Of course – not like you didn't expect this – we have a M chappie here. If you don't care for this kind of thing…well what are you doing reading my Alice stories? LOL
A Case of Nerves
Chapter 3
Alice held still, hovering above him. She had never been so intimately close to a man, yet impulses invaded her mind and it was a struggle not to follow through. Move closer, fingers touching, eyes wide, lips wet…giving in she leaned down and kissed him softly. He lay so completely still that Alice began thinking of excuses for her behavior. At worst, she could tell him it was how all people from her world thanked each other. After a few painfully long seconds Alice began to pull away, disappointed that the Hatter had not returned her kiss. Yet as she pulled away, his lips followed. As she began to lift herself off of him, his hands moved from her waist to her back and kept her pressed tight against his body. As her eyes flittered close, the kiss deepened and Alice released the breath she had been holding.
She tasted like tea. Strawberries and tea. Strawberries, tea, scones, lavender…and Alice. She simply tasted as he thought she would…all Alice-y. When she had first kissed him he hadn't been sure if it was really happening. But as she pulled away he realized that he wanted more. Needed more. His lips chased after hers and his hands moved to trap her to him. As her small mouth moved delicately against his, Hatter licked at her bottom lip, lost in the sensations that fogged his brain. Feeling her sigh and rest her weight upon him brought on a wave of desire so strong he saw no other way to overcome it but to move against her. He was growing hard. He had never experienced this stirring so often as he had over the past few days and it always had happened while thinking of her.
The movements of his hips against hers was driving her quite mad. A restlessness shot through her hands and she seemed to have the need to touch all of him at once. First in his hair, surprisingly softer than it looked. Then to his face, a contrast of rough and smooth. His shoulders and arms were strong, she felt so safe and yet there was a danger building inside. A delicious danger that spiraled into her being. All her nerves were relaxing and tightening at once. Gone were the thoughts and dilemmas of earlier, only one focus remained and he was right below her.
"Alice…" his voice was rough with want as he moved his hands to her long hair, to her head and face. As her eyes focused on his, he saw them widen and chuckled, surely his eyes were a deeper shade, she had brought out an intensity that was usually reserved for his mad outbursts. "Alice, love, I can noe take much more, ye must let me know if we should stop…"
A smile crept onto her face as she realized that he was giving her a chance to back away, to step back from the edge they had danced along. Slowly she moved off of him, careful not to hurt as she moved her leg there, her foot here, and sat next to him on the floor. She watched as he lay staring at the ceiling for a moment before moving himself, her eyes drawn to the swell in his trousers that she was sure was not there earlier.
He did not want her to see his disappointment, he had given her the choice after all. So he lay still, calming his own breathing as she sat there looking at him. A blush ran down his body as he moved to sit and then, still not meeting her gaze, to stand and turn away from her. Perhaps she had simply lost herself in a moment. Time was tricky that way and he didn't want her to feel bad about it. Perhaps she did not realize how real dreams could become…
"Hatter?" Alice slowly stood and moved toward him. She had moved off of him for several reasons, but to have him leave was not one of them. To move to a more comfortable space, to breathe, to smile and enjoy the site of him. Her fingers moved to his shoulders and ran down his arms finally coming to rest intertwined with his own. She was mentally exhausted. Not only was she trying to comprehend the odd world around her, the duty everyone expected from her but the attraction she felt for Tarrant had been growing steadily and Alice just wanted to give in. One thing she could control. She stood on her toes and gently kissed his neck, his shoulder, the back of his ear… "One of my only thoughts in moving off of you was…well wouldn't it be nicer to continue someplace…softer?"
Her soft breath tickled his ear and he inhaled deeply, relishing the electric shudder that shot down his spine. His fingers tightened against hers and he felt himself grow harder still, the longing for her igniting once again as she stated her intent. Looking over his shoulder at her, he drew her hands around his waist, pulling her fully against him.
"Yea, lass. Tha' would be very nice." Slowly he turned and smiled down at her, brushing strands of soft blond hair from her face. She leaned up and kissed him gently, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. Without losing his connection to her, he lifted her gently and carried her to the soft bed. It was his turn to cover her body and he wasted no time in un-belting her robe and moving it off of her shoulders.
Her fingers were just as busy as his, removing his bowtie – which had turned the same intense color as his eyes. Removing his shirt. Blushing as her fingers moved to his trousers, Hatter released a low growl against her neck where he was currently kissing her pale skin. He rose up suddenly and reached for the hem of her nightgown. Grinning as widely as the Cheshire, he lifted the garment up and off of her body, leaving her naked under his gaze. While not removing his eyes from her lovely body, Hatter reached for his trousers and practically tore them from his legs.
As he moved over her again, Alice felt her whole body begin to hum with excitement. His fingers left trails of fire where ever they touched and currently their track was further down her torso than even she had dared to explore. Yet one touch of his digits against her downy hair, her feminine opening and she was undone. Moving her hips off the bed, her eyes tightly shut and her lungs desperate for air, Alice screamed as one tip ghosted over a particularly sensitive spot. Clutching at his shoulders, scraping along his back, Alice gasped as the amazing ripples of satisfaction rolled over her.
Hatter laughed darkly as he watched her orgasm slip away. She was so very wet for him and he had not a shred of patience left. Slowly he slid the tip of his hard cock against her opening and pushed forward gently. Her hands gripped his arms so hard he was sure there would be marks left for days, but he was happy to have them. He continued on, moving in, deeper until he found her virginity and then gently pushed through until he was buried in her warmth.
Alice had only felt minimal pain when he had entered her, but it was certainly not the horror that her sister had described. The pleasure was far too intense and that same coil that had released only moments ago within her core began to tighten again. She reached for him, for even though he was inches away, supporting himself above her, he was too far for her liking. His chest felt grand against hers, the sparse hair tickling and teasing her breasts to distraction. As he moved she moved with him, setting a rhythm that felt primal, as old as the universe itself.
It wouldn't take much, wouldn't be long. Her tight walls squeezed him in a way that caused him to want both to be buried inside her longer and to move faster so he could experience the pressure again and again. Her legs wound around him and he lifted his hands to them, hitching her knees higher, changing the angle so he could move harder against her. He lifted his head from her shoulder to look for traces of pain and all he found was the bliss that matched his own. Her eyes half closed, mouth gulping in air, perspiration on her brow and her hair spread around her like a halo. His Alice. His champion.
Her second orgasm came not from the friction, not from the sight of his body going rigid, his member slamming against her deeper than before. It came from the sound he made. The erotic yell of release as he came inside her triggered her own scream. Completeness like she had never known blossomed in her chest and her heart stopped momentarily.
As his heart returned to its normal rhythm he gently removed himself from Alice and moved to her side. Slowly he stroked her hair, his rough fingers twisting in her curls, gliding over her sweet sweaty skin. He longed to ask her how she was feeling, if she was hurt, if she was going to be his forever, if she would mind if he followed her everywhere and anywhere. He wanted to pledge his heart to her, tell her he would fight in her place, tell her anything if she would just stay…
"I don't know if I can do this, Tarrant."
Her small voice trembled and he pulled her closer. His real name had tripped off of her lips and it was all he could do not to begin a new passionate scene.
"You can do it. I will be there, right at your side."