![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Avengers, and Sherlock. I have an Live Journal now! If your interested in how my fics are going, are willing to let me bounce ideas off of you (in which case I will grab on tight and never let you go), or just have a question about something, my lj is the place to contact me. Just click my homepage Also, I'm toying around with an idea for an ofic(original fiction). I've got a little bit posted about it right now, and more will follow. The current title is The Serpent, the Slave, and the Seer. About me: gender: Female age: 17 likes: music, fanfictions, writing, reading, equestrianism, horses, anime, manga, carmel, chocolate, the internet, my laptop. Music: if it sounds good i'll listen to it... Favorite Book: well, its two series, actually. the 'Maximum Ride' books, and the "Bloody Jack' books, the series starting with Bloody Jack I have Trichotillomania. It's a mental disorder thought to be connected to depression and/or OCD because of the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair. I'd been pulling out my hair for two years before finding out it had a name. If you have it too, you're not alone, you're not a freak, and it's not you're fault you feel like you can't stop it, and there is no shame in admitting you have it. PM me if you just want to talk. You'll feel better if you talk to some one. |