Reviews for Illusions
Guest chapter 19 . 8/20
Reading it in 2020, not sure if you will still read this review. But this have been an excellent read. Thank you for essong the fandom with such a thoughtful and beautiful story. Rly loved your characters, they felt realistic. And your words, they are so well placed and I could feel the emotions of the characters through just your words alone. Thank you once again for such a masterpiece. Hope you're coping fine with 2020
MSupernatural chapter 4 . 4/16/2017
This chapter would make an excellent beginning to a Touya Captor fic! Just saying! haha
SmexyBocchan chapter 19 . 9/7/2016
Gotta say I really enjoyed this! There aren't many fan fictions out there from touya's point of view, and I'm absolutely in love with the pairing! It was great that you started the story pre-clow book being opened, and showed their friendship. I'll admit I was a bit upset with the Touya thing, but I gotta say the ending totally redeemed it xD I'm a sucker for the 'we can live together eternally' stuff. Overall it was a wonderful read!
Last Beam of Setting Sun chapter 19 . 3/23/2016
While watching the anime on internet these couple really attracted me and after finishing watching it I searched for stories on these couple on fanfiction to get more as I knew this is the only sight where their are lots of fan like me wanting to continue.

I read lots of short stories here before reading yours. Actually I was avoiding yours reading the headline "illusion was always with yuki and touya from the beginning.." . Actually I thought it wrong that you might gonna make every love and affection nothing but just illusion which would hurt me really really too much

But you really filled me But still I'm not going to stop
Anyway thanks so much. And the comparison at the end was really thrilling, it touched my heart so much Please keep up writing All the best Askani Blue
Last Beam of Setting Sun chapter 19 . 3/23/2016
Uff! I'm really warmed up :p Amazing amazing greatttt work...I love this couple sooooo much ) Thanks solo much for such wonderful story of Yuki and Touya :) Thanks thanks thanks...tends to inifinity ;)
Guest chapter 19 . 11/9/2015
This fic is sooooooooo amazing.
This is my top favooooorite ! o)/
Guest chapter 19 . 12/24/2014
Oh my gosh, you don't even know the scare you gave me when Touya died, I was like "WAHT?
This was a lovely story that I greatly enjoyed reading, thank you so much for writing it. :)

Only bit I wasn't sure about was the end? Did Yue and Yukito become one? Or did Yukito disappear and only Yue was left in his place?

I must have missed something.

Either way, thank you so much for this beautiful story. :)
Kokoroyume chapter 19 . 2/16/2014
That was a great story and a great ending ;)
Kokoroyume chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
This first chapter was the first thing that I read about CCSakura since... well, a very long time, and I loved it :)
Eru no Tsubasa chapter 19 . 1/27/2012
The whole symbolism between Yue being the moon and Touya the earth is beautiful and so right... *cries*
Inu Eve chapter 19 . 7/21/2011
Great job on this fic! Really loved how you ended it, thought I kept internally growling at Touya and Yuki to FINALLY get together. The way you've written it, it was really quite the journey, and I really felt like you portrayed Touya accurately- especially nice considering we don't get a real look in his head in the anime, though I don't know about the manga.

Keep up the good work!


Kaze Luna chapter 19 . 11/10/2010
I'm incredibly happy that i found this fan fiction. I ran into it searching for a toya and yuki that held up to my views of them in the original manga and you by far surpassed them in your wonderful and touching story. thank yuo so much for writing this.

Kaze Luna
k-shee chapter 16 . 5/29/2010
You have moved me to tears. I never thought it was possible. This is going straight to the favorites bin!
RaNdoM Aoi Tsuki chapter 19 . 5/3/2009
I absolutley love this story. It ended with such a nice twist! Honestly, when you killed Touya, I wanted to murder someone. LoL. Keep up the good work!
GreenieChan chapter 19 . 4/15/2009
Beautiful, touching, simply awesome and great! _

I absolutely loved this fic. Your writing was smooth and you described everything nicely.

I was honestly shocked and surprised when you killed Touya. The previous chapters didn't show any intensions like that so I wasn't prepared for it. And I really cried couple times during the chapters Touya wasn't around and Yuki was mourning and crying. I felt so sorry for him T_T

You planned things well and so the plot worked well. The last chapter was so sweet and I was SO HAPPY Touya and Yuki finally got together for good! _

I simply loved this fic and I will definetely read it again in the future. I think I'll look into your other fics too. Keep up the good work and thank you for this lovely and touching fic!
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