Response to reviews for Choosing Loyalties 2/2

Sound-As-Ever – I'm glad you liked the fic, and am very flattered you find it original. As for the Snapledore, it's one of my favorite pairings (although I realize not for everybody). I mean, if there are no issues with writing slash for a 16 and 40plus year old, why make problems with Albus? He's such an interesting character. But that's the beauty of the HP fandom in my opinion: the wealth of characters (and pairings) to choose from.

A Typical Snarry Fan - :: is very flattered :: Thanks for letting me know, glad you enjoyed it.

Jewelclaw Lady of Wind – As promised, here is the next (and final) chapter. Enjoy!

Rogue1615 – Don't worry, Ginny will be dealt with. I hope you like what I've done (or at least enjoy it), thanks for the review.

S.S.S. – Ah, that's a relief. And you didn't even have to wait that long! Thanks for the reviews.

Yxonomei - :: blush :: A big  hug to one of my most loyal reviewers. I hope you enjoy the ending. (looks up effervescent)

Elena – Thanks for the review, I'm glad you like the story (and think the plot is any good! And orginal to boot!) Enjoy the ending.

Dragon-Soul – Always good to hear. Thanks for letting me know about lj, I've kind of lost track of the mutations of my friendslist, so don't notice anymore if somebody's joined (or left), unless they tell me.

Shiozaki – Glad you liked the lullabye, I'm particularly proud of that one myself. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Artemisu – You're too kind. Well, wait no longer and see if you guessed right. Hope you like what I've done, let me know.

Response to reviews for Choosing Loyalties 1/2

Ravenshaelo – Sorry to hear about the Dumbledore hate (but I think I've already spoiled what's going to happen to him, so no worries). Glad you liked the Snarry. Next update won't take as long, should be up tomorrow, or Friday at the latest.

Arcee1 – At this point Harry is 17 and a half (it's halfway through his seventh year). Thanks for the review.

Athenakitty  - Tune in this week to find out! *g*

Rogue1615 – So glad you like the fic, and it's got you thinking. You're right on Harry's (and diary!Tom's) positive influence on Voldemort, it's definitely made him a saner megalomaniac *g*, and the more dangerous for it. As for Ginny, all will be revealed in the final (next) part.

Yxonomei - :: blush :: You're too kind.

Dragonsoul – Ah, always good to know I've inspired another writer to take up the pen (or laptop as the case may be). Have I friended you back btw, I checked on my lj and there are quite a lot of 'dragons' on there so I'm not sure which one you are *g*

Response to reviews for Betrayal 4/4

Nelum – Ah, no this is not the end. Three more parts before this story is finished. Thanks for letting me know you enjoy my story. worm – Glad you like the story, even though Harry's not a shapeshifter/animagus and he's keeping his glasses (I like that Harry has glasses and will only get his sight corrected for plot purposes). Still, thanks for reviewing.

Sevtar – Hmm, a common reaction. Personally I'd guess that Severus would be better off with Albus in the end. Yes, Voldemort is honest that he's just using Severus (for sex, potions &c), but Albus does care for Severus, even if that does not stop him from using Severus (and Severus' feelings for Albus). He's fighting a war and sacrifices must be made. But yeah, not an ideal situation in any way. Fortunately there's a third way *g*

Evil-Slasher – ah, long reviews (even if they ramble ;) are always good. I'm glad you like my story and thanks for letting me know. I'm sure Harry would have ended up in Slytherin (if not more likely Ravenclaw) if he'd had the chance to calm down (and the Sorting hadn't been rigged/manipulated). Ah well, hope you like the ending, just three parts left (including this one).

Ravenshaelo – I think Harry's choice is going to be pretty straightforward and predictable. Now Severus on the other hand *tease*. Next week.

LeeLeePotter – Thanks for the review (and I love DE takes a Holiday, but I'm sure I've said that before). I was a bit apprehensive in adding Ginny to the story, but she has her part to play (and it's not all done yet either), glad you liked it.

Yxonomei - :: blushes :: Thanks, I'm glad I'm able to make Harry 3 dimensional. Even if he is a very self-centered character ;)

Ennui2 – Thanks for reviewing. Yup on the Cassandra front (it was hinted at in part 1 of Betrayal). Such a relief I've managed to get away with Ginny/Harry interaction.

Pretty Fox Renamon – You and Yxonomei are among my most faithful reviewers I believe *big g* Thanks for letting me know you like (and are still liking) my story. There will be some Harry/Draco interaction in this part. One semi sentence, I hope you like ;)

DragonSoul – Oh, total word on apathetic (self-centered) Harry! (and don't worry, I wouldn't want to get rid of one of my most loyal reviewers ;)

JadedEros – So glad you're liking my fic (and that I'm insidiously turning you to the Snapledore side of the force *veg*). Comment here or on lj, whatever's handiest for you. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Response to reviews for Betrayal 3/4

RavensHaelo – Tom's no nymphomaniac, just an extremely horny teenager ;) No denial on the pervy voyeur Dumbledore front though. And I don't really see this Harry as having too much trouble with his conscience. After all, he knew Tom was the Dark Lord (and had killed and would kill people), he just didn't know Tom had killed his parents and tried to kill him, that put things into perspective.

Diagonalist - :: snuggles ::

Pretty Fox Renamon – Thanks for the review, and what Tom's up to won't become obvious until another two updates (there are three left after this one).

Alianna15 – Thanks so much for letting me know you like my fic, always good to hear

@_@ - Thanks

Yxonomei – You say the nicest things (give Yxonomei another shot ;)

FallenPhoenix721 – Thanks for the review, updates once a week around Wednesday

Barbara – You're right on the Ginny part (although her parents didn't know she was having sex, nobody else did), and of course nobody 'cept Severus knew that Albus knew (or is going to find out) Thanks for the review, hope you like this chapter

Lady Shang – Thanks

DragonSoul – Oh, I think Severus did the right thing (after all, he has no reason to trust that Tom will do what's right for Harry), ah well, it'll become clear as the fic progresses

Response to reviews for Betrayal 2/4

DragonSoul – Not revealing anything *g* No Tom this week, but next week he'll have a message for Harry... Thanks for letting me know you like my fic, I really apreciate it.

Purplefirepheonixx – Glad you like it.

Lakuniko – Thanks for letting me know.

Mystic Angel-Devil Queen – Thanks, updates once a week around Wednesday.

Pretty Fox Renamon – Extremely happy to have exceded your expectation *g* There won't be any Triwizard Tournament, it pretty much veers off from canon here (for as far as it hasn't already, of course), but thanks for letting me know you like my fic.

Lolita – Well, that's a relief, I'd hate for my story to be getting worse. Thanks for letting me know you like it.

PissedOffEskimo – Thanks, I hope you enjoy this week's part, it's a little on the short side but lots of good Harry/Sirius interaction (and some Harry/Severus too).

Yxonomei – :: is extremely flattered :: Thanks for the review.

Response to reviews for Betrayal 1/4

RavensHaelo – First off good luck with the writing and I hope you solve your internet connection soon. Glad you liked the last part and the way I'm portraying their relationships. At the moment I see it as Harry viewing Sev and Tom as kind of parent figures (and playing the one against the other as you'll see this part). Okay, it's not an entirely healthy, let alone sane relationship, but still...

Tammy14 – Yup, there's gonna be angst. But also romance and happiness too. Glad you liked it.

Zarra Rous – Wait no longer, here's the next part and it's nice and long. Although there may be a slight delay with next week's episode, but I hope to get it posted before the end of next week at the latest. It's written, just needs to be beta-ed.

Yxonomei – Thanks so much for your kind words.

Lee Lee Potter – Poor Severus, he doesn't have it easy does he. Most of your questions will be answered this week. And on Ginny, the issue will be addressed (in two weeks) She has a part to play (but don't worry, not too big)

ReflectionsofReality – Thank you so much for your kind words and involvement. I maybe should have stated so in the author notes, but this was conceived pre-OotP, and I'm just picking stuff from book 5 that I like and ignoring the rest (such as for example the prophecy). But your explanation would fit wonderfully, so I hope you don't mind if I just point to your review if people ask questions *g* On Dumbledore, a lot of people really don't like him, it seems. Ah well, don't worry, he's not going to survive the story.

Kitta Baby – I'm glad you thought it was hot, I must admit to often rereading this part of the fic myself *g* Harry gets saved this chapter, and the rest of the Betrayal chapter will be dealing with the fall-out. I hope you like it.

Humarock – Thank you for your kind words. I've been over this fic at least ten times in my mind (if not more), and I'm glad to hear it payed off. There will be little interaction between Harry, Hermione and Ron; you'll see what I mean in this part and the next two.

Pretty Fox Renamon – Thanks for the review, more Harry-Tom-Severus interaction this chapter (not to mention major plot development and angst, no cliffhanger though).

Tati1 – Voldemort's no angel, that's for certain, but he's not a raving psychopath either. So much more interesting this way *g*

Kdalemama – Glad you like my fic. I'd started getting the impression it's being overlooked/ignored on After_Class (or maybe everybody's just reading it here or on my lj). It's good to hear I'm succeeding in showing the difference the influence of Harry on Tom and Tom on Harry has made to their characters. Over the next few parts you'll definitely see that a formative part of Harry's growing up has been influenced by Tom, and I hope that I've managed to keep Harry Harry. Thanks for the review, I hope you enjoy the rest.

PissedOffEskimo – Ah yes, that version of the story. I'll admit to thinking about it, but you already did that so well in He Defines Me, so I figured I'd have to take a different tack. And in the meantime, Sev's getting bent over and pushed up against every available surface, so that sort of compensates, doesn't it? *g* Thanks for letting me know you like my fic, I hope I manage to keep your attention.

Response to reviews for Discoveries 4/4

Purplefirepheonixx – Don't worry, the fic will be completed, another 7 installments (including this week's) so it should be finished begin October.

RavensHaelo – First off, thanks for the long review, always nice to get those. And glad you've got your 'puter back. Severus is not happy with the situation he's in, although he does enjoy some aspects to it (sometimes), and yeah, Harry makes up for a lot. And this is the first proper Patronus he's ever cast… The way I understood Patronus and Dementors to work was that the Patronus is a manifestation of the caster's happiest memories, and that happiness is what repels the Dementors. Harry 'rescued' will happen next week, I can't wait to hear people's reactions to be honest, and have to restrain myself from just posting everything I've written so far *g*, but I want to have it finished before I start speeding updates. On Tom/Voldie, it's only logical that Voldemort's sixteen year old persona would influence him and vice versa. It's not that he's schizophrenic, exactly, but indeed, two personalities that are alike and different at the same time and not so much fighting for dominance as coming to the fore in different situations. The Karkaroff episode was Voldemort for sure, Severus putting his foot in it was all Tom. Good luck with your writing, am eagerly awaiting your updates.

Tati1 – Thanks so much for your compliments. I can't promise you anything, but you've already noticed that Tom's no insane psycho Voldemort, but good? Not exactly that either. Harry will go to Hogwarts (next week), and although that was about the most explicit/worst torture of Severus this fic will have, that does not mean it's calm sailing, he's just too much fun when he's tormented. Updates once a week around Wednesday.

White Rider – Thanks you, next update next week same battime, same batchannel.

Selua – Thanks for the compliment, with so many HP fics out there being told your story is original is great praise indeed. Don't worry 'bout the Snarry, it's coming up (slowly).

LeeLeePotter – Thank you so much, I simply adore Death Eater Takes a Holiday, so getting a review from you absolutely made my day! I'm a bit of a sucker for AU's (and have another three lined up to write), but they have to be sufficiently different otherwise you get bored. I liked playing around with canon and twisting everything just a bit: just wait until next week when Harry goes to Hogwarts :: tease ::

Carya – Sorry about the evil cliffhanger, and I'm afraid I can't guarantee there won't be anymore (but updates are regular and punctual, so I think I ought to be allowed to get away with it). No cliffhanger this episode anyway. Thanks for the review.

Katmint – Sev convince Voldemort to let Harry go? Mmm, I don't think so. Not to be much of a tease, but you'll find out how he gets Harry to Hogwarts next week. And Tom would never hurt Harry! Intentionally, anyway. Thanks for the review, I hope you enjoy this part too.

Evelia – Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad to have provided a fun distraction on your spare afternoon. Updates are weekly Wednesday at the latest. Because the fic is entirely either Harry's or Severus' pov I was a bit worried Tom might not shine through as well, but I'm happy to hear you don't think that's the case. He's such an intriguing character, at least as long he's not portrayed as a raving lunatic (who would never have been able to gain/hold that kind of power and followers).

Pretty Fox Renamon – Thank you for your loyal reviewing, I very much appreciate getting feedback like this. Your questions will be answered next week, for now we switch back to Harry's pov on living with Tom, Nagini and Severus.

Kitta Baby – Thank you, I'm quite proud of my version of the Shrieking Shack showdown, if I do say so myself. And Sev's patronus, it just wrote itself. Thanks again for your review, next update Wednesday in a week at the latest.

Princess Pearliest – My apologies if you thought this chapter was too explicit, I thought it was just within the rating rules myself. And yeah, Harry's happy with Voldemort, but every story needs conflict (otherwise it would be very boring, I dare say), but it'll all turn out reasonably all right for most involved, I can promise you that.

Lolita – There seems to be very little sympathy for poor Peter. He was finally happy, and had a chance to stay that way, have real friends and the like. I've always found him pitiable, rather than evil :: ntamara shrugs :: ah well, give the audience what it wants, so one dead/soulless Wormtail it is *g* As you can read in the pairings list there'll be no explicit Harry/Tom, and yeah, Sirius is back and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to kill him off, although I make no promises. Thanks for the review.

Yxonomei – Thanks for your kind words and for reviewing again.

Kateri1 – You know, my beta made the same remark: she could totally see Albus obliviating all those involved to keep Harry!Wormy as the Boy-Who-Lived figurehead in the fight against Voldemort, but well, with Pettigrew's soul sucked away he really has no choice but to get the real Harry. Thanks for the review, I hope you enjoy this week's installment.

Response to reviews for Discoveries 3/4

Pretty Fox Renamon – Glad to have surprised you. I'm happy to hear you like the way I handle Voldemort; he has a teenage body now after all (and the recent teenage memories of his diary self); thanks for your review

Kitta Baby – There'll be explicit Harry/Sev later on in the story (and I guess a scene that could be interpreted as a threesome, they're all in the same bed after all, that one will be posted next week, evil tease). All other pairings (and couplings *g*) will stay implied.

TickTock1 – Summaries have never been my strongest skill. Ntamara ponders alternative. Anyway, thanks a lot for your review, I'm happy you tried my fic out and actually liked it!

Yxonomei – It's good to hear I'm keeping my audience happy. Updates once a week around Wednesdays.

Lolita – Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm extremely flattered. I see you've not yet been converted to the Snapledore side of the force; ah well, don't worry, no explicit Sev/Albus action in this story; what they had together ended when Harry defeated Voldemort the first time; which doesn't stop Albus from using Sev's still present affection for him; oh, and don't worry about Wormtail, he gets his in this chapter, I hope you like it *eg*

Response to reviews for Discoveries 2/4

Jade – Sorry about the link, I've fixed it (and otherwise just go to my lj, link in profile, and check under 'my fanfic'). If you want it sent to you, please leave your email. Anyway, thanks for the note, I'm glad you liked it.

Pretty Fox Renamon – I'm glad you liked the chapter, and yeah, Dumbledore is manipulative, but hell, it's a war! (which is not to say he won't meet a sticky ending :: tease, tease :: just wait and see). Thanks for your review.

Ravenshaelo – Thanks for your very kind words. Feedback like yours is wonderful to receive. I'm glad I'm able to pull this off somewhat credibly: Harry has been isolated at the Dursleys, ends up isolated in Riddle Mansion with only Tom to turn to. And from Tom's side, they have a lot in common and this is 16 year-old Tom Riddle, not yet Voldemort. Yeah, and Severus has definitely got the short end of the bargain. Ah well, Voldemort's use is not entirely without perks *g*.  I'm looking forward to reading the updates, good luck with writing. I'm not on yahoo!messenger yet, but end of September that should be fixed and if you're amiable I'd be happy to stalk you ;)

Ren – Albus does care for Severus, and Sev wouldn't necessarily be better off with the Dark Lord (nor has he any reason yet to think so). Thanks for your feedback.

Ephiphanypix – Thanks for your feedback. I'm so happy to hear people think I'm being original, there's so much HP fic out there, it's a great compliment. I hope you continue to like what I write.

Yxonomei – So happy to hear I've still got my audience enthralled. I hope you enjoy this part just as much, if not more.

Princess Pearliest – Albus is involved in a war, and in order to win he needs to be ruthless and do what is necessary to ensure Severus' loyalty (and check his information). But yeah, poor Sev. But at the moment he has no reason to think he'd be any better off with Voldemort, and he wouldn't want the wizarding world ruled by him. (but hey, things can change, be patient). Thanks for your kind words, I hope the abundance of Tom/Sev action in this update will help

Response to reviews for Discoveries 1/4

Fireangle – I'm glad you like it, thanks for your review

Pretty Fox Renamon – Thanks for the review, updates are once a week

Winnie – Of course he's going to tell Albus! Go read this chapter to find out how Albus takes the news *veg*

Kitta Baby – I'm so happy to hear people think I'm doing something original (and they like it). Updates are once a week, thanks for the review.

Carya – Thanks for the review, here's more ;)

Coward in the Shadow – Thanks for the review, updates once a week around Wednesday

GY – Yup (read the parings list). More will be revealed as the story progresses

Ravenshaelo – Thanks for the review, I'm glad to hear you like it (and I'm a fan of your work, will there be an update for End Game or any of your other fics any time soon?)


Creamy Mimi – Thanks for letting me know, next update in a week's time

BlackDiva – Thanks for the review, updates once a week

Artemisu – Psycho-Harry, I like it ;) Another two parts and you'll get to see Harry/Wormy (as my beta Erin LaCroix so aptly dubbed him) confront Sirius in the Shrieking Shack

Response to reviews for Riddle Mansion 2/2

Nexus – I'm glad you like my story. Don't worry, this will not be abandoned: weekly updates until it's finished. The next seven parts are already done (at +/- 4000 words a piece), and I'm busy writing the remaining six or seven. Next update will probably be next week Tuesday evening, otherwise Friday at the latest.

Yxonomei - :: blush :: I hope I keep you that way ;)

GY – Sorry for getting your hopes up. Here's the next installment, next part in another seven days.

Bastet's Dark Priestess – I'm glad you like it, what can I say? Diagonalist's challenge inspired me.

Zarra Rous – Thank you. I hope you enjoy this part too.

Enola – Tom genuinely likes Harry, at least his diary self does and that's influenced Voldie. I'm glad you liked the lullabye, I was quite pleased with it myself. On Hogwarts, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see ;). I'm glad you liked it and I hope the next part is also to your liking.

Sabriel-Chan – Thanks! That's nice to hear, I hope it stays that way.

Response to reviews for A Different Beginning and Riddle Mansion 1/2

Rebecca – wait no longer (the next update will be Wednesday next week)

Yxonomei – have updated, thanks for the encouragement

Lady SallyRose – I'm glad you like it, Diagonalist provided the inspiration; Harry will be going to Hogwarts at some point in the future, and Wormtail? You'll have to be patient and wait and see… *g*

Kateri – thank you, here's more