Author has written 38 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I WRITES FICS 8DDDD Sometimes I post them. Sometimes they sit on my hard drive half finished. Either way, this is what ends up on my ff.n account, for better or for worse. Feel free to keep up with me at my new writing journal: here. Updated 10/23 What You Leave Behind: Chapter 17. Chapter 18 in a little bit. Updated 10/17 What You Leave Behind: UPDATED. Chapter 16 is short and I'll be the first to say it's pretty lametastic, but it felt necessary. Two new chapters are set to be released in a few days, so sit tight? I just hate to upload them all at once because I know they'll get overlooked and then the story will feel like it has less continuity than it really does. ahaha. Into Broken Remnants: Heavily inspired by Mika's song, "In Any Other World." Choppiness is intentional and stylistic. Or something. Yeah. |
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