Author has written 189 stories for Star Wars, Doctor Who, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-overs, X-Files, DC Superheroes, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Marvel, Book X-overs, Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman, Screenplays, Superman, X-Men: The Movie, Matrix, Harry Potter, Buffy X-overs, TV X-overs, Farscape, Stargate: SG-1, Transformers/Beast Wars, Justice League, Superman, House, M.D., Punisher, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Terminator, Thor, StarTrek: Voyager, Red Dwarf, Avengers, Captain America, Blackadder, Warhammer, Married with Children, Torchwood, Tomb Raider, James Bond, Big Bang Theory, and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. An otherwise unremarkable man who has written a few pieces of work while fighting off the debilitating disease of talking about himself in the third person. Update: Published a Wonder Woman screenplay that contravenes FanFiction's guidelines. However, if you're interested in reading it, PM me and I'll send you a link. Update: I'm supposed to publish this, aren't I? Be warned, I rarely post. |