Hikaru: Oh, yay! A sequel to The Guilty! EVERYONE APPLAUD ME, DAMMIT!

Lloyd: In this story, do I come back to life?

Hikaru: No.

Lloyd: I HATE YOU!!!!

Hikaru: Oh, I know you all love me . . .

Abyssion: Hikaru doesn't own ToS.

Hikaru: . . .How lame.

The Temple of Darkness, which is, well, dark. The Blue Candle's effect on this place was slowly wearing off, but that didn't matter one bit to the only person in the Temple. The monsters all fell before her prowess, enabling her to head to the core of the Temple . . .Shadow's Seal. Upon arriving at the seal, the girl reached into her bag, withdrawing a thick book with a black leather-bound cover that appeared to be quite new. She set the book before the seal, flipping the volume to the page she wanted. When the book opened, the intense blackness of the chamber seemed to press in on her. She paid this change in the atmosphere no mind. Instead, she got to her feet, outstretching both her arms, uttering an incantation. A spell circle drew itself underneath the girl's feet, and a small cloud of darkness materialized directly above the book. The haze shot into the female's body, who did not seem to mind at all. The entire seal chamber exploded with manifold shafts of light as the spell was completed. When the lights died, the girl lay on the ebony stone floor, unconscious, but alive. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal bright blue irises, whilst blond hair spilled down her back. She stood up, straightening her outfit. She balled up her hands under her chin.

"Good work. It looks like you amounted to something after all, you fiasco." Her voice was layered with another; a young male's.

Violet-pink angel wings flowered from the girl's shoulders, and Colette flew away, her body guided by the soul she resurrected.

Hikaru: Well, that's the prologue. I shall write down some quotes that come in the next chappy!

"Who the hell are you?"

"You know, you look a lot like Lloyd . . ."

"Genis, are you sure this is New Mizuho?"

"Dead sure, Artemis . . ."

Hikaru: Well, there we are! See ya until the next chapter! Oh, and Artemis is yet another original character yet to be revealed. Pleas read and review!