect sense and insites to Optimus and the wreckers relationship helps tons.
Joyfull scroll chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
*Laughs* Oh how I love a mischievious Bummblebee. Love the idea of this. Thanks for doing it.
imaginethat96 chapter 2 . 11/17/2011
: O You capture Optimus' character perfectly! It bugged me a lot when he said to kill them all. Thanks for making it better :)
Bookworm Gal chapter 2 . 11/17/2011
These are so wonderful. I love them. They are so logical and help deal with some of the insanity that Bay brought to the big screen.

Here's an example: Why did Soundwave decide to kill their prisoners simply because Dylan told him to. It was almost like he was taking orders from a HUMAN. If they had decided not to execute them previous, why would Dylan telling them to kill the Autobots make a difference?
MissMary chapter 2 . 11/17/2011
As harsh as that order sounds, Optimus is right; any Decepticon fighting at Chicago could have run in the chaos, so thet the only choice they had was to kill any that fought. I liked this, it defines the reason Optimus killed both Megatron and Sentinal when he could
femme4jack chapter 2 . 11/17/2011
I think this chapter may very well be the strongest piece of writing I've seen from you. Amazing insight here, and, yes, just the resolve I can imagine in Prime when faced with the horrors of a city, and its children, attacked without mercy.

I really love the part about Prime acting rather than reacting, and his musings on Sentinel going the way of Unicron in his desire to be a God. Also, the Wrecker's function as bodyguards to the Prime is fabulous. I want this as my head canon now.
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