![]() Author has written 4 stories for Baten Kaitos. //Edited: 10/5/09 Not quite sure what to put here, so if you're still reading, congratulations. Anyway, this is just some stuff about me, maybe if I start writing more I'll put up more detailed summaries and stuff, but until then, this is all I've got. I'm a senior (finally!) in high school. I'm one of the nerds that enjoys school, though not geosystems. Geo is evil. Russian 1 is much better. If I could condense my schedule to Russian I, AP Gov, AP Lang, and Photography, my schedule would be one giant circle of happiness. Sadly, it is not. But it's close enough. I write when I have time and inspiration (and usually also past midnight, which is when my brain turns off and starts spewing randomness). Unfortunately, these things rarely deign to occur at the same time. I'm also very easily distracted, so free time tends to get burned on the internet. I PROMISE, I AM ALIVE. I still have ideas kicking around in my head and they will eventually make their way to the computer. Anime/Manga: Noein, Pandora Hearts, Death Note, D. Gray-Man, Full Metal Alchemist, xxxHolic, Tsubasa Chronicles, Eden of the East, Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, YGO Abridged (it totally counts XD), Soul Eater, Darker Than Black Video Games: Persona 4, Okami, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Baten: EW & LO, Baten Kaitos Origins, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The World Ends With You, Kingdom Hearts Authors: Holly Black, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Libba Bray, Fuyumi Ono, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, Sarah Monette, Naomi Novik Fun Quotes: (and also a few serious ones) "I used to think the world was broken down into tribes. By black and white. By Indian and white. But I know that isn't true. The world is only broken into two tribes: The people who are assholes and the people who are not." -Arnold Spirit, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Kaiba: ...All right, Frodo. Do you want to go to Mordor and drop it in Mount Doom? "Screw money, I have the rules! ...Wait, let me try that again." -Seto Kaiba, YGO Abridged (You begin to think your bowl is a portal to the meat dimension...)- Protaganist, Persona 4 "Leap before you think!" -Issun, Okami Hughes (arrives): Oh? Is it all over? "You say I'm an idealist, but unless someone chases after pipedreams, nothing will ever change." -Roy Mustang, Full Metal Alchemist "I'm not stuck in here with you. You're stuck in here with me." -Rorschach, Watchmen "Hello, dead kid speaking." -Neku Sakuraba, The World Ends With You "Oh yeah? Then wha's wid the "unforeseen circumstances"? Sounds like you can't predict jack, yo." -Beat, The World Ends With You "You zetta sons of digits!" -Sho Minamimoto, The World Ends With You "The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons as far as they'll go." -Sanae Hanekoma, The World Ends With You "If I have to disappear in a peaceful dimension like this one...then that's fine." -Tobi, Noein "Even when we're beaten and about to collapse, even when we know it's pointless, we always stand back up. And if we can't, our friends will lift us. You'll never have that...and it's made you jealous of us." -Edward Elric, Full Metal Alchemist "And my other goal is make you youngsters crazy by the time I turn 40." -Jade Curtiss, Tales of the Abyss "Don't worry. The worst that could happen is that we all die." -Jade Curtiss, Tales of the Abyss "You're good at spotting silver linings so long as it's someone else's cloud." -Guy Cecil, Tales of the Abyss "You'll only find the truth by looking with your own eyes and walking with your own feet." -Asch, Tales of the Abyss "Now, who do you think you are? Just you wait! I'm putting this down in my revenge journal!" -Dist, Tales of the Abyss Anise: The Colonel looks scary, but he's a fun guy on the inside. "By acknowledging the existence of others, one's own existence is ascertained." -Tobi, Noein "Just know that you're beautiful and glorious and have every reason to smile through the storm. I promise that rainbow is on its way." -A friend of mine "I finally got some sense knocked into me. And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?" -Simba, The Lion King "Whoa! Whoa. Time out; lemme get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's...okay with this? Did I miss something?!" -Timon, The Lion King "Have you ever had one of those days when something just seems to be trying to tell you somebody?" -John Constantine, The Sandman Choronzon: I am anti-life, the beast of judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds … of everything. And what will you be then, Dreamlord? "You are utterly the stupidest, most self-centered, appallingest excuse for an anthropomorphic personification in this or any other plane!" -Death, The Sandman "When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job is finished. I'll put the chairs on tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave." -Death, The Sandman Ketele: Would the Lord of Hell destroy his realm? Would the Lord of Hell ever free the souls held in torment? Would the Lord of Hell expel the never-born? Would the Lord of Hell abandon the war with Heaven? "They talk of me going around buying souls, like a fishwife come market day, never stopping to ask themselves why. I need no souls. And how can anyone own a soul? No. They belong to themselves … they just hate to face up to it." -Lucifer Morningstar, The Sandman "Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly." -Todd Faber, The Sandman "You lived what anybody gets, Bernie. You got a lifetime. No more. No less." -Death, The Sandman Delirium: I didn't know you could stop being a god. "It's astonishing how much trouble one can get oneself into, if one works at it. And astonishing how much trouble one can get oneself out of, if one simply assumes that everything will, somehow or other, work out for the best." -Destruction, The Sandman "I wanted a tale of graceful ends. I wanted a play about a king who … leaves his kingdom … about a man who turns his back on magic … I am Prince of Stories, Will, but I have no story of my own. Nor shall I ever … I thank you." -Dream/Morpheus to William Shakespeare, The Sandman Azusa: It's all straight ahead from there. "Don't you make me turn my butt on!" -Ray, The Princess and the Frog "I'M A HOUSEWIFE!" -Izumi Curtis, Fullmetal Alchemist Hohenheim: You process things really quickly. Metatron: God does not play games with His loyal servants. And gods strike him, but the wood that had been sitting in the stone bowl just waiting for a spark had burst into flames like some phoenix had decided that that brazier, that one right there, would be perfect for a rebirth and it was going to do it right now, thank you, no applause necessary." -Hayazo, Paths in Sakura "You know what you need, kid? A pretty girl by your side. A dangerous pretty girl. It will do you wonders." -Roy Mustang, An Alchemist and a Firebender Walk Into a Bar Rabastan: Of course, of course, we'll find your crazy-cakes little friend first. It's not like I don't have a wand and there are boat-loads of people trying to kill me or anything is it? |