Reviews for Entangled
kuroneko1571 chapter 28 . 7/3
Wonderful story. I think you have captured Doumeki & Watanuki's personalities very well. I lvoe their relationship in this. Like you mentionedat one point I never liked the fact that Watanuki got stuck with the shop, not really fair. I trulu hope you decide at some point to continue this as well as your other stories.
Starry Starry chapter 4 . 1/26
do you also have an ao3 account? cause ao3 is not as censored as fanfiction?
Starry Starry chapter 4 . 1/26
DID THEY HAVE SEX? IM LITERALLY IN THE BEGINNING OF CHAP 4. plus wow this is really good! I'm in love it with it.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 28 . 1/1/2019

I know this probably won't get to be continue, but I really really LOVING IT SO MUCH I ALMOST CRY!

I Love the Doumekis SO MUCH!

Shizuka and Kimihiro Loving each other so much and Everyone in Family is Supportive is Absolutely Wonderful and Precious!
I Love this fic So Freaking Fking Much!
blue1302 chapter 28 . 11/19/2018
I hope that you will update! This story is so good.
DuchessOfSpud chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
It’s 2018 and I still come back to this story to check for updates and to reread it! It remains one of my favorites, even with it being unfinished! I really do hope though that you one day come back!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/3/2018
The story is really splendid. Nice plot and construction. Please update this story. Im looking forward to it
Sterektimetracem chapter 28 . 5/19/2018
I love this story, I’m happy u wrote it and would be overjoyed if u ever felt u wanted to update. I hope ur doing well now, thanks for a story that I keep coming back to read
Eli Clark chapter 28 . 4/25/2018
Hmm... how will he explain regaining sight in his right eye, as well as a color change? Contacts? Transplant done confidentially? Honestly, Shizuka could get a great contact for his right eye and it'll almost be like he'd never had half of his sight taken. And if he doesn't want to explain anything regarding his eye right now, Watanuki could put an illusion over his eye(once he learns a bit more magic or abilities) or simply put a colored contact matching what his eye had looked like before, at least until he's ready to explain the color change and new sight.

Also, could you add in some Kurofai? It's one of my favorite pairings. I enjoy a lot of Clamp pairings; DouWata, Kurofai(Fai is bottom, just like Wata. The second part in the ship name always bottoms), RikuoxKazahaya, SaigaxKakei... I love it all. But I asked because Kurofai is a great pairing, they're adorable!
Eli Clark chapter 20 . 4/25/2018
Is there Kurofai in this too?! I mean, main pairing DouWata, but implied or at least acknowledged Kurofai is just as good!
RoseRozu chapter 28 . 1/31/2018
I love this. I also understand about your struggles please take your time and I hope to a new update soon x
Kaisell chapter 28 . 6/12/2017
Silver Lily, are you alright?
Please give us some news? We are worried..
Guest chapter 28 . 5/6/2017
It's 2017 and im still checking if your gonna update this story .. this is one of my favorite story and im not kidding . And im still hoping for an update !
hinata-ni chapter 28 . 1/27/2017
Oh wow. I'm look forward how the archery club will react to Kimihiros cooking. I like the idea of Kimihiro learning magic by himself with help from Haruka-san. I wonder if we will see the... Zaschi-warashi? Ame-warashis friend. How will the story come back to Himawari-chan? There so much I wonder about and I like to read on.
LadyCroft.Undead19 chapter 28 . 1/15/2017
Lovely story, and I hope your health is better.
Found this story when I decided to check for any Watanuki/Doumeki stories and your was one of the few that jumped up to my attention. It's really good read with amazing characterization and plot.

Though it's only 28 chapters long, I can see that there's so much potential in it. If you haven't abandoned it, will you be updating soon?
Is this a simple hiatus?

Please don't misunderstand me wanting to know for me being pushy! Your health and your life outside of first!
But it would be nice to know if this story will continue, it's a shame that it's frozen still at such an incredibly promising part.

Well, good wishes for you and yours!
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