Author has written 86 stories for Alias, House, M.D., Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Firefly, Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, True Blood, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Avatar, Bones, Doctor Who, Inception, Nikita, Misfits, 2009, Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Once Upon a Time, Legion, and Game of Thrones. "Storytelling is magic, I think. Changing the way people think-- the way they see the world-- just by words and nothing else." -Martin Thole, "Fireside Tales" from Lucifer, by Mike Carey. Because if we writers, like artists of any kind, aspire to a small glimmer of immortality, then surely it's a measure of our success in that quest when we create a world other writers want to inhabit on their own. Steve Anderson, "Why I Play With Other People's Toys: A Fan Fiction Manifesto" I Have Gone Out. Thanks to everyone who has read for your interest and support in this story; for your comments, positive, negative, inquisitive; and for the time you've spent playing in Sookie's world with me. I have moved on to work on original fiction as well as occasional dalliances with other fandoms. If discipline and inspiration conspire to help me finish this story, you'll be second to know, just after my brilliant beta-reader. For now, the discordant cliffhanger of chapter 30 is all I have to offer. If any writers out there are stricken with the crazy notion to see the story through, please do so with my blessing and great interest. This is fan fiction after all. It's what we do. |