Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Prince of Tennis, Eyeshield 21, and Naruto. I freely admit, I am a HORRIBLE UPDATER. My muse is not only easily seduced by new fandoms, but also quite moody and unpredictable. Don't think a story has been abandoned just because I haven't updated in ages. Should I ever drop a story, I would simply delete it. MY STORIES ARE NOT UP FOR ADOPTION. Show your support and Write to Spite: At ffnet a troll left a really hurtful review at one of the Harry Potter/Avengers crossover stories that I am following and it mad me really mad. Of course, the author has now decided to take a sabbatical to get over the shock and hurt and I thought, what better way to show a bit of support than by prompting a round of stories that encompass exactly the things that hateful little coward raved about in his review? 1) It has to be a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover. Here's the troll's review: "What a horrible destruction of a great series and a great movie. This is absolutely FUCKING HORRIBLE! I mean for fucks sake this is...SHIT! Harry is not and never has been homosexual and the fucking HULK DOES NOT NEED A DAMN "MATE" YOU SICK WHORE! THIS IS SHIT! THIS DOES MORE TO DESTROY THE CAUSE FOR GAY RIGHTS THAN THE GOD DAMNED REPUBLICAN PARTY! GET THIS SHIT OFF THE INTERNET! Its people like you and those pathetic pieces of shit called "Reviewers" that damage Gay Rights more than BIGOTRY itself! GET A GOD DAMN LIFE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Don't you just feel your fingers tingle with the need to write to spite that idiot? fandoms my muse is currently working on: Naruto, Prince of Tennis, Harry Potter, Eyeshield 21 fandoms my muse has plans for: FFVII, Nabari no Ou, X/1999, D.Gray-man some stories you have to have read: "The Sound of Dreams": This is the very best Naruto/Sasuke story I have read so far, though it's nothing for the kiddies http:///story.php?no=600090805&chapter=1 The sequel "Dreams of Fire" can be found at the same site. "The Arrangement": Any Gundam Wing fan who likes in character Heero/Wufei pairing should be weeping if he hasn't read it, yet. Once again, not for kiddies http:///fanfic/view_st.php/47187 "Trial and Error": A funny as hell Gundam Wing story with Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre and Wufei/Relena pairing. Let's just say, Heero is trying to find his comrades a significant other... http:///fanfic/view_st.php/56574 "Blood Magic": One of the best Harry Potter fanfics I've ever had the luck to stumble upon. It's a "James Potter was not Harry's biological father" scenario, but as I said, it's one of the very best of them. http:///authors/gatewaygirl/BM.html Anything written by Vathara(here on ffnet) |