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Author has written 9 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, and Transformers. Name/s: Charlotte, Lotte, Lotte-Bubbles, Lot. Age:...This is the internet, I'm not scared of stalkers, but I'm not stupid. Sexuality: I enjoy sitting on the fence when it comes to this matter, I've tried sticking to a side but I am drawn to both. In plain english, I'm Bi-Sexual. I Live in Australia, more to a point, Queensland, I love to talk to people about almost anything. And as stated, I'm not scared of getting stalkers, if so BRING THEM ON! -Yes, I am really that lonely. XD Bio-A.K.A Random ness about Author. I'm into transformers, if you hadn't already guessed, I love the Movieverse version of the story line, but I also love generation 1 though not as whole heartedly. But still a great deal. I'm enjoying watching Transformers Prime and I've seen small bits of Transformers:Animated on youtube but nothing properly. I dable in fanficiton when the mood strikes me and I am quite fond of the Movie Mechs, Bumblebee, Ironhide,Ratchet, Jazz and Prime, as they were the first five I was introduced to. I support transformers slash in all the varying degrees that it takes, and I will mark anything I write that has slash. I believe that the very fact the tranformers are sentient means they feel the need for friendship, love romance and all other emotions in between. I am known on occasion to dable with Decepticons but I am much more comfortable with Autobots, and I'm very much, first and foremost a Autobot Supporter. I love the fact I saw Dark Of The Moon Before anyone in the USA, it brings me much braging joy- not that I brag all that often. I am always open for discussions with other fans, drop me a PM any time. Interesting facts, I'm one of those seemingly rare in real life, but over populating the internet things- A Fangirl. I'm not a fan from the original cartoon at first, I'm one of those Teenagers who found the fandom becuase of Michael Bay, so please don't send me messages about how much you hate him, becuase I don't. I like cars! Even just as cars, without the whole Transformers bit going on- I am a massive Top Gear fan, and I love GT3 and GT4 and I'm a pretty damned good driver with and without the wheel and pedel set up. Something new as of late, I've created a alien race- why? I was bored okay, didn't mean to but they took hold and I'm currently doing up the referance and looks sheets, and going about finding artists from willing to do A) Point commissions or B) Just a awesome person wanting something interesting to draw. Enough of my random faffing on about my 'woe is me' love life, or lack there of. Onto the important things, OH! And When I think of any more interesting things I shall tell you. Heartless Chibi on Devaint Art made My Mascot for me! Isn't it cute?I am in love! If you're wondering, Bubbles is the Bunnyt, come hat that's eating Lotte=D Got around to doing this BUT I have something to tell anyone reading this thing, I have a fic with me as the OC The Amazing Mrs. Optimus Prime, wrote a story a little while back, its is call Alien Love http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5360506/1/Alien_Love I was surprised(pleasantly) to find out that she wrote this for me, with me in mind after I expressed my love of a story written also by her- it pays to review people! Disclaimer for all I write: I don't own it. If you recongnise it chances are I don't own it. I do not make any money or profit from my writings, I do it for fun. Disclaimer About Two Worlds Collide My Story, Two Worlds Collide is set in a AU universe that is as I write this(29/06/11) unfinished, it was created by Hearts of Eternity/Thorn Queen in her War Eternal stories (something that every Transformers fan should read at one point or another) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE realised that while this story may be set in a twisted version of her world. It is in no way shape or form ANYTHING to do with the official story she has and is still writing. I have been (by what luck I don’t know) been allowed to do this. It does not mean you can. I asked. I checked. But even though I’m allowed to set it in my own twisted version, realise - and I must stress this – This isn’t a tie in to anything she has ever written. It does nothing for the amazing Universe she has created. I’m just playing with a different version of it. I would like to thank the wonderful author of the War Eternal Stories, Hearts of Eternity. The Femmes Flamewar, Roulette and Nightbird, as depicted in this story don’t belong to me…can I make that clear. I Do Not Claim that there backstory and characterisation that appears in this story is of my own making. Also, any behaviour that doesn’t fit with the War Eternal stories is my own doing and nothing (again) to do with the real stories--They Belong to the Amazing Hearts of Eternity. Hopefully that bit about who it belongs to is convered. For a much better and in depth view of these femmes and amazing stories for the most well known and loved(and sometimes lesser known and loved) bots take a look at one of the many fics that will blow you away with detail are love and care gone into it please look her up. It is worth every second you spend reading it. Disclaimed Number two and Information about the world in:Airborn Madness Cybertronian sparks need to feed on organic energy obtained through the sensations, emotions, and perceptions of sentient organics. Socket ‘verse/POV/DDG was created by femme4jack, aniay and gatekat on LJ. I’m playing in their sandbox with permission. More Socket ‘verse/POV/DDG stories are at Please remember, their sandbox, not mine. Nothing I write directly effects the universes created/still being created by the amazing Authors. If It's Mine You'll Know It. Key thing. Ask First. Holoform referances for Aerialbots in my stories alone. Fireflight: http:///rosscollins Air Raid: http:///mrbrisco Skydive: http:///biggfreemo Slingshot: http:///Norestahl Silverbolt: http:///Wollam Hair colours are the same unless otherwise stated. A shot of Emma from Airborn Madness http:///gallery/#/d41fvyy She is one of the few I am proud to call a true friend and my Honorary Twin Sister and the one who indulges me with far too many amazing artworks^_^ The Best I can do is Write my Two Worlds Collide Story and hope she loves it!! Some random thing I found roaming fanfiction A: Hot C: A Great Kisser H: Easy to fall in Love with A: Hot R: Good Girlfriend L: Smile to Die for O: Has one of the best Personalities ever T: A very good kisser T: A very good kisser (I think the universe is telling me somethingXD) E: Has gorgeous eyes One question oh mystical name thingy...why If, I'm a great kisser, make a good Girlfriend, have a pretty smile, gorgeous eyes, I'm hot and easy to fall in love with...WHY Am I still freakin single... |