Author has written 38 stories for Naruto, Saiyuki, Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, D.Gray-Man, Firefly, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I must apologize for the steep dropoff in posts, and the sheer number of stories that I have yet to finish...As has been pointed out to me by my favorite reviewer (and an excellent should check her out), emeraldoni, I have this...tendancy to NOT FINISH a story that I've begun. UPDATE ON ME: Yay! I graduated! Now you can look forward to updates on my stories, since I've been writing like mad. Stories that are currently active: 1. Dog Days--COMPLETE, final epilogue chapter posted. 2. Loose Ends--New Chapter partially complete. 3. No One Knows I'm Famous--New chapter complete, posted. 4. The Dogs of War--New chapter mostly complete. 5. Heartbreaker--Overhauling last chapter. 6. Adorable--COMPLETE, final chapter posted! Once these are complete, I will work on: 1. Dodging Enishi 2. Prodigal Uchiha 3. You Give Me A Headache 4. The One Possessed 5. Princess: A Parody And finally, because it is my baby, I will get going again with Machi Yoko Naruto. So there you have my schedule. Please don't ask for updates. I'm working as fast as I can. Oh. And I have a job now, so there's more slow-down... Are you a beta reader? you like a challenge? I have been looking for a beta. Hmm. I've got one for some of my stuff. Looking for one for the following fics: Prodigal Uchiha (someone has to make me finish) You Give Me A Headache Dodging Enishi Princess, A Parody Dog Days Requirements: --attention to detail --thorough knowledge of English grammar, and spelling --patience (I am a perfectionist, and I edit incessantly) --Microsoft Word. I don't do WordPad, guys. If you're interested, please post on my forum, antilogic fiction. Or, PM me! General stuff: I just found a job (yay for me). I graduated with my Masters Degree. I love movies, anime, reading, and so many other things that I couldn't really list them all at once. Like the usename says, I'm a girl, and logic really doesn't do much for me... Often, people describe me as the silliest person they know. I disagree. I'm goofy, not silly. What do I look like? Hmm. Usually, I would play the teasing woman and say, "wouldn't you like to know?", but at the moment, I guess I should be pretty honest about the situation. I'm around 5'5.5" tall (the half counts to us short people, ok!). Hair is brown, natural blonde streaks around the face area. Eyes are that odd color known as hazel--not green, not brown. Got glasses, have since I was 11, and I only wear contacts for costuming. I guess that's about it, since I'm definitely not telling you guys my weight (it's average for my height). Oh, I guess black, blue and dark red are my favorite colors to wear, though brown is always safe if I'm going somewhere that I don't know what's going to happen. It's easier to fade into the background and make a quick exit that way. Tee-hee. Personality: Perfectionist Motivated, just about the wrong things Cynical...yet a hopeless Romantic At times, completely insane Favorites Books: Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson, Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling, most anything by Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child, and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Manga: Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Saiyuki, Bleach, Black Cat. New Favorite: D-Gray Man. Movies: The Fifth Element, Willow, LOTR-Fellowship of the Ring, Star Wars and sequels (not those crappy new ones), A Muppet Christmas Carol, and America's Sweethearts, Oscar, Howl's Moving Castle (See also Anime), Treasure Planet, Murder by Death. Anime: Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin, Crest of the Stars, Voltron (what can I say, I'm old school like that), Galaxy Express, Vampire Hunter D (original), Witch Hunter Robin, Love Hina, and Samurai Deeper Kyo. Recent favorites include Wolf's Rain, Saiyuki, Gun Sword, Yakitate Japan! and One Piece (Roanoa Zollo kicks ass), Howl's Moving Castle, Perfect Blue, Millenium Actress. Guilty pleasures: Gakuen Heaven, Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness). Music:Lots of anime music, Chris Cornell, They Might Be Giants, Talking Heads, OMD, Cowboy Mouth, Souls of Blues Revival, Panic! At the Disco, Yellowcard, Eiesley, Flyleaf, Radiohead, Stone Temple Pilots, Murder by Death, Qntal, The Tea Party, Neutral Milk Hotel, Porcupine Tree, oldies like Wilson Pickett and Aretha Franklin, and my absolute favorite of all time, the man himself...Ludwig von Beethoven. Lately I've discovered the Dropkick Murphys...they're really fun. You should ALL be illegal and download them! Why I'm doing this: because I get an idea in my head. Until I get it out, it drives me nuts. :P I guess you could say I'm a little like the Mariner. This pretty much sums it up: Since then, at an uncertain hour, I pass, like night, from land to land ; --from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Community: | S.F.O.S.B. Society for Obligatory Sasuke Bashing |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Naruto |