Reviews for Ligatures
Make Believe chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
I can't even begin to put into words how fucking great this piece is. Oh my God. It's just so good. That's all there is. It's so -freaking- good.

Might come back and say more as things come to me. Wow!
Gunzaimyx chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
I have been a quiet fan of Auron/Lulu and this is by far the best story I have read. The dialogue is strong and matches their character really well! The inner angst fits well into the situation and this is the type of romance I except between them. So very subtle so its pratically perfect, for me, in my opinion. Anyway, this story is great for sophisticated readers and I am glad I found it!
clow-san chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
This fic is strong. Strong proses and narration. Strong characters and dialogues. You had really captured Auron in the lines, down to the dry humor and the sardonic attitude. Lovely.

I loved how you developed the attraction between him and Lulu. It was so realistic and the bases for the romance was true to the character.

Great job.
Callisto Callispi chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
I favorited this story long ago, but I never left a review. I re-read this now, and the ending left me breathless. I felt compelled to leave a review now.

The sharp dialogue was crisp and concise, tightly constrained, but the meaning behind each word thundered volumes on Auron and Lulu's unspoken emotions. Your story hinted but never said things outright, just like Auron and Lulu. I loved the imagery of Lulu's shadows, of Auron's hardness. It's so right for them.

This fic is a haunting, magical, insightful piece of work. This is a shining example of how Auron/Lulu should be written.

Beautiful, beautiful work.

-C. Callispi
Ah-choo chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
What a long and beautifully written story. I liked how you slowly progressed their feelings, especially how you wrote Auron's. You always see Lulu's but not his point of view. Reading this made me wanna play and not wanna play at the same time (to sad!). I loved it overall.
Lucifer's Garden chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
Beautiful. :)
Verdot chapter 1 . 9/13/2008
This has been sitting on my Palm forever, and I kept meaning to come over here and leave a review. So it is left.

Basically, this is exactly how an Auron/Lulu should be written, and it's great. I was pulled in with the hilarious bit with her cleavage and Tidus, and by the end I was getting a little teary-eyed. I especially like the mom and dad comparison of them-because that's always how I saw it.

So much love!
With A Smile chapter 1 . 8/6/2008

Oh, magical.

Wanted to revious this earlier, but sadly could not.

You have a tantalizing way of writing, Sztorm. It's refreshing and lovely. Can't say that I liked Lulu x Auron much, but you might have sold it to me.

I won't even bother trying to express how much I loved this in simple little words.

Just know that you did a fantastic job :)
Saber Wing chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
Oh, very nice. Hey, you can't expect Auron/Lulu romance to be too mushy, or it wouldn't fit their characters. It has to be a bit heavier. I loved this. Beautifully written and I enjoyed reading it :)
Mydnyte Houre chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
Wow... Oh, wow... This is excellent. I have to say, I think this has inspired me to work a little more on my fic-which is quite a testament to the power of this story. Truly inspiring aulu is hard to come by, but you've definitely created some. The dialogue is especially arresting, but the descriptions of their emotions are also perfect. Well done you!

-Mydnyte Houre
AuronLu chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
ARGH. Just lost the review I'd written.

So let me summarize.

Auron/Lulu is never kissy-poo sentimental, not when it's written well; that's a mistake I make sometimes, but it smacks of Mary Sue. It's what you've done here: the barbed words, the silences, strength, insights, cynicism, loyalty, incompleteness, the scars, the fierce caring for and protecting others, and the ability to laugh after having lost *everything* and keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's not romantic. It's too real for that, when both players know happily-ever-after is not an option, only Imogene Heap's "Just For Now."

I love the opening scene with Auron punching Tidus for staring (because Lulu is breasts, but that's just the surface).

My favorite part, which caused me to say "OH! (yes)" out loud - Lulu's response to "I'd never forgive myself."
CancelThis4ccount chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
Guh. This was just - oh my goodness, I'm speechless. This is SO fantastic, I can't even make my brain work long enough to compose a coherent thought.

I LOVE your Auron - and your Lulu. Hell, your characterization in general is just SO amazing. There were so many different lines that were just perfect, but due to my brain being exploded from awesome, I can't function long enough to go back and find them. But it was GOOD.

This is an incredibly fic; thought provoking, a wonderful character analysis (more than just Auron and Lulu too; everyone here was amazingly perfect). I hope you write more of this kind of stuff!