![]() Author has written 49 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Transformers/Beast Wars, Twilight, Transformers, Vampire Academy, Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Vampire Hunter D, and Ghost and Mrs. Muir. September 11, 2013 First off I would like to have a moment of silence for on this day 12 years ago the Twin towers were hit. Now, I have recently, actually a few moments ago made a page on facebook. I'm going to put the site on here you can like it if you like I'll be posting on there more to let everyone know what is going on and what stories I'm currently working on and you can type your ideas on the page as well or requests...and about requests, if it has a good plot I will write a full length story, but if I can't think of anything to write it'll most likely be a one shot. Since I'm out of school I have more time to write. So...Here's the site hopefully fanfiction doesn't bleep it out. https://www.facebook.com/mrsoptimusprimefanfiction September 2, 2013 Okay, great news to everyone, I am finally graduated from college WOOT! I am currently in search of a job which I'm hoping to get one soon, and if that's the case the writing may become a little less frequent. But right now I'm at my part time job at Kohl's *twirls finger in the air* yay...but hey it brings home the dough. So as you guys have noticed, there are a few fics that I have deleted simply because it's not going anywhere, I have no inspiration for the fics, and I have so much more writing and stories to do. So with those few fics gone I can focus on a few more fics that I can write and not get stuck on...hopefully. As for Til Death Do Us Part, I know chapter 3 is a repeat of chapter 4...I do not know how that happened I'm still trying to get the fic off my old computer and put it up...but until then chapter 3 will be chapter 4 for the time being, unless I remember how chapter 3 went and if anyone has chapter 3 somewhere I'd greatly appreciate if someone could give me a copy. This way my OCD won't keep bugging me about that story. I recently just acquired Microsoft Student Office (it's the cheapest one) so now I can write a lot of fics which hopefully will start booming again like they did when I was in high school and early college. Please enjoy! Okay so instead of just not updating on here anymore because of Wattpad, I'll continue with my fanfics on here and work on both over on Wattpad with my fanfics and original works. Hi! Welcome to my profile! I am Mrs. Optimus Prime! I've been on here since March 29, 2006 and yes in case you haven't noticed I keep updating my profile. One reason is because I have a hard time trying to figure out how to really write it. LOL! So here I go just typing anything on top of my head and letting you see the real me. I do not hide myself being on line like some people do, what you read about me is who I am in real life. As you can see I am a huge Transformers fan, I've been on since I can remember. Yes I've had my fallen out of interest from time to time, but right now my inspiriation has really increased and I've been writing a lot, not updating as much as I would like to, but...I'm updating so you gotta give me credit for that. Being a full time college student and working part time is hard enough as it is trying to keep up with stories to write. I am also going to school to be a geologist, I just sent an e-mail out to a company called Terracon XD and hopefully I'll be able to intern there. I'd laugh very hard if that place has transformers there. *sighs* Yes I'm a little looney but who isn't? I mean this is me being normal. I've tried being boring but I really did get bored so I'm always being my normal. :) But anyways, if there is anything you want to ask me at all don't be afraid. I do take requests for stories but do not get mad if I don't update them when you want. I do have a waiting list of stories that is in the process and one will be uploaded when I finish a story, or if I feel like actually posting it at that time with tons of ideas rolling in my mind (which happens a lot) I love making friends on this site, its where I have met most of my close friends such as Mistress Megatron, The Jaxter, Bubblicious Genius, AlexisOptimus, Never Ending Illusions, EvilBlackBunny. So, don't be afraid to contact me, I'm just like every other human being very down to earth. I respond to all my messages I get in my inbox on here. Huge Transformer fan in case you couldn't tell. I was at the midnight showing for Transformers: Dark of the Moon and was talking to a guy who was a teenager from the 80's and was a huge Transformer fan. We talked for 4 hours about Transformers and I beat him in knowing the most about them. I was called the true TransFan that night which made my heart swell. As well as my obsession of transformers go I do enjoy a lot of other fan fiction. My new kick right now is True Grit, I watched the new movie and just fell in love with the whole thing all over again. John Wayne's version was good and so is Jeff Bridges. The pairing I like best with True Grit is Mattie Ross and Rooster Cogburn. They are a cute couple weather they're just like a father daughter relationship or puppy love, something about them two just fit. John Wayne Rooster Cogburn did say, she reminds him of himself when he was young. Family on FFN Mistress Megatron - sister (oldest friend I have on here closest friend I have as well) Bubblicious Genius - sister (she's my twin...I mean we are almost exactly alike its scary) The Jaxter - sister (Jazz loving always there for me thick and thin) Never Ending Illusions - sister (Mirage sweet loving friend) Pet Peeves When writing stories make sure you have the characters correct. Such as Optimus Prime...some people have him crying, only in certain points will Optimus get that emotional and even then he wouldn't do it in front of his men. Please mary sues are just horrible someone who constantly has to be saved and always get into trouble? They're not worth my time reading and if I do read one you're lucky I don't review. Also...please do not call me hun! I hate that name with a passion. My cousin calls me that (who is younger than me# and I tell her to stop or else. Pet names aren't for me. The only petnames I like are girl or woman #Mistress Megatron calls me woman when I don't answer her IM messages.) Memo to all fans out on FFN if an author tells you an idea they have in mind...do not ever and I mean EVER assume you will be one of the OC's and start spitting out ideas to the author, this really pisses them off. Its their story so you need to wait to see whats going to happen. The only time that is acceptable is when the author and you are writing a story together. Plus this is an on-line site where you write stories and meet new people. People have lives! Flamers I do support flamers people have to have a rude awakening, just like someone who thinks they can sing. Simon Cowell would tell you what he thought even if it hurt the person. There is a reason this site is for 13 year olds and older. Stories in pre-production Numbers show which order I update. #requests will be mixed in with the rest of my stories to be soon written.) Your Blood is All I Want- a girl is being hunted down by a vampire. She doesn't know why he won't kill any other until she is gone. She runs to Tranquility where she runs into the Autobots. She tells them her story and thinking she's crazy at first, but when they see the vampire Optimus vows to protect her at all cost. Galvatron- Based on the story line of Sweeney Todd. When Starscream the judge sees his master Megatron with a femme he likes he will go beyond limits to get what he wants. After 15 years Megatron wants revenge as Galvatron. All About Good Looks- KnockoutxOC summary still in the process. Request from Princess Thil Galel Blast From the Past- Optimus meets a little girl after Mission City. Years later he comes across her again but something bad happened to her. Now he has to help her. My Spark Beats Only For You- This is a request from AlexisOptimus and this will be my first and probably last slash fic I ever write. OptimusxIronhide. Within My World- This is going to be a Dracula fic. How Dracula is described is based off the new musical coming out to broadway. Dracula has lived through many more centuries and has taken on a new alias known as Bartholomew Rothbar a teacher in a high school teaching English and the well known novel Dracula. But one year when a student is in his class she reminds him of someone he had known before...someone he actually fell in love with and wanted to spend his whole undead life with, Lucy Westenra. (this may not happen, we'll see) Your Spark Belongs to Me- This is a sequel to As Long As Your Mine. Angeletta is now a Decepticon in a transformers body. She and Megatron share a love that is out of this world. When the Decepticons and Autobots meet again in battle Jetfire sees her and tries to figure out who she is. He believes Angeletta is dead. Illegal Experiment- Galloway takes in a young adult and tricks her into signing off her life to become an experiment Transformers. When she finds out what happened to her she longs to kill Galloway. She runs into the Autobots and tell them her story. Galloway resigns from his post and is now one of the most wanted men in the country. Untitled- Galloway found a transformer artifact that was able to protect them during a crisis time. He touched it and a large wave went around the world. All transformers, Autobots and Decepticons alike have become human. A prophetised human female steals the artifact and is confronted by Megatron and his Decepticons along with Optimus and his Autobots. The war for the Cybertronians have now changed. The one who wins will be the ones who have become Transformers again. The human does not know what they had gotten herself into. An Unexpected Bond- A Rooster Cogburn and Mattie Ross story. Mattie Ross has to cope having one arm as Rooster comes back to check on her only to see that she has accomplished so much since he last seen her. Match Made in Flight- Adromeda Starling was in a fight with a gang when all hope seemed lost an unlikely hero comes to her aid and takes her in under his wing...literally. Adromeda StarlinigxStarscream Request by Robothorse Just One Last Dance- This is going to be my first Beauty and the Beast fic where Adam (the Prince) has been turned into human because of Belle, the same old lady who turned him into a beast comes around again. This time he allows her in and she grants the couple one wish, Belle and Adam look at each other deciding what to wish for, Belle already has something in mind but will Adam agree to it? TRANSFORMERS COPY AND PASTE THIS ONTO YOUR PROFILE!! l=lVl=l vs. l\ .M. /l 1) Your favorite Transformer/s Optimus Prime and Ironhide 2) What would you do if you met him/her? I'd probably try to act normal but end up acting goofy or I'd end up fainting. 3) What do you think he/she would think of you? Probably see me as unique from the rest of the crowd 4) What music do you think he/she would like to listen to? Classical music because I don't think he'd like anything too loud. 5) What would be the most weirdest thing you see him/she do? Dancing 6) Who is your favorite Autobot? Optimus Prime! 7) Who is your favorite Decepticon? Probably Megatron or Knock Out. 8) Who is your least favorite Autobot? Hotshot He's so freaking annoying! 9) Who is your least favorite Decepticon? Brawl 10) What would your favorite Autobot and Decepticon do if they met each other? They'd fight to the death like they'd always do. 11) Who is your favorite transformer couple? Well...I guess I'll choose either Optimus PrimexElita One or Optimus PrimexArcee 12) If you could give your favorite transformer a nickname what would it be? Oppie 13) What side would you choose to be on? Autobots, I refuse to fight with the Decepticons. 14) Do you have a transformer OC? Yes, Lunaflare, but I don't know if I've used her in a story yet. If not she will be in a story Mistress Megatron and I will be writing. 15) If you could transform into a vehicle what would it be? Jet because I love flying! The Transformers version of irony: Optimus Prime transforms into a Peterbuilt truck, and is voiced by a man called Peter Cullen. The front half of a truck is sometimes called the Prime mover. WARNING!! 25 SIGNS OF A RABID TRANSFORMERS FANGIRL!! 1. Can recite the entire movies from memory. (1=hell yeah 2=yep 3= not yet cuz I have only seen it once, 1 is me) 2. Can tell you what Autobot is fastest, toughest and smartest and can give you exact specs. (My frineds hate it when I do that) 3. Always has tabs on the best Autobot fanfiction, wallpaper and apparel. 4. Gets into accidents on the off chance Ratchet might pick her up. (Yup!) 5. Whenever she leaves home yells ROLL OUT!! (Yup!) 6. Will stare out their car window as a Camaro, Peterbuilt Semi, Pontiac Solstice, GMC Topkick, or Hummer drives by. (YEEEEESSS!) 7. Dreams transformer pairings. (YES) 8. Wishes that her phone was an Autobot and would name it after a fallen Autobot. (YES) 9. Has used movie quotes to finish her sentences. (Beeen doing that since I can remember) 10. Cusses like Ironhide, Ratchet, or the Twins. (no one questions me, surprisingly) 11. Makes refrences to Transformers in every school subject. (yeah) 12. Wishes that Wheeljack could help blow up some certain people. (Could it be Ironhide?) 13. Immediately snaps awake from sleep when someone says something about Transformers. (one time I did that and made my frineds scream) 14. Sings the Transformers theme in the shower, on the way to school, and on the way home just to annoy her brother. (not to annoy him, just to do it cuz I like the songs) 15. Gives her friends labels as some of the Autobots. (Yup, or Decepticons) 16. Gives her enemies labels as some of the Decepticons. (...no...my least favorite characters) 17. Wishes she could use a double plasma cannon on her brother. (Yeah I can say that. :D) 18. Has posters of her favorite Transformers. (Oh yeah) 19. Reads wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many fan-fictions about these guys. (have you seen my favorites) 20. Has her username having to deal with Transformers. (YEP!) 21. Listens to a song and then immediately thinks of a Transformer. (yes) 22. Pairs the TFs with other TFs because it's fun. (all the time# 23. Squeals at the sight of a Police car and thinks of Barricade. #nope I think it's Prowl# 24. acts and pretends to be a transformer constantly. #yes, what transfan doesn't# 25. Thinks every electronic device she owns is a Transformer. #most are cons# "You will never stop at one. I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!" Optimus Prime "The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how they love them while they're alive." Optimus Prime |