Casey Jones and April O'neal sat with their good friends, who happened to be, teenage mutant ninja turtles, and a large mutant rat. They laughed happily eating pizza and being what they were, a large, dysfunctional (to say the least) family. Casey and April enjoyed the company but didn't drop by for no reason. They had a special request. April cleared her throat.

"Hey guys?" Every one turned to her, "I-we have a favor to ask."

"Sure, what is it?" The ever curious Michelangelo asked.

"Did I ever tell you guys I had sister?" Casey said, the Turtles shook their heads no. "Well I do, she lived with me for a while before I met you guys, then moved in with her boyfriend in California."

"How old is she?" Leonardo asked.

"About seventeen now." Casey shrugged, he didn't seem to pleased with the current conversation.

"You let her move in with a guy across the country at sixteen? Some brotha' you are." Raph stated.

"It was stupid okay! I know already...anyways, her boyfriend went all berserk on her, and she's comin' back to NY."

"What does that have to do with us?" Donatello asked.

"We'll get to that later, "April said, a concerned look on her face. "I have sisters too, three of them and Their also flying in, they were living with my mom in Florida...but there were...complications."

"They all went missing two months ago, and came back a week later, they said weird stuff has been happening ever since." Casey said.

"What we really wanted to know was, if they could stay with you guys...for just a little while." April asked.

"Why is it so important that they stay here?" Donnie asked.

"Well, we need someone to look after them, you know keep them out of trouble...well mostly Casey's sister...but I don't know what My sisters are capable of." April seemed worried.

"Look we just need you to run some tests, keep an eye out, and make them feel comfortable." Casey said. He looked to Splinter who nodded.

"We will honor these girls and do our best to help."

"Thank you, Splinter." Casey said, with true gratefulness. April smiled.

"Well, we must get going. The girls will be here in about two see you then, and thanks very much!"

April and Casey made their way out, and walked towards their home. The four turtles all sat there in deep thought, Mikey was first to break the silence.

"Do you think they're hot?" He said with a grin. Raph sighed and hit him up side the head.

"Doesn't matter. They're human girls. Human girls don't date giant turtles." Raph said.

"You never know dude!" Mikey said.

"My sons, I am going to get as much rest as possible...eight teenagers in one place..." He said with a tired sigh already. "I will be meditating."