Author has written 26 stories for Fairy Tales, Kate Constable, Maximum Ride, Soul Eater, and Psychonauts. My Motto: "Fairy tales are more than true - not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten." - G. K. Chesterton I, onwingsofsnark, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I enjoy, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the Review Revolution. Post this same thing in your profile and spread the love! Info on me! Explanation of Penname: It's actually inspiration from Maximum Ride - a snarky teenager who is 2 percent bird, hence, on wings of snark. Birthdate: Sometime in June. Story Likes: Well-thought out stories, stories et cetera, fantasy and sci-fi (a little bit). Favorite Books/ Series: Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey, the entire Tortall Series (Song of the Lioness, The Immortals, The Protector of the Small, Trickster's Choice, Trickster's Queen, The Provost's Dog Trilogy (Only Book 1 is out) by Tamora Pierce, Maximum Ride: The Angel Expiriment, Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever, Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson and so many more I can't think of them! Story Dislikes: Slashes (authors work hard to create characters, why ruin it?)... pretty much that's it. Oh, flames. Real-life Likes: Dark chocolate! My long-lost love and weakness! Real-life Dislikes: Fav. Pairs (New!): Max & Fang, Nudge & Iggy (Maximum Ride by James Patterson) Jon & Thayet, Alanna & George, Kel & Dom, Aly & Nawat (Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lionnes, etc. by Tamora Pierce) Soul & Maka, Tsubaki & Black Star (Soul Eater - anime) Tally & David (Uglies by Scott Westerfield) Disliked Pairs (!): Max & Iggy, Fang & Iggy, Max & Ari (Spoiler: Incest!), Max & Sam, Fang & Lissa ('nuff said, see fav. pairs) (Maximum Ride by James Patterson) Jon & Alanna, Aly & Kyprioth (Tortall, the world of The Song of the Lionness, etc. by Tamora Pierce) Tally & Zane, David & Shay, Tally & Peris (Uglies by Scott Westerfield) Soul & Black Star, Black Star & Death the Kid (Soul Eater - anime) Stories-in-Progress (Titles May Be Subject To Change): Fireflies-A young noble's house is attacked in the dead of night. She loses her memory and is a servant in the palace. But, she has a tendency to speak out, even when told to be quiet. Untitled-It is said that love conquers all. I might have you know, this is not true. I, a lady in an exiled household, know that for a fact. My father loved my mother dearly, it was something like this True Love stuff, but different. My parents, being that they were young, shared a passion that I now have to deal with. I'm a child of two irresponsible parents and now I suffer because of their uncontrolled ideas. Its all their fault. But, now they're dead and I'm left running this household without any guidance. So, now that you know my story, would you mind leaving me to my work? Tasks for Love- Karyan, a servant in a palace, is given the chance of a lifetime. He can leave to find a coveted item to prove his love, or he can stay in the palace, serving his princess, and love. Leaving- Matthew is a man with bad luck, no home and wanderlust. Lavina is a woman with a guilt-ridden conscience and a dark past. Fate throws these two together. Quotes! "An uneducated mind is like an unopened book, just a piece of wood." - Ancient Chinese Proverb "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet." -Juliet from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Act 2, Scene 2. "O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet!" -Juliet, again, from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Act 2, Scene 2. "For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." -The Prince from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Act 5, Scene 3. "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. " -Leo Buscaglia 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy and paste this into your profile. 95 percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the 5 percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen, Jarcarga, Rush of Waves, onwingsofsnark |
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