So I finally decided to make an Ironhide story. Because honestly, I loved this guy right after the moment Mojo 'lubricated' right on his foot. Weird, huh?
I'm sure some readers of my Bumblebee stories are thinking 'Julia Lennox'?
Yes, I'm using the same name from my other stories because why? I have no creativity and honestly (again), I like that name. I'm also using the fact that she's William Lennox's daughter, just like from my other stories. Again, why? I repeat, no creativity.
But anyways, I hope this story will turn out okay.
I don't own Transformers. I do own some of the plots and Julia.
EDIT: Wow. Thank you, first 2 reviewers, for telling me about the double-up.
Home. Never thought I would see that again. I could only dream of being home.
I leaned back in my seat and sighed deeply as I watched the ground approach slowly outside my window. A loud voice emitted from a few speakers located here and there, but it was drained out by the sounds of people talking and infants crying.
For love of all that is good and decent, get me off this plane…
After being shoved back and forth, between a few fat people and a bunch of crabby ladies with overly tired babies, I was off that personal Hell with wings. My backpack was located on my back as I carried a duffle bag in my hand.
I wonder what was the most hours someone contained their sanity on plane with crying children sitting behind them?
I made my way over to the Airport's parking lot, then something dawned over me.
"Crap…Dad didn't tell me what his freakin' car looked like." I grumbled out loud as I smacked my forehead with my free hand. I had called my dad before I got on my trip to hell- I mean plane. I called him to tell him that I was returning home and he insisted that he would pick me up at the Airport parking lot. It was a nice gesture, but it would have been nicer if he told me what his car looked like.
Maybe I should've told him I'll catch a cab…
"Let's just hope he's looking for me." I sighed before venturing around the parking lot.
What seemed like 7 hours, was only 5 minutes as I wandered around the parking lot. I was about ready to lose the remaining bits of my sanity when I spotted something out of the ordinary.
Hell, seeing this beast might've meant that I've already lost the rest of my sanity. The owner of the monster wasn't present, so I got a closer look at it. It was a huge, charcoal black, GMC Topkick. Being the car-fanatic I am, I've seen my fair share of vehicles, but this hit the limit beyond 'fair share'. This thing was huge, which I think I have mentioned before. I was an average height for my age, but I wasn't tall enough to reach the side-view mirrors mounted on the side of the truck. Even if I tip-toed, I wouldn't be able to touch the mirror with the top of my head. But the size of this truck wasn't the only thing that caught my eye. The fact that this thing had smoke stacks mounted on the back of the cab was enough to catch anyone's eye.
"Damn, since when did Big-Foot get a truck…?" I asked in a hushed tone as I circled the truck. I've seen actual Monster-Trucks up close before, but none of them were ever this intimidating. I couldn't put my finger on it, this truck was beyond intimidating and I couldn't explain why. This truck just gave off a strange presence, either that or I have been on that plane for too long. I pushed that feeling to the side as I approached the tailgate.
"Now what kind of an emblem is this…?" I asked to no one in particular again. There was a strange face like symbol engraved on the back of the truck. It was like…a robotic cat face or something. I was tempted to run my free hand over it before someone tapped me on the shoulder. My heart skipped a beat, thinking that it was the owner of the truck. I thought it was going to belong to some big buff ex-trucker man or some little lady that doesn't seem like the type to own a truck. I turned around.
"I knew you would find your way over to the truck without me standing next to it." An older man smiled at me.
Okay, so it wasn't a big buff ex-trucker guy. Or a little lady. But he sure didn't seem like the type to own a truck like this. Oh, and he wasn't Big-Foot either.
"Dad!" I smiled before comprehending what he just told me. "Wait, so you drove this, THIS-" I motioned to the black monster behind me. "Beast, here?"
"Nah, I just walked here." My dad gave me a sarcastic look. "Of course I drove it."
"So this is your truck? Like, the family's truck?" I was still trying to make sure that this truck belonged to my family.
"Well, yes and no." Oh great, now he's trying to confuse me. "Yes, it is like the family's truck but at the same time, it's not ours."
"…So what you're trying to say is…?" I didn't know what he was trying to say.
"That this truck is um…" He rubbed the back of his neck. "It's from a friend of mine. From the military."
"Oh…kay." Slowly, I was getting what he was saying.
"So yeah, c'mon kiddo, let's get goin'. I'll do more explaining on the way home, 'kay?" He put his arm around my shoulder and brought me over to the passenger's side.
Home. Who knew that one word had so much meaning?
We made it over to the side of the truck. Damn, I needed a friggin' ladder to get in this truck. Before I jumped in front, I opened the back seat door and threw my stuff in the back. I knew that I was going crazy when I swore I heard the truck grunt. Okay, so the truck was making noises…Yup, I spent one too many hours on that plane, so I'm officially hearing things. I slammed the back door closed and again, I heard that same grunting noise. I pushed that to the side as I climbed into the front passenger's seat.
After hauling my ass up into the seat, I felt like I needed a nap. So this is what hiking feels like.
I strapped the seatbelt securely around me until I heard the reassuring click. Call me crazy, but did the belt just get tighter for a moment? Nah, maybe I just pulled all the slack and it had one of those safety things. Like the ones where you pull all the slack, and once you let go, the belt won't budge. But whatever, didn't bother me…much.
"So Julia, ready to be home again?" My dad asked as he started up the engine.
"Been ready ever since I left it." I gave him a reassuring smile. So I had been away for a while, working with the military. I was a computer technician. I was recruited a few years ago, when I was 17 and now I'm 20. So I had been gone for a span of 3 years. Yeah, I missed home.
"That's good to hear, y'know, you've got a little sister now." My dad looked at me while he was driving. Hey…he's a pretty good driver if he can do that…
"Yup, mom told me. Annabelle, right? Can't wait to see her. Let's hope she didn't get your fat head though." I laughed.
"I know, right? Then she was would have a fat head like me and you." He counter-attacked my joke. Wow, being away from home, you sure miss a lot of things.
"Wow dad, since when were you good a back-sassing my back-talk?" I calmed my laughter.
"Oh believe me, I picked up a few things from some of the Auto-… Guys back at base." He stuttered for a moment before quickly picking up his sentence again. Auto-Guys? Did he mean mechanics?
"Auto-Guys? …Are you talking about mechanics?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah. Mechanics, they like…work with the machinery and the military's vehicles an' stuff." My dad laughed nervously. No duh they work with machinery and stuff, they're mechanics.
"No kiddin'? I've heard rumors that mechanics do that kind of stuff." I shook my head as I rolled my eyes and laughed. My dad just sighed before laughing with me.
Haha. Auto-Guys.
Chapter previews are on my profile! Be sure to go and take a look for the next chapter!
Thanks for reading!