A/N: No, I don't own Twilight or New Moon, or Eclipse, or anything else except my new zebra striped gym shoes and some chewing gum in the bottom of my purse. And if I DID own it, I wouldn't be letting you have any.
I told everybody that I wanted to make a fan fiction that was fresh and creative. Fresh and creative takes time and energy, so-- if you want to get me to update, send me a review. I require 20 reviews before a new chapter is posted.
Ok, so I was all like "Umm, I haven't gone on Fan Fiction in awhile" so I decided that in celebration of the arrival of Eclipse I would refresh, reconstruct, and reformat this story. I am now moving the time frame to right after Eclipse, so that it actually fits in with the story (gasp!).……………………………………………………………………………………………
"Rains not the problem," I grumbled. "It just means that its time to go do something that will be very unpleasant and possibly even highly dangerous."
His eyes widened in alarm.
"It's a good thing you're bulletproof." I sighed. "I'm going to need that ring. It's time to tell Charlie."
He laughed at the expression on my face. "Highly dangerous," he agreed. He laughed again and then reached into the pocket of his jeans. "But at least there is no need for a side trip."
He once again slid my ring into place on the third finger of my left hand.
Where it would stay- conceivably for the rest of eternity.
As we turned into the drive way I took in a deep breath and Edward gave me a peck on the cheek and a small smile before getting out of the car and coming to my door. He helped me out and then we walked to the house, hand in hand.
I was about to stick my key in when Charlie opened the door. I walked inside first, not letting go of Edward's hand. Charlie started to talk even before I got in. "Well you were out late; you know it's almost midnight. Oh," he said, stiffening as Edward walked in after me.
"Hello Charlie, how was the game tonight?" He smiled and gave my hand a small squeeze.
"Ah, Edward… it was… good." Charlie had been trying to turn over a new leaf with Edward, and this included returning all the pleasantries that Edward had been feeding him since we got back from Italy.
"Excellent, well…" Edward advanced toward the living room with me in tow.
"Hey, dad, I was wondering, could we, er, speak with you?" I questioned, flinching at my formality and tone.
Charlie turned to look at me, his eyes wary. "Uh, sure Bells, what's up?"
I surveyed his expression before responding. "Uhm, well, how about we all sit down, ok?" I sat and tugged Edwards's hand. He sat next to me on the big loveseat, putting his arm over my shoulder.
I took a deep breath and looked Charlie straight in the face. "Dad, we just wanted to let you know tha-"
Charlie cut me off before I could continue. "Bella, what is that on your hand?" he questioned, suddenly very alert.
I stiffened. "That's what I came to talk about, see, Edwa-" I trailed off, seeing Charlie's expression. His face was a mix of sudden realization and livid disbelief. If I wasn't as unnerved then it would have been comical.
"I should have known it would have happened sooner rather than later." He sat down on the couch on the large armchair on the far side of the room, and after a long pause I realized that he was waiting for an explanation.
"Charlie, we just… we…. we wanted you to be the first one to know," I stuttered. Charlie looked at me, his face still held the strange expression. "I know that you don't approve of Edward after he left, but you know it wasn't his fault! Carlisle- Dr. Cullen- got a job in… in wherever it was, and he had to go!" I was getting hysterical, and I was forgetting the fine details of the official reason of the Cullen's absence.
Charlie opened his mouth, and closed it again. After a second he opened it again, and said, quieter this time, "But he left so quickly, he left you in the woods, you… and he was… gone… and what about Jacob?" he said the last part a little louder, a little more confident now.
"No, I went into the woods on my own, it was me. And don't bring up Jacob. This isn't about him, it's about me and Edward. And I have reminded you before, and I will remind you again, I am a legal adult. I can get married with or without your permission." I choice my words carefully, and they paid off. His face fell almost instantly, and in a very quiet voice he said,
"You might be a legal adult now, but you're still my Bells, and I would feel really terrible if you ran off and did the thing that I did. I don't want you to make the mistakes that I made. Please. For me." He said the last part with an almost hopeful expression on his face. But it didn't sway me.
Not that much at least.
I put on my brave face and said, "Charlie, I didn't come to negotiate. I came to see if you would give us your blessing." I watched as his face fell in defeat. "And I- no, we-" I squeezed Edwards hand "want to see you at the wedding. I want you to walk me down the aisle, and be happy for me, knowing that this is what I want."
He sat, unsure of how to proceed. Finally he got up, and took two steps toward us. He held out his hand, and Edward stood and shook it.
"Thank you so much, Charlie. I can assure you that I will take the very best of care of her."
"You'd better," He mumbled and, deciding to let the conversation take the best possible course, he gave a small chuckle.
"Well, I'd better be getting home, Charlie, thanks so much. I know Esme and Carlisle will be thrilled to hear the good news." He gave me a small wink and walked out into the now drizzling night.
I walked up to my room in a daze, after kissing Charlie on the cheek and saying goodnight. I got into my best pajamas and brushed my teeth, before going back into my room.
Edward swept me up into a tight embrace and pulled us toward the bed. "Congratulations on your now public engagement, can I ask who the lucky man is?" he smiled my favorite half smile.
"Mike Newton, duh." I kidded, and kissed him again.
"Nah, the word around the town is that it's you and Tyler."
"Oh, is it?" I asked while he kissed my jaw. "Because I heard the craziest rumor of all!"
"Mmm?" he murmured, still kissing.
"That dark and mysterious Edward Cullen." I gave a small laugh at my description before adding "but falling for that kind of guy only happens in fairytales and stuff."
"Good thing we're not in one of those" and then, before I could respond, he started to kiss me full on the lips.
Okay, so everybody must review!!! 20 or nothin'.