Author has written 116 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, West Wing, X-Files, Smallville, Discworld, Stargate: SG-1, Heroes, Alias, Star Trek: 2009, Ultimate Marvel, Marvel, Fantastic Four, Thor, Black Books, Rat Patrol, From Eroica With Love, Legend of Zelda, Blackadder, Arrested Development, It, Skeleton Crew, House, M.D., and Stargate: Atlantis. Still around, still trying to keep writing fic, though I don't have as much spare time as I used to. I tend to hop from one new fannish interest to another, but it's not impossible that I might revisit some of my older fandoms one day. (I never really abandon most of my fandoms, just tend to get lured away by a shiny new one and then lured back again when I stumble across a great fic or discussion that reawakens my interest.) You can also find me on dreamwidth and archiveofourown under the name nomadicwriter. |
Alara Rogers (222) Baked Goldfish (0) Enigmatic Ellie (8) Flatkatsi (55) mahc (56) | Marguerite1 (82) Mariner (21) nefret24 (28) Nighthowler (9) samvimes (2) | Sholio (55) sydedalus (25) Talriga (3) Theowyn of HPG (3) Underthedesk (6) |