Author has written 61 stories for Dark Angel, Sailor Moon, Tuck Everlasting, Lord of the Rings, Andromeda, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Batman Beyond, Harry Potter, Highlander, Yu-Gi-Oh, X-Men: The Movie, Mutant X, Gundam Wing/AC, X-Men, Buffy X-overs, Charmed, Spider-Man, Numb3rs, TV X-overs, Torchwood, Ranma, Smallville, and Supernatural.
Reading is my one true love, be it classic literature, autobiographies, historical, fantasy, or fanfiction. Of writing, I only have the fondest of feelings for. While that feeling may sometimes blaze so brightly that I mistake it for love, in truth, it pales in comparison to my adoration of reading. As evidenced by my erratic updating schedule, I suppose. I write when I feel like it, and I can't if I don't feel like it. No amount of reviews and no manner of miracles will ever change that.