Epilogue: Uptown Girls

On an ordinary Monday afternoon, four teenage girls sat around a posh little table in a high-class coffee shop sipping their drinks and making eyes at the hot waiter that attended them. They were the image of perfect families, big houses and snobby personalities, and they new it.

Gloria King, the unofficial 'leader' of the group was tall, blonde and gorgeous, with green eyes that stopped men in their tracks and curves that killed. Her father, George King, was the owner of King's Corp. The richest man in the city, he was a king in his own right, and Gloria, a princess.

Her friend Maya was petite, just as blonde, and as cute as a bumblebee. Her hyperactive personality didn't stop her from having an attitude worthy of her wealthy friends. She herself was loaded because of her mother, a woman that she rarely saw at home and couldn't care less about as long as she could still afford her top of the line clothes.

Lily was dark skinned, dark eyed and had a mouth that as well as being voted High School's Best Kissing Lips could argue and get her way better than any teenager in the world. She was hot, but her sassy attitude (not to mention fighting skills) made her a girl that no guy dared offend for fear of getting his butt kicked. She got her money from her daddy, who did who knows what. Lily didn't care as long as the cash kept coming.

Last was Kale. She was brown haired, blue eyed and beautiful to the last freckle that dared to sprinkle itself around her nose. It was a feature she hated, but guys fell on their knees just to have her glance their way. She was as smart and, of course as rich as any daughter of two famous scientists could get.

The girls had been friends as long as it counted. Of course it was their parents and their parents money that had all brought them together, but over time they'd found an even better reason. All four girls had the voices of angels. When they sang the world sang with them and loved the music they made. They were coincidentally in the coffee shop because they had just finished a performance that had the crowd in tears. It had been fully satisfactory. They were congratulating each other on a job well done and discussing whether they should up the price for people to hear them when a brutally handsome young man came into the store and walked towards them.

Gloria mouthed, 'this one's mine' and winked at the approaching stranger. He however wasn't the least bit phased by a move that in all her seventeen years of life had never failed. Gloria almost let her jaw drop but quickly recovered and flashed him her brilliant smile. The guy kept coming, with a small frown on his gorgeous face.

"Can I help you?" Gloria asked coolly, a little put out by his reactions to her flirting.

"Actually, yes. My name is Op- I mean… Tim Prime, and you ladies need to come with me."