"I knew it. Feverish again."

" Well, I'm not eating anything you cook, ya hear? Just let me lie in peace."

"Fine, Cesia, but at least let me make you some--"



"No! Go away!"

"But won't you be bored without me?"


"Here, I'll turn on the TV. That way you won't get bored. But I can't find the remote, sorry. Now, you just lie there and don't move. I'll come check on you every now and then."

"Bye, Rath."

The TV in front of Cesia spluttered into life as Rath ran out the door.

"Hello and welcome to Flick Jr! I'm your host, Nadil's head!"

"Oh, God, no." With a sigh, Cesia sank into the pillows.

"Later today, all-new episodes of Kitchel the Explorer and Kharl the Chemist! But stay tuned for Crew's Clues, next on Flick Jr!"