![]() Author has written 373 stories for Baten Kaitos, Trauma Center, Justice League, Misc. Books, Ouran High School Host Club, Tudors, Yu-Gi-Oh, X-Men: The Movie, Nightmare Before Christmas, Avatar, Heroes, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Fruits Basket, Misc. Games, Robin Hood BBC, Moulin Rouge, Troy, Smallville, Star Wars, Toy Story, Inception, Avatar: Last Airbender, Glee, Transformers/Beast Wars, Black Swan, 2010, Digimon, Tangled, Sucker Punch, King's Speech, Enchanted, Anne of Green Gables series, Titanic, Thor, My Little Pony, Legend of Korra, Sailor Moon, Hunger Games, Wreck-It Ralph, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Once Upon a Time, Recess, Pokémon, X-Men: Evolution, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Beauty and the Beast, Lord of the Rings, Hercules, Les Misérables, Web Shows, Pacific Rim, Young Justice, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Lion King, Frozen, Fairly OddParents, Captain America, Castle, Political Animals, Big Hero 6, Mulan, Hotel Transylvania, Harry Potter, Descendants, 2015, Sing, 2016, Fever Pitch, 2005, Phantom of the Opera, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Simpsons, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Ghost Busters (Real/Extreme), Magic School Bus, Greek Mythology, Gargoyles, Wind at My Back, and Sarah Jane Adventures. June 9, 2013: Hey everyone, my grandfather passed away recently, so I may not be on internet life for a while. Thank you for your patience. Megatons of fandom, ships and etc to add to the profile, but I've been so busy... ;; They're all on the stories below. :) "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny." - Margaret Thatcher You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. - Nietzsche 'Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.' - RENT "Claiming that someone else's opinions and beliefs are against your own is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet." - moi (me) "The song ends, but the story lives on." - Doctor Who "You're not the same person at supper that you were at breakfast. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon snack, cocktails, supper and midnight munch. These are the Seven Ages of Man." - David Ives, 'Seven Menus' "The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation! :D" - RENT "First step to becoming an adult? Stop punishing yourself for things you did as a child." - Glee "None of us is born to hate. We're taught to." - Smallville "The way I see it, every life is a - Doctor Who As you know, I'm probably the one who will most likely believe all canon pairings... haha!! I DO NOT like yaoi or yuri, unless if it's canon. Get that?! But I'm a straight person who supports gay rights in the real world. :) I write because I believe that a piece of work can change a person for the better, through drama and humor. If this were DeviantArt, I'd have LOTS of emoticon faces that would pollute my profile. :D I love humor. I just wish I was good at it! haha If you see my stories, I write angst, but seriously, I'm no emo. I do write some crack humor... ;; Chonny rocks my socks. :3 :D Watch and subscribe to him on YouTube. :D You'll laugh, trust me. :) I WHIP MAH HAIR BACK AND FORTHHHHHH Subscribe to GloZell :3 :D I'm just going to say... MUDKIP NOTE: for reading fics and stories, I'll will try within my power to finish them. I have a short attention span, and I'm the world's horrible procrastinator, and I'm busy with school and such. If I miss your fic, I truly am sorry. I'm sorry that I won't be there, but I'm sure the story will kick ass, and I wish you for the best. :) I'm sure you're a very talented writer. Story News Updating: Mulit-chaptered stories that are WAYYYYYY past over due. So sorry, folks. I thank you for your patience, and I hope updates will come in the future. I need to limit myself with time, and college is very demanding. Thus a hiatus on some of my fics... ;; To make up I can give you spoilers. :D Currently: Some one shots, if a random plot bunny doesn't take me away... If it does come, expect it in five months or the next century. :'D jk :) I really want to submit something for "Gargoyles" for some reason... feh heh. After watching "Star Wars" again and my beloved almost sister Jedi X-Man Serena Kenobi influencing me with her incredible fics, I want to do something for the section too... I am planning on writing my own original Doctor Who universe, but this time it is a female Time Lord. I am having so much fun writing it... :D It's called "Ordinary Average Day". Other Things: If I find that a fandom is interesting enough, I might write fics for it... Other than fanfiction, I write original works and post them on my Fictionpress and DeviantArt account. Beware: lots of poems and such. :D COLLEGE LIFEEEEE ;; Sorry. I HAD to do that. haha I am currently studying journalism in post secondary (university/college), and so far I am enjoying my learning. Muse I have a muse. Her name is Sasha. Her theme song is "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce. donotlaugh/judgewearelosers 8) Beyonce fans will get this, but I am not ripping off Beyonce... Sasha introduced herself to me as Sasha! She goes insane when she's on sugar... it's like her crack cocaine. 8) She inspires me in my ideas/writing. That is all you need to know. 8) Once I have a more permanent diagnosis, I will keep you updated. Merci. UPDATE: She loves to dance to Lady Gaga. ... Weird. I have come up with acronyms for our crazy little shrew. Severe All-hope-lost Shortage Hyperactive Apocalypse. 8) Other alias online... My Deviantart. All Time Fav Animes Digimon (Season 1 & 2), Fruits Basket (it ROCKS!!), Ouran High School Host Club, Tsubasa Chronicles (MOKONA MODOKI IS CUTE!!), Fullmetal Alchemist, xxxHolic, RomeoXJuliet, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Galaxy Railways, Ranma 1/2, Cardcaptors, Sailor Moon, Hetalia: Axis Powers All Time Fav Mangas/Comics Emma (Adorable! In England too!), Fruits Basket, xxxHolic, Dramacon, X-Men, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Imadoki!, BONE, Yotsuba&!, Azumanga Daioh, The Adventures of Tintin, The Adventures of Asterix, Runaways TV Shows Heroes, Smallville, The Red Green Show, Futurama, Simpsons, Robin Hood (BBC), Cadfael, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Tin Man, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Gossip Girl, Glee, The Tudors, Wind At My Back, The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures, Once Upon A Time, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Golden Girls, The Vicar Of Dibley All Time Fav Game Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Trauma Center: New Blood, Trauma Team, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean, Baten Kaitos Origins, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Uncharted series, Pokemon games All Time Favorite Cartoons Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, Gargoyles, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Penguins of Madagascar :D hearts, Batman: The Animated Series (old and new carnations), Batman Beyond, Superman: The Animated Series, Invader Zim, Young Justice, Transformers: Prime, Sagwa: The Chinese Siamese Cat, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (possibly Static Shock, since it ties in with Justice League, but that's iffy on my stand if I completely like it or not...) All Time Fav Pairing... I would have to say it would be Takari (T.K. and Kari) (Digimon)... I shipped the couple from the start when I first watched it, since when I was little... :3 :D Justice League has ADORABLE pairings! Though I have to say that it would be John/Shayera, Bruce/Diana, Vic/Helena, and Green Arrow/Black Canary (Ollie/Dinah)... Tamaki/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club) They are so cute together! marvels!* Logan/Rogue (X-Men (movie-verse)) Hey, even though they had their rough moments, I still find this cute and adorable, even if they kinda didn't get together. :D This one got me so insane and obsessive! haha! Paire (Peter/Claire) (Heroes) Alright, I know what you're going to say. But this works if it was AU and they weren't blood related. :3 Still, I think it's cute :D Sylar/Elle (Heroes) Hiro/Charlie (Heroes) Kalas/Xelha (Baten Kaitos) Gibari/Savyna (Baten Kaitos) Shining Armor/Princess Cadance (My Little Pony) Lucas/Carla (Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy) Clark/Lois (Smallville) Lex/Lana (Smallville) Achilles/Briseis (Troy) Buzz/Jessie (Toy Story) Woody/Bo (Toy Story) J'onn/Rose (JL movie: Crisis on Two Earths) Arthur/Ariadne (Inception) Cain/DG (Tin Man) Noah/Tracy (Heroes) Lance/Kitty (X-Men Evolution) Black Panther/Storm (X-Men universe) Eugene/Rapunzel (Tangled) Faramir/Eowyn (Lord of the Rings) Will/Holli (Glee) Puck/Quinn (Glee) Pete/Jackie (Doctor Who) John/Meg (Little Women) Shauron/Sakura (CLAMP) Ozai/Ursa (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Seamus/Whitney (CLUE) Knock Out/Arcee (Transformers: Prime) I know this can never be canon, but a friend of mine on DA has convinced me with his excellent writing skills, ;) to youuusee XD haha, it could be a challenge pairing... Cliffjumper/Arcee (TFP) Breakdown/Airachnid (TFP) Caspian/Susan (Chronicles of Narnia) (movieverse paring... Caspian must have been like... 14 or something in the original books, but they made him in his 20'sssssss in the movie. :P But watching the movie again has convinced me... to me the acting was stiff for me to see the chemistry between the two, but looking at the acting a little harder helped.) Yuki/Machi (Fruits Basket) Nephrite/Naru (Molly) (Sailor Moon) Shigure/Akito (Fruits Basket) Harry Potter pairings are iffy for me... there are too much for me to break down and analysis if I know I really like it... heh... So far it's Scorpius/Rose, Ron/Hermione, probably need to brush up on my HP info... haha I would be lying if I said I didn't like Cannon character/OC pairings, so yeah... I do write cannon/OC, but I like it REAL RESEARCHED REALISTIC. Thank you. Mary -bitch- Sue must die with her head on a freaking spike. Along with Miley Cyrus. (Would create a hate list, but that would take a lot out of my mental health...) Men that I like to put together are in my hot men list that is about to come up right about... Now! Hottest Men In All Fandoms Lyude (Baten Kaitos) (Redheads RULE!!) Sir Guy of Gisborne (Robin Hood BBC) :squee: X3 :3 I actually cried when I watched the episode finale when he died... ;A; I wasn't being funnyyyyyyyy TT Markus Vaughn (Trauma Center) Flash/Wally West (Justice League) (Gasp! Another redhead!!) Takashi Morinozuka (Ouran High School Host Club) (He's DAMN fine! :D :swoon:) Knock Out (Transformers Prime) Thrax (Osmosis Jones) (baby, you can hit me with an illness any day of the week...! plus he's red... all over the place :3) Now here's some more random stuff about me... Astrological Sign: Aquarius Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster Languages that I'm going to study: Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, and German I like to: dominate the world one day, watch "Charlie the Unicorn", read lots and lots of manga, horses Favorite Singers: Shakira, Janet Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce Knowles, Mariah Carey, Ricky Martin, Alicia Keys, Madonna, Nelly Furtado, t.A.T.u., Usher, Michael Buble, I'm kind of an R&B girl. :D Favourite bands: Take That, Three Days Grace, Maroon 5, Hoobastank, BIGBANG Favorite animal(s): horses, macaws... Favorite color: PINK!! Favorite Music Genre: Pop, classical music, soundtrack, K-pop, J-pop (or any J or K music), R&B, jazz, Latino music, New Age, Asian folk music, Native American folk music... Favorite books: Sing You Home (I'm reading this for the third time. No joke.), Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Artemis Fowl, Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gable series, Little Woman, Little Men, The Daughters series, My Sister's Keeper, Revolution Is Not A Dinner Party, Twelfth Night, Midnight Summer's Night Dream, Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Kane Chronicles series, The Heroes of Olympus series, 1984, Animal Farm, and a whole lot of others that I can't name right now... Authors: Jane Austen, Eoin Colfer (heart), Frances Hodgson Burnett, Jodi Picoult, Amy Tan, Ying Chang Compestine, Rick Riordan, L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Joanna Philbin, George Orwell... Movies that I like are: Sabrina, The Secret World of Arrietty, Thor, Ratatouille, The Dark Knight, Watchmen, "I, Robot", RENT, Sinbad: Legend of The Seven Seas, 10 Things I Hate About You, Cleopatra (1999), Anne of A Thousand Days, Chicago, The Queen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Marie Antoinette, Benny and Joon, the Anne of Green Gable movie series, Troy, The Shawshank Redemption, City of Ember, Pride and Prejudice, Moulin Rouge, The Joy Luck Club, V for Vendetta, Memoirs Of A Geisha, The Bridget Jones's Diary series, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Bride and Prejudice, The Prestige, Tangled, Marylin Monroe movies, It's A Wonderful Afterlife, Who's That Girl, The Bad Mother's Handbook, Nicolas and Alexandra, The Green Mile, Little Woman (1949), Sucker Punch, and that's all I can think of... but any movie with Hugh Jackman will be a must watch on my list! haha! Oh, boy... Actors: Steve Carrell, Hugh Grant, John Barrowman, Richard Armitage, Hugh Jackman, Zachary Quinto, Milo Ventimiglia, Adrian Pasdar, Masi Oka, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Alan Rickman, Bruce Greenwood, Christopher Eccleston, Tom Hanks, Antonio Banderas, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hanks, more... Actresses: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Portman, Catherine Tate, Gwyneth Paltrow, Keira Knightly, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Hayden Panettiere, Julia Roberts, possibly more if I can remember them... So many good ones out there. Favorite Characters Wonder Woman: Donna Troy, Diana Prince Sailor Moon: Diana, Luna, Artemis, Nephrite, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune Heroes: Peter Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Elle Bishop, Noah Bennet, Matt Parkman, Emma Coolidge, Sylar, moreeeeee ... including Mr. Muggles 8) Justice League: Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol, John Stewart/Green Lantern, Wally West/Flash :), Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, J'onn Jonzz, Question moarrrrrr :3 Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Haruhi Fujioka CLAMP: Kimiro Watanaki (xxxHolic), Mokona Modoki (black and white) (Tsubasa/xxxHolic), Yuko (xxxHolic/Tsubasa) Digimon: BlackWarGreymon (he's such an intense interesting character...), Kari, TK, Matt, Angewomon, Patamon, probably more but brainnnn crush ;; I'll see when I can find more... Batman: Bruce Wayne, Barbra Gordon, Richard Grayson, Tim Drake Artemis Fowl series: Artemis Fowl, Holly Short, Julius Root, Folly, Opal Koibi, No. 1, possibly more if I can remember... ;; Smallville: Lana Lang (SOME aspects of her... then she was screwed up as the seasons went on...), Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Martha Kent, Bart Allen, Davis Bloome, Connor Kent (MOAR SMALLVILLE THAT MY FINGERS CAN TYPE TOO MANY CHARACTERS TO REMEMBERRRRRR) Fruits Basket: Tohru Honda, Momiji Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Kisa Sohma, Isuzu "Rin" Sohma Baten Kaitos: Kalas, Xelha, Lyude, Milly, Guillo, Valara, Shanath, Pieda, Gibari, Savyna (G, and her together :3 X3) ... MEMAII :D :D :D Trauma Center series: Gabriel Cunningham, Markus Vaughn, :forgottttt: Madagascar: the penguins, King Jullian Troy: Hector, Briseis, Achilles, Patroclus Gargoyles: Angela, David Xanatos, Matt Bluestone, Fox, possibly more... Galaxy Railways: Bruce J. Speed Futurama: Zoidberg, Robot Devil, Nibbler... that's all I can remember X-Men Evolution: Lance Alvers, Pietro Maximoff Transformers Prime: Bulkhead, Ratchet, Arcee, Jack Darby, Knock Out, Starscream, Airachnid, Soundwave, Smokescreen Transformers Animated: Blitzwing, Optimus Prime, Blackairachnia, Bumblebee, maybe more... Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston is fineeee *heart*), Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Reinette Poisson, Martha Jones, Wilfred Mott, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, K-9, THE CYBERMEN 8) And my hot men list COUNTS as my favorite characters... :3 Harry Potter: Severus Snape, lots more, but 'Harry Potter' has LOADS of characters... ..' Cute Characters: Mokona! :3 X3 black white :D *heart* Girrrr!! :D (Invader Zim) Twisted, but soooo adorable! *heart* :3 X3 QUOTES The world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters. We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. - Sirius Black "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?" - Fight Club "One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel." - Doctor Who "Success doesn't result from spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." - Arnold Glasow "I’ve had mono so many times it’s turned into stereo." - Santana, 'Glee' "So Lord Tubbington, do you think the Aristocats is a correct portrayal of the feline relationship?" - Brittnay, 'Glee' "Go with God, Satan- I mean, Santana!" - Kurt, 'Glee' "Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go." - Black Swan "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! I'M SITTING ON A THOUSAND POUNDS OF NITROGLYCERIN!!" THE STATEMENT BELOW IS TRUE "No... no duct tape for two weeks...!" "Red, hold it together!" "Hold it with what?!" "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA!!" "Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see that life is still worth while if you just smile." - Nat King Cole "Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there." "A room full of lawyers are like sharks in the ocean. So don't let them smell your fear... or your money..." "I TOLD YOU A FIST IN HIS FACE!!" (Edward Elric, "Fullmetal Alchemist) "Seven days!" "I bequeath thee... a boot to the head!" "Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Confucius "Men, tonight we dine in hell!!" ... "Do they have happy meals?" "No, they do not have happy meals!" "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more." - Oscar Wilde "Tell him, 'fine, there's no way I'm dying before you do, you bankrupt colonel with a god complex'!" (Edward Elric, "Fullmetal Alchemist") "Nobody suspects the Spanish Inquisition!" "By the time you make ends meet, they move the ends" "Artificial Intellegence is no match for natural stupidity" "I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally" "Screw the rules, I have money." Girl (seeing a waking guy who was knocked out): Hi, I'm- "Just smile and wave boys... Smile and wave." - Skipper "Madagascar" :D "Cardinal! Bring forth... the rack!" (Monty Python, "The Spanish Inquisition") "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose?" "You're under arrest for public nudity." "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Ha ha, fooled you! I'm a submarine." "Do you know that I like to see fat men falling of a staircase?" - crackedKatana "Julian, stop this! This is crazy!" "Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water, is crazy!" - Madagascar 2 "Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." Will Smith "Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making." - Lee Ann Womack, "I Hope You Dance" "Bite my shiny metal ass." - Bender, Futurama "... and then God created Saturn... and he liked it, so he put a ring on it." (Beyonce fans will get this.) "This year they're doing cats for dissections and they sell strays for science. It's standard procedure to have your cat microchipped when you own one. Which means someone must be missing Fluffy..." - (Parsat) "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin "You can't change the cards in your hands, but you can change your strategy." "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." - Bob Marley "You have enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something." - Eminem "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." "An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris." "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." - F. Nietzsche "Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's both." - Lana Lang, 'Smallville' A student asked his teacher... "What got you into teaching?" Man: Where have you been all my life? Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Man: Is this seat empty? Man: Your place or mine? Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Man: Your body is a temple! Man: I would go to the end of the world for you... Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together! Loverly Friends A legendary friend of mine, who stood strong to withstand my shitty fanfics when I was a n00b. I thank her so very much, with a chocolate ice cream sundae with a cherry on top, for standing by my side for all of these months! You watch me grow as a writer, and your patience is so very comforting to hold on to me for all of this time! You're the best! You are my mentor in writing... don't stop. :) XOXO Another golden friend who I treasure so deeply in my heart! Even in your deep angst fics, your writing style can make ANYTHING loose, bouncy and cherry. I love your balancing nature so much, I miss it when you can't be on here. LURVE YA. :D LET'S DOMINATE THE WORLD!! YOUR HOUSE, OR MINE!! We love you, no matter what. :hugs!: Let's go insane when I have a sugar high! MWAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!! (And bring the shoelaces!!) :SNIFF: WAH!! You have been my supportive anchor when I was lost in a sea of doubt. Your words help me see things through, and you have grown A LOT since you started. Keep it up, and you'll kick ass! :hugs: Thank you so much, for guiding me through everything! When I posted my first "Justice League" fic, I had NO clue whatsoever what to do next! When you reviewed, I was overwhelmed with joy! Thanks again for everything! Luv ya! And keep up the writing! A wonderful young lady. Talented at such a young age, you'll be a somebody in the future. :) heart Never stop rollin'! :D My almost sister, I can talk to her about ANYTHING. :D glomp Plot bunnies that reproduce in her mind like... well, bunnies, inspiration is endless when I'm with her. heart Keep on at it! :D Love you til hell freezes over! Fellow Knock Out/Arcee shipper, CRAZY for Invader Zim, love of writing and Deviantart... I'm so glad to be your friend. :) Keep on kicking ass and drinking beer!! 8) A hilarious lad here, he's one of the few real life friends that I know. Anime, Doctor Who, Transformers, and many more... We know way too many fandoms for our health. Keep on truckin', partner. I know you'll be a somebody someday. :) One last thing about me... Whenever I eat sugar, even the tiniest amount... I go insane for no reason... strange... Advice I found... 1) Remember: No one pops out good works like magic, no talent would shine without hard work. When you are envying, or complimenting other's "Talents" you are really complimenting their results of hard work. No matter how talented one can be, without hard work talents are NOTHING. Everyone has a different starts, different environments, different developments, different interests. Everyone has a different start, a different environment, and different development... as long as u focus on developing yourself with what you have, do not let age bother you... and try to learn from whoever you can learn from. Many artists are talented and gifted since their youth. But it's also their environment that plays a major role to cause the early development in their lives, versus some who start late. People who start late will have their experience in life, and personality developed more than skill, although taking longer to learn, they are already gifted with other life experience to start on. 2) Use: Use whatever you have, if all you have is MS paint, use it until others would scream if they know it's MS paint you used to make your work. Use whatever medium and information you are provided with, and become the master of them. 3) Avoid common deception: Some think having better tools will make their work better, like those they admire, or at least get there faster. That's a wrong belief, the advance tools take time to learn, it's a lot harder and more troublesome to learn as well. Only proceed to advanced tools when you feel the current tool can no longer match up to your need. 4) Put down your ego: You can only learn when you put down your ego. If you are an older artist, and saw many young and talented ones, you can feel threaten, but art is art, techniques are techniques, they are neutral things you can learn from anyone and everyone. So learn from whoever you can learn. 5) Race with yourself, and see others as inspiration. The wonderful thing of this world is variety... when you have developed well into one area of art, another person may have perfected another type of art you didn't think of doing... learn from one another, and only compare with yourself, "Did I do better this time than last time?" "I will not make the same mistake on my next one." "What can I do to improve from the last picture?" Avoid letting the competition take weight in your heart, it can get you depressed. But if you see others as inspirations, it's much easier for you to learn and improve. 6) Go for a break through. My own quote is, "Whenever you are in a content stage with your work, it means it's time to learn something new." There is always room for improvement, in fact if you don't improve, your work will be "retired" by time. So always aim to improve yourself, do your best. El fin...! Hope you enjoy my stories! :D *blows kisses* XOXO, Mokona |
Community: | The Egotist and the Loner |
Focus: | Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars |