Reviews for Inquisitor Carrow and the GodEmperorless Heathens
sondrex76 chapter 10 . 7/18
I love this.
Its absolutely hillerious and awesome :)

I found a few potential minor misspellings and such:
"Dumbledore , defeater" - "Dumbledore, defeater"
" , " - ", "
"he here was, stuck" - "here he was, stuck"
"induced . " - "induced. "
" De we even kno" - " Do we even kno"
" Pomfrey sighed" - " Pomfrey sighed "
"d by a Ordos " - "d by an Ordos "
"future possible by as much a" - "future possibly by as much a"
"every experienced on t" - "ever experienced on t"
" people in to submission" could be " people in to submission" but it feels mroe impactful as it is
" in to his porridge. " - " into his porridge. "
"to sweat slightly ." - "to sweat slightly."
"n like creature had any way." - "n like creature had anyway."
"to any thing if " - "to anything if "
"he trying to place exactly w" - "he tried to place exactly w"
"floor and door surround", no idea here
"It's been age" - "It'd been age"
"one of Hogwart's most popular Headmaster" - "one of Hogwart's most popular Headmasters"
"occurred was this sid" - "occurred was on this sid"
"all , I'm " - "all, I'm "
"centurys " - "centuries "
"e memory o the la" - "e memory of the la"
" that she is resident in " - " that she is a resident in "
"there's one each" - "there's one for each"
"still alive not some burn" - "still alive and not some burn"
"pletely sr. It is best to be.." - "pletely sure. It is best to be.."
" the man mild stomach ache" could be " the man a mild stomach ache"

Thanks for writing and have a great day!
Yifto chapter 10 . 6/8
are you amassing his go to pairings as a squad? Ginny, Hermione and OC vampire... seems battle haremy. I'm here for it tho.
chickenbass chapter 2 . 5/12
I am imagining guy Gardner being punched by Batman in the last paragraph.
Raiju001 chapter 10 . 5/12
I laughed so much during this! Thank you for bringing the ridiculous hilarity to the grim dark setting of 40k again! I look forward to reading the other entries in this series!
Andrithir chapter 10 . 3/19
I quite enjoyed this fic.
Could use some more Blood Raven levels of memetic insanity. But still good.
kessu91 chapter 5 . 2/15
Im sorry but this is just stupid... We been reading how despite his massive size he can move without being seen and without sound yet here after literally witnessing the magic from the snakes eyes he just jumps out in the open like some fucking moron rather than end the beast from his hiding spot... Hes almost 300 years old with almost the same amount of battle experience yet hes apparently just winged his way through life thus far...
RonRR chapter 10 . 1/21
An amusing story that makes me more curious about the mythos of warhammer 40k.

Thank you for writing,

ciel.livide chapter 10 . 1/1
This made me laugh out loud more than once! Thanks for sharing :)
Kaiimei chapter 8 . 12/3/2019
That's...I actually went 'Aww' when he helped that Vampire.

I expected him to go all Age of Sigmar on her ass and smash her head to bits as soon as he saw her, not feed her with the blood of a pickpocket and give her a home. I expect she'll be perfectly loyal to him for this, which is a cute idea.

And, since I'm already writing this, Hermione's relation with Carrow is awesome as well.
pinks99 chapter 10 . 11/25/2019
What a fabulous story! I'm not familiar with Warhammer40K, but it was hilarious nevertheless.
Sakura Lisel chapter 4 . 11/18/2019
Carrow should tell Fudge where he can SHOVE his 'special bill' concerning Carrows 'legality' as an ADULT, when ANYBODY with EYES and a BRAIN can see that Carrow is obviously NOT a underaged 'minor' no matter what ANYONE says, and that 'special bill' WON'T change the truth of his obvious ADULTHOOD even if it DID get passed. Or what? Just because THEY don't 'accept' that his current age as 'real' that hes going to allow them to treat him like hes STILL a underaged kid, especially when hes older than EVERYBODY in the magical world, though probably slightly younger than the Flamels. *lol*
D'nnome chapter 1 . 11/7/2019
Me: How many worlds have you done Exterminatus on?

Carrow: How many breads have you eaten in your life?
Guest chapter 3 . 10/7/2019
orc's from Warhammer being hyper intelligent is it snape calling them that because if he ever saw one he would change his mind it's more there so stupid there dangerous
Kagey98 chapter 10 . 9/17/2019
Cute story. Thank you for sharing your talent!
BillBrink chapter 4 . 9/17/2019
I am leaving your fine story here, but I want you to know it is not due to the quality of your writing. It is simply due to personal preferences. I don't normally read crossovers because it requires a certain familiarity with the second story, characters, etc., in order to recognize what the writer wants to convey. Sometimes it can be done if the other character is secondary to the protagonist, not central. For example, I have read stories where a female character is brought into a relationship with Harry as a vampire or warewolf. What I am discerning in this story is that Harry, as the protagonist, has almost disappeared. He has little to do with Harry Potter and is now Carrow, a most powerful, much older warrior, who cannot identify with his once friends and professors. It's as if I was a Superman FF reader and began reading a story where Superman suddenly became a young magical orphan at the Daily Planet. The story, although surrounded with all Clark's friends, is no longer a Superman story, because he is the protagonist. You have not just given Harry new or different abilities, you have made him into a different character.
In glancing at your site page I can see that this is a common theme for your work. I just was not aware of what you were doing. Thank you for sharing your work.
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