Author has written 22 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Misc. Anime/Manga, Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Hellsing, Misc. Books, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Hanna is not a Boys Name, Once Upon a Time, and Avengers. Currently deleting things that are old and in painful need of a serious rewrite. I still have them on my computer if anyone's desperately interested. Recently Added: The Doctor's Proposal - Dr. Horrible/Herbert West: Reanimator (the short stories, not the movie) crossover. Tried to pull off the Lovecraft style a bit. So Go Kill Someone - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, set during Act II, after Bad Horse tells Dr. Horrible to go kill someone. Comedy. Old But Decent: Ficlets - Hellsing. Two Integra-central drabbles. "Thrill" is general, "Home" is set post-the original anime, in which Integra is on the run. Gred and Forge - Harry Potter. Short dialogue. Looking Back - Oneshot about Haruka and Michiru, based on the manga verson of Sailor Moon, and fitting suggestions made in the manga more than the anime. Old And Sorta Decent if You Squint the Right Way: Tuxedo Gin Bench Song - A cute little songfic for the manga Tuxedo Gin. About how Minako goes to the park every week to wait for Ginji. Christmas Notes - The official first ever 9th Elsewhere fanfiction anywhere. One-shot Christmas fic about Carmen and Eiji where Carmen finally realizes how much Eiji has given her and that she loves him. Pre-Dorian. Just for (Mocking) Laughs: Mobile Suit Gundam Thing - A parody of the Gundam Wing manga, script-style. Posted before script-style was banned. |
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