AN: This is the final chapter in the story. I always prefer to write the beginning of relationships. I'm sorry that it took me so long to bring you this chapter. I deleted the contents and started again 3 times before I wrote a chapter I'm mostly happy with. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. You got this story done. I hope you enjoy, this chapter is dedicated to everyone who takes the time to read it.

Parker's recovery was surprisingly slow. The impact of her abduction had shaken her up more than she cared to admit. She hated feeling helpless or dependent on anyone and as much as she hated to admit it, if Eliot hadn't shown up then she would have been dead.

She came to the grudging conclusion that most of her wounds were psychological. The cuts in her thigh were fairly superficial. Parker's right hand was worse.

The doctor had raised an eyebrow at the injury and didn't seem to believe that it was a cooking incident. Eliot had rolled his eyes, clearly thinking that if anyone was capable of accidentally driving a knife through her hand while cooking, it was Parker.

There was thankfully no muscle damage and Parker was given strict instructions to rest that hand and not scratch at the five stiches in her hand. Those things were easier said than done. Parker had a burning desire to get back to her old tricks and the stiches itched like crazy.

When Parker tried to pick a padlock just for fun, her hands shook. It was the slowest she had ever done it, baring the time she had been cuffed to the chair. She was equally slow at tying knots, setting up rigs and when she had tried to twist herself through a laser course she was a disaster, though granted that was done one handed.

Eliot had walked in on that scene and managed to keep a straight face. Which Parker thought was remarkable considering that she had set it all up in his lounge room. Parker could see that his mouth had twitched with some unsaid comment but he merely shook his head and went about his business.

That was probably another reason for her prolonged recovery. Having Eliot be her nurse was just too enjoyable to give up just yet. He had installed her in his house promptly so that he could look after her. Parker thought living with someone would be stifling and that's why her and Hardison had kept separate spaces but Eliot was easy to live with. He enjoyed his solitude as much as she did and they were perfectly content to spend hours doing their own thing.

Hardison was another problem that Parker couldn't shake. The guilt was constant and Parker imagined it would be until she got a chance to talk to him. However he was conspicuously absent and Parker realised that her time in a team of master criminals had not made her more adept at tracking people down.

Since Nate and Sophie had executively decided that everyone needed an extended holiday there wasn't even the option of running in to him at the office.

Parker was seated on the back balcony of Eliot's house while she considered her issues, her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee that he delivered to her. It was more sugar then caffeine but Parker was growing increasingly fond of the drink. She also suspected that Eliot was slowly changing the ratio so that coffee would eventually end up being the dominate ingredient.

Parker loved Eliot's house. It was close enough to everything in the city while still being isolated. Parker liked the space and the privacy. The balcony she was on at the moment over looked the back garden. Parker normally objected to staying still for prolonged periods of time but Eliot's house felt restful. It didn't hurt that Eliot was working shirtless in the garden.

Parker knew she was technically checking him out in a legitimate sense now but she still felt a weird twist in her gut. Eliot had been affectionate and tender with her since he had rescued her but in other respects he was treating her like she was made of glass.

They had not had sex since that wonderful day in the hotel and Parker was becoming confused and frustrated. Parker was still too shy to initiate anything and was following his cues. He had said he loved her but if he wasn't going to touch her than maybe he meant friend love. Parker shook her head and tried to ignore those thoughts. He still looked at her with a heat in his eyes.

Parker realistically knew that Eliot was trying to be respectful of the Hardison situation and was clearly planning on keeping his distance until it was resolved. But it was setting a bad precedent. Hardison was always going to be a part of their life but Parker wanted only two people part of her relationship. Yes, they had messed up and been bad friends but Parker would make the decision all over again to be with Eliot. He had carved a bloody path to get to her and she would do no less for him.

Parker sipped her coffee and considered Eliot. She wondered how much what he had done to save her was part of Eliot's reluctance to touch Parker now. Eliot hadn't mentioned it since and looked like he was coping with it fine but Parker knew how stoic Eliot was.

Eliot stood, he caught Parkers eye and smiled before stretching lazily. Parker's took in the play of muscles and the scars across his torso. This couldn't go on she decided abruptly. Tonight she was taking matters into her own hands. With some help.

She fumbled her phone out and called Sophie.

Parker returned in the evening to find Eliot had prepared a delicious Italian meal. He kissed her on the cheek and Parker noted his skin was still warmed from the sun.

During dinner Parker resisted the urge to have a second beer for courage, she wanted her mind clear. Eliot was relaxed and comfortable. Parker felt honoured that he was so comfortable with her in his home.

When they went to bed, Parker lingered in the bathroom. She ran a hand through her hair and looked at the outfit that she had purchased on Sophie's advice. A black little lace negligee that would alert Eliot immediately. The trick was to act nonchalant, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

She slipped in to it and entered the room. Eliot put down his book instantly. His expression was interested and wary.

Parker smiled casually and slipped into bed next to him.

Parker yawned and, as an afterthought, stretched. She remembered the impact Eliot stretching had had on her. The negligee was drawn tight across her breasts. Eliot's eyes followed the movement but his face remained passive.

"Well I'm tired," Parker said and turned on her side. Her heart was thumping and she was nervous wondering if Eliot would take the bait or if he'd see straight through her charade. Barely a minute later, she heard Eliot put down the book and flick off the light.

Spooning Parker's body, Eliot rested a hand on her hip. Parker curled further into Eliot's body so there were no spaces between them. His fingers traced an idle pattern on her hip and the feel of the fabric against her skin was wonderful. Parker had to admit that Sophie had good taste and she was glad that Sophie had found the time to drag herself away from her theatre group to help Parker.

Parker deliberately wriggled back against Eliot's hips. The sudden movement made Eliot grip her hips. Parker couldn't stop the small moan that escaped her mouth and she hoped it translated as a sleepy murmur.

Eliot tried to shift away but Parker grabbed his arm to wrap around her, trapping him flush against her. Parker tried not to smirk as Eliot tensed. She pushed back again and whispered, "You're so warm. It's nice."

It was an innocent statement but Parker could hear a change in Eliot's breathing. He was trying too hard to keep his breathing deep and even.

With another tiny squirm Parker could feel Eliot growing hard against her. His boxers and her nightgown were thin barriers between them. Parker also hadn't worn any underwear but Eliot hadn't discovered that yet.

Eliot was indecisive. He was weighing his self control against his desire to take Parker. His hand trailed up her flat stomach and rested just below her breasts. A second later his lips pressed against the bare skin of shoulder.

Parker quickly gave up any pretence of indifference and sleep. She covered his hand with her own. With her back to Eliot, his arm over her body had her pinned. She couldn't move much and her body was a canvas that Eliot was exploring.

His hand moved out from under hers and slid down the front of her body. With no preamble his hand went under the hem and then it was only Parker's skin. Eliot let out a groan upon finding Parker wasn't wearing underwear.

Parker's satisfied smile was quickly wiped of her face as Eliot's hand move against her. Needing something to clutch her hand reached out to grab the head board.

Parker could hear herself gasping and her restricted movement allowed her to focus on experiencing his touch. The growing sensation started slow and her cheeks were flushed. Eliot was gentle and teasing. When he bit her shoulder the combination sent her over the edge and Parker threw her head back, crying out.

Eliot didn't pause to let her rest. He pushed his underwear off but kept her in the same position. Still feeling boneless, Parker compliantly let Eliot hook her leg back over his hip. With an animalistic grunt Eliot slid in to her.

Parker was still on her side but Eliot propped himself up on one arm and grabbed her thigh with his free hand.

She pressed the pillow against her mouth to stifle her screams. Eliot was being just the right amount of rough and Parker found it very sexy.

Parker fisted her fingers in the sheets. The sensation of Eliot inside her again, his body pressed to hers was euphoric. It didn't take her long before the combination of Eliot's fast and hard movements, and his hands on her body catapulted her into a second, more intense orgasm.

Just when Parker was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the force of Eliot claiming her he reached his own climax.

They were both panting and sweating. Eliot's furious movements were a testimony to how hard it had been to restrain himself before. Parker felt battered and blissfully content.

With a sigh she rolled on to her back and Eliot rested his head on her chest. Parker ran her fingers through Eliot's hair, combing it back so she could see his face and the brilliant blue of his eyes.

"I guess you do still love me."

Eliot let out an exhausted chuckle. "Was there ever any doubt?"

Parker's body already ached gloriously. "Not anymore."

Eliot wound his arms tightly around her. "You are the best thing in my life," he whispered against her skin.

Parker repeated those words in her mind when days later she eventually saw Hardison.

Nate and Sophie were trying to be supportive of Eliot and Parker and at the same time not take a side. Sophie had told Parker that Hardison had needed space and Parker had respected that for the full hour that they were having coffee. Parker had eaten three sugary pastries to fortify herself and had gone to his apartment straight after to discover that he was not there.

Despite the fact Parker figured out fairly quickly that he wasn't in the city, she still went by regularly. On this particular day he was there.

Parker had stood outside for ten minutes trying to decide if she was ready for this conversation. Her phone ringing shook her from her internal thoughts.

It was Hardison on the other end. "You may as well come up."

"How did you know I was here?"

"Look up at the door frame and wave."

Parker glanced up and saw a tiny camera that no one would ever notice if their attention wasn't drawn to it. She waved meekly.

"Face recognition picked you up pretty instantly." Hardison's voice was subdued.

"I'll see you in a minute." Parker hung up the phone and steeled herself.

Hardison was sitting at his computer when she walked in. He looked at her only briefly before flicking his eyes away. His shoulders were tense and his mouth was set in a grim line.

Parker grabbed another chair, dragged it across so she was sitting facing his side profile and waited. Her expression was sombre.

Hardison kept his eyes glued to the monitor when he eventually spoke. "I just don't know how you could do this to me? And with my best friend!"

He didn't look at her once which hurt but Parker expected nothing less.

Parker leaned forward. "I have no excuse, Hardison. I am so sorry. I wish everything had happened different."

Hardison leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hands over his face.

"I believe you Parker. Do you love him?"

"Yes," Parker whispered.

Hardison closed his eyes, pained.

"Please don't hate me," Parker begged before she could stop herself.

Hardison directed his angry gaze on her now. "I don't hate you Parker but this whole situation makes me feel sick."

Parker was anguished. She couldn't believe this is where she had ended up. Causing pain to one of her only friends.

Hardison's expression softened which made Parker feel even worse. Hardison was such a good man that after everything he was still concerned about her.

"Look Parker, I don't hate you but I'm going to need some time to work through this. After that we might be ok."

"So we're going to leave this on a maybe?"

Hardison shrugged. "That's as good as you're going to get."

Parker sighed. She'd have to be content with that. It had gone better than she dared hoped or she deserved.

"I really care about you, Hardison. I hope we can be friends." With that parting statement, she took her leave.

Eliot was sitting on the couch with a beer when she came in. He didn't know that she had gone to see Hardison and she didn't tell him.

With an amused expression he let her lift his arm so she could curl up against his body. Parker rested her face on his chest and listened to the steady beat of Eliot's heart. He made her feel safe.

"I think it's going to be ok."

Eliot looked down at her and pressed his lips to her forehead gently, "of course it's going to be ok. I love you."