"I can't believe that you're going through with this! Last time someone from from Weasel Town came to visit they tried to kill you!" said Anna said to Elsa they walked to the main hall.

Anna had been going on about the wretched Weasel Towners to Kristoff for the past few weeks, ever since the King of Weasel Town's currier had arrived with the message that he would send an agent to them to offer his formal apology within a few weeks.

Anna had tried to tear the letter up then and there but Elsa, older and wiser sister that she was, intervened and said that they should at least give them the chance to come to Arendelle so she could let them know their opinion in person.

Elsa turned to Anna and raised an eyebrow. "And the past two times people from the Southern Isles came to visit attempts were made on our lives, albiet in dramatically different ways, and yet we still speak with them."

Anna blushed. Prince Hans was still something of a sore spot for her. "That's not the same! Hans was punished and his brothers apologized as soon as they could! In any case, how could we have expected an ice monster to show up and give Hans magic? Besides, when did Weasel Town ever apologize to us?"

A few weeks before, the Southern Isles had indeed apoligized, although since their apology had conincided with the arrival of the Wendigo, a North American monster drawn to Arendelle by Elsa's massive surge of magic, it had been a much more terrifing ordeal than it might otherwise have been; it only ended when Hans had been torn apart, burned to ashes and scattered to the winds. The original Wendigo itself had been reforged into an Ice Crown and that was then cast deep into the ocean.

"Well they're here now, and considering how meek they've all been I bet that's what they're trying to do," said Kristoff in an attempt to assail Anna's frustration.

"Indeed, though I too would like to hear the reason for Weselton's delayed response. Just because I've granted him an audience doesn't mean I'm sweeping their rudeness and the actions of the Duke under the rug," said Elsa as they arrived at the door.

Kai was waiting for them when they got there and give them a bow before opening it for them and entering to introduce them.

"Your Majesty, presenting Lord Derek, Baron of Weasel Town," said Kai as they walked to their various spots on the dais; Elsa sat in the modest throne while Anna sat in a smaller one a little lower on it than her.

Lord Derek was a muscular man, though it seemed that this was more due to an active life than because he tried to bulk up. He also had thick, dark hair and almost black eyes. He was dressed in a uniform similar to the Duke's, but while the Duke's seemed to be covered with medals, Lord Derek had only a set of pins in his lapels and a sash. Behind the Baron trailed a number of retainers, each of whom carried boxes of various sizes.

Lord Derek bowed to them. "Your Majesty, first allow me to thank you once again for letting my ship dock at your harbor, as I realize it would have been well within your rights to order us to sail off without another word."

"What she should have done, I still think," muttered Anna under her breath.

This got her an angry glance from Elsa, who then turned back and gave a distant smile to Lord Derek. "You are welcome. Now about your apology."

"Of course. Your Majesty, Weselton is deeply ashamed at the actions the former Duke undertook while he was here. We do not condone the actions he took against you in any form and has been disciplined accordingly. Our King had not realized that his fear of magic had taken such deep roots within his mind and as such you will not need to worry about any further such interactions with the former Duke."

"Former Duke?" asked Anna, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes. Once our King discovered that the Duke had made an attempt on Queen Elsa's life, his title and lands have been stripped from him and he has been sent to our southern allies so that he might learn proper manners," said Lord Derek, gesturing to the men behind him to come forward as he did so. "Furthermore, I have brought with me these gifts as a token to further demonstrate our sincerity. While these will not change what has happened, I hope that they do mark the beginning of the damage that has been wrought upon our two nations' bond of friendship. I know that in the past we have been allies and it is my hope that one day we will be so again."

The men began to pile up boxed gift after boxed gift beside Elsa's throne until it had become a veritable mountain of boxes. "I am aware that the former Duke's actions affected both you and your sister, Queen Elsa, so I have done my best to include among these gifts things that you both might find helpful. As I became aware of your additions to your court," Lord Derek said with a glance towards Olaf, "a few days before I left, there are also some things there for them. Forgive me if that was presumptuous." With that, Lord Derek stood at attention as he waited for a response.

It took them some time to take in the gifts. Weselton was not known for its generosity so they were a remarkable show of sorrow in and of themselves, but Elsa wasn't convinced. "That was a very pretty speech, Lord Derek, but I feel that it is overdue. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles tried to kill me and my sister as well in his attempt to ascend to the throne of Arendelle, yet they sent his eldest brother up here as soon as possible to begin their reparations. Why the delay from Weselton?"

Lord Derek bowed. "Forgive me your Majesty, but the lords and princes of the Southern Isles are young men, all eager to impress and ensure that their lands are prosperous and remain on good terms with their neighbors. Weselton, on the other hand, is for the most part filled with crotchety old men who value their pocket books and for whom change is a strange and alien beast. So when the old lords of Weselton do strive for action, they do not do it by half measures. I for one moved that we send someone at once, but I was but a one voice among a legion, and a young voice at that."

Elsa took this all in, then spoke. "The old men of Weselton strive for finance. The young men of the Southern Isles strive for good terms and prosperity. What then do you strive for, Lord Derek?"

"Peace. Nothing more and nothing less. The King and I are less concerned about trade than that the people of Weselton are not hurt because the Duke was a fool."

Elsa sat back in her throne and thought about this before responding. "Very well. I will think about what to do with you and your peace. Until then, remain with us and enjoy what Arendelle has to offer."

Lord Derek bowed once more and left with his men. Anna turned to Elsa. "Why didn't you just tell him to leave? That's all they deserve, considering what they tried to do to you! He even said that they were a bunch of greedy old windbags," she said as her voice filled with anger.

"He also said that he wasn't here to negotiate the reopening of trade, only to offer an apology and peace. I think that I will allow him to return with his peace, if nothing else," said Elsa.

"That didn't have nearly as much shouting as I thought it would." said Kristoff as he walked in from one of the side halls that lead to the throne room. He did a double take at the pile of boxes near the throne. "Did he seriously just leave a pile of bribes for you?"

Anna laughed at that. "It's the Weasel Town way, I bet. When at first you don't succeed, send someone with a pile of stuff to change their minds later."

"I'm not sure they're just expensive things, Anna. It looks likes Lord Derek might have spent some time deciding what to gift. Here Kristoff, this one's for you," said Elsa as she pulled out a long, thin box.

Kristoff shrugged and walked up to take the gift. He opened it to find a long, thin sword. There was also a note:

Kristoff: I heard from various sources how you raced back to the palace to save Anna and then tried to physically assault Prince Hans. While commendable, next time I suggest using the blade instead. I'd originally commissioned this from a Spanish sword-crafter by the name Domingo Montoya, but as the Consort to Princess Anna you will have more need of it than I. I have never used it, so you will be the first man after the crafter himself to wield it. I would be happy to offer you a few tips if you like, and I'm sure that Queen Elsa knows a blade master who could teach you the proper forms.

Do well.

Lord Derek, Baron of Weselton

Kristoff pulled the sword from its sheath and stared. He was no great judge of swords, but this looked like it was a few levels beyond the few he'd ever encountered. He swung it around a couple of times to test it out. It felt good.

When Kristoff looked up he found that both Elsa and Anna had each pulled out boxes of their own and were reading the notes within. Elsa had a box of exotic coffees and teas while Anna had pulled out a box of Chocolate that looked like it had every type in the world. Anna looked up when she noticed Kristoff looking at her and blushed. "I think that he might actually have written something for each box. How does he know so much about us?" She asked as she got out another box.

"He said they don't do things by half measures in Weselton. I guess that extends to bribes too," said Elsa as she set her coffees down and pulled out a dress made with white and blue silk. "I'm going to invite him to join us for dinner tonight," she said as she stood up to see how the dress might look on her.

"Dinner!" said Anna, horrified. "It's one thing for him to write a bunch of creepy notes, but now you want to him to join us for a private dinner?"

"Aren't you at all curious about the notes?" asked Elsa as she set the dress down. "Kai, have the servants move these to a more secure room so that we might go through them at our own leisure," she said to Kai before turning back to Anna. "I for one would like to know more about this Lord Derek, if for no other reason than to discover why he knows so much about us."

Anna moaned, but Kristoff nodded in agreement. "Might as well ask him while he's here instead of worrying about it forever."

"But a private dinner?" Anna asked again.

Elsa shrugged. "I'd rather learn why he knows about us in private instead of in front of the whole court. I'm sure that you don't want any personal secrets divulged to everyone here, hmm?"

Anna grumbled again, but nodded in agreement. "Alright, but that doesn't mean I have to like him."