![]() Author has written 86 stories for Trigun, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Charles Dickens, Darker than BLACK, Hetalia - Axis Powers, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Escaflowne, Frozen, Stranger Things, 2016, Tick, and Misc. Movies. I'd like to formally apologize to anyone who has left a review or sent me a message since...oh, maybe mid-February of 2020? I've had a lot of personal stuff going on (none of it good), and the pandemic on top of it all means that I have had basically no mental energy left for fandom. That's not to say I've abandoned it or won't respond at all, just that it's going to take some time. Again, my apologies, and I hope you understand. General Info: Once upon a time, I was known as Sztorm. I changed my username here to match all my other usernames, because I just like consistency like that. For those of you who read this, read my stories, add me as a favorite, and/or add a story of mine as a favorite...I love you all. I just want you to know that. Also, if I favorite a story of yours but don't review, that's usually because your fic has blown me away, but unfortunately I don't have the time to leave the gushing, long review I want to, and feel churlish leaving a quick "THIS IS AWESOME HAVE MY BABIES," and so end up not leaving anything at all. I do apologize for this; I'm trying to get better about it, but it can be hard. As of July 2015, I started rewriting an age-of-sail YA historical romance novel. Since it isn't exactly fanfiction, in the strictest sense of the word, and is instead a full-on rewrite, I don't feel entirely comfortable posting it here, but if you think you might be interested, you can find it on my DW (link below). I come and go from fanfiction. I'll just put it that way. I really love writing, but I do have a life and those darn things called responsibilities, so I'm prone to hiatuses both short and not-so-short. Where to find me elsewhere on the intarwebs: As links are down/broken (and have been for years now), let it be known that if you're interested in any of the following fanart, translations, etc., all links can be found on my dreamwidth. Regarding Formatting: Back in the day, FFN used to update/disallow certain characters at the drop of a hat, it seemed, which had the unfortunate side effect of screwing up formatting (which thus made me very irritated/angry). The issue seems to have finally settled down in recent years, but I'm too lazy/busy to edit out all the warnings I was religiously posting at the beginnings of fics. So sorry about that, I guess. If the formatting ever gets screwed up again, I'll probably just encourage people to go read my fics on AO3? Regarding "Façades": The original story by Pseudo Posthuman can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4095640/1/Facades_A_Mirror_Universe Regarding the Driving Circles Around Me Arc: A collection of related one-shots, focused on Eries, and, more specifically, her relationship to/with Folken. Overall a Folken/Eries arc of sorts, though the pairing is not obvious in many of the installments (to the extent that all of those fics that don't explicitly have "Folken/Eries" in the summary could pretty easily be read as genfics--yanno, in case the pairing isn't really your thing, but you like the characters, themselves). They're being published a little out of order, so here's a list of the fics that fall into it so far, in order: Till I Wake Your Ghost (Part 1) Our Roads To Run About takes place within the events of If I Walk Down This Hallway, and, as such, is heavily related to that fic and the arc in general, but it isn't exactly an official part of it? Or something? Because it's more focused on Eries and Dryden, whereas the arc is formally focused on Eries and Folken. But it was just a little something I had to get out of my head, so there it is. Your Words All Over Me is a companion piece to Till I Wake Your Ghost, in that it's the same events, just told from Folken's POV. Again, obviously heavily related to that fic and the arc, but not exactly a formal part of it. I've Seen You In a Fight (You Lost) is an AU take on Your Words All Over Me. Currently on hiatus. I have a final, sixth installment in the works, but Real Life (and other stories/fandoms, if I'm being honest) keep distracting me. I do hope/plan to finish it one day, though! In kind of related news, I made a short Folken/Eries FST, and while it wasn't exactly intended to be a soundtrack to this arc, you could still kind of consider it as one? I don't know. At any rate, if you happen to be interested, you can find it here! Regarding the Edelweiss Arc: An arc about Austria's personal growth in the ex-empire period, with a heavy AustriaxHungary element (the pairing is more often implied than shown outright, but it is a major overall theme). History is often used as a backdrop, but the fics are rarely about historical events, themselves. And, though they can be read and enjoyed as stand-alone pieces, they're truly meant to fit together as a whole. (In regards to the pairing, I feel I should point out that my AustriaxHungary head-canon is far more love/hate, as opposed to just love. So...yeah. Just something to keep in mind.) Anyway, as they were published out of chronological order, here's a nice list of the fics that fall into it, in chronological order: This Is the Way the World Ends (1918, 1919) Till We Become Accustomed To the Dark, despite being a whacktacular crossover, could (does?) actually fit into the arc as well. For the Hetalia side of things, it would probably take place right around 1920-1921. Tentatively complete. (Meaning all the fics I originally had planned for it are now finished, but I'm being careful about any more wily, stray plot-bunnies.) I finally got around to making an FST for this! You can find it here! Fanart: Some wonderful people have seen fit to create fanart based off of some of my fics: Clyde...?, a sketch inspired by Diamonds and Rust, by chaneljay. Translations: Some other wonderful people have taken it upon themselves to translate some of my fics into other languages: Chinese translation (1) of But That Was In Another Country, compliments of zywsl0929. Links to Chinese translations of all of the Edelweiss Arc, compliments of the translation group APHSuez. German translation of And Then Start Down, compliments of Kate Marley. Italian translation of Human, compliments of Youffie. Spanish translation of But That Was In Another Country, compliments of Ireth Isilra. |