Title: Heart's Songs - Closing Scene

Author: Jade Hunter

Disclaimer: None of the songs or characters I used in this series belongs to me.

A.N: Thanks for sticking with me throughout this little project of mine. ^_^


The camera is in space, and the screen shows millions of stars and large round shapes that seem to be the planets, which are left behind as the camera zooms in towards one particular planet, the Earth. The screen shows flying mists of different colors as the camera moves through the atmosphere, and heads towards the small islands of Japan. Specifically, to the district of Juuban.

The light of the sunset spreads,

coloring your profile

Oh sky, don't lose

those enchanting colors

Everything becomes blurry as the camera moves with a single-minded purpose, stopping in front of the Aino home, in front of Minako's window, where we can see Artemis lounging on the bed, in the middle of a catnap. The camera moves for a better angle, and we are able to see Minako, who is sitting in front of her vanity in orange pajamas decorated with yellow hearts, brushing her hair.

I guess everything fades

and changes with time

You to, will wave "bye"

as you walk on.

The camera moves on after a moment, making everything blurry again. This time, we recognize the Hikawa Jinja. The camera pans out, showing the beauty of the temple, before zooming into Rei's bedroom. Rei is awake, her blanket drawn over her knees, sitting up in a fetal position, gazing into space absentmindedly.

But there are some things that don't ever change,

that can't ever be put into words:

the feelings that fill your heart.

One more, the camera rushes through the city, and then makes it's third stop at a small apartment. It pans to the side of the building facing the mountains, revealing rows of balconies. A certain balcony captures the camera's attention, and it zooms in to show Makoto, a fuzzy green robe wrapped around her, protecting her from the night chill. She is looking up at the stars, an intense look of wistfulness crossing her face.

Pain, come now,

become an eternal wind.

The camera moves away from the apartment building and heads off into the night. It stops in front of a large window with blue draperies. There is a slight crack between the curtains, and the camera pans in as close as it can get, and zooms in on the figure inside. The person turns out to be Ami, working diligently on her computer, even at this late hour. However, the expression on her face is not of concentration, but one of deep sadness.

Keep blowing,

to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.

I am always watching you

Even if

you're in a far off place.

Flash to Minako, looking at her reflection in the mirror, her face getting increasingly solemn by the minute.

If we are reborn,

I will be born as myself.

Then I will find you,

once again...

Fade in to Rei, who props her head on her knees and sighs deeply before turning her head despondently to look out her window.

Even though all things that have a shape

have limits,

I want to tell you that there are some things

that never fade.

Move in to Makoto, still standing on her balcony; she shifts uncomfortably for a few minutes, but visibly relaxes as she touches something on her ears even as tears slowly well up in her eyes.

Just because you were nearby

That alone enabled me

to walk even this steep a road.

Pan in on Ami as her typing slows to a crawl, and then stops as her shoulders slump. She turns her head slightly to look at something, and the camera follows her line of sight to reveal a chess set.

Loneliness, come now,

become an eternal wind.

The screen is suddenly filled with light, and the next scene is that of the four Generals, smiling and laughing as they joke around with each other. Someone seems to call out, for all of them turn to the right, their smiles more awed than anything else. The four Inner Senshi run on screen, their faces filled with joy as each run to their respectful partners with enthusiasm.

From now on, keep blowing,

pushing at your back as you walk alone.

I want to save you with love unseen

Until we meet again someday.

The screen becomes clouded over with dark mist, and we can see two glowing eyes burning with evil. When the dark mist moves away, we see a tragically different scene than before. The four Generals are now clad in dull gray, and their eyes are filled with malice as they eye the camera with hatred. The camera pans around to see from the Dark Kingdom Generals' point of view, and we see that they weren't glaring at the camera in hatred, they were glaring at the four Inner Senshi, all of whom look a bit wary and angry with hurt shining in their eyes.

Now, unchanging things are nothing but

continually glittering emotions

that have gone unspoken.

Fade in to the four Inner Senshi, trailing behind Usagi and Mamoru as the two lovebirds hold hands and whisper to each other. Occasionally, one of the Inners looks up at them and smiles faintly, but they soon regain their lost looks and exchange sad sighs.

Pain, come now,

become an eternal wind.

The four Inners sit quietly on the steps of the Hikawa Jinja, all looking very somber and serious. The mood is broken when Minako squares her shoulders and says something to them in a determined fashion - standing upright, one arm thrown high up with her traditional 'V for Victory' sign and a blinding grin. They all stare at her for a moment as a large sweatdrop slides down the back of Minako's head. Then Rei breaks out into quiet but sincere laughter, which triggers a boisterous response from Makoto, and finally, Ami breaks out into laughter herself. The camera focuses on each of their smiling faces for a moment and then pans up to catch the glint of the sun.

Keep blowing,

to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.

I am always watching you

Even if

you're in a far off place.

The camera pans down, away from the sun, and then catches the light reflecting of a looming structure in the background which blurs a bit as the camera focuses on nothing in particular. In a bold, golden script, as if someone is actually writing on the screen, letters appear in an elegant scrawl.

Heart's Songs *Closing Scene* "Eternal Wind"

And in tiny letters, on the bottom of the large message, small block writing appears.

Thanks for sticking with us this far. Bye-bye!


~~~~~Jade Hunter~~~~~