Imma Kiwi Bird: I was inspired to make another crossover. xD No surprise, ne? This is a Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter crossover, of course. Well... enjoy, I guess. xD

Oh; and as a note, this takes place at the end of their third year. 'Cept, this time, Ron was able to assist them in their time escapade to save Sirius and Buckbeak. But... it goes wrong. O doom

ONE MORE NOTE. xD This prologue is extremely short. So... beware.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter; JK Rowling does. Also, I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean. Disney does. I wish I could own both, though. ;o;

Key for Text: "Words." This is speaking.

"Words." This is thinking.

Faulty Time Turner


Hermione Granger slung the chain around the necks of her friends, Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. She herself didn't know why the chain of the Time Turner seemed to be able to stretch into unmeasurable lengths, but it was able to. Ron looked around skeptically. He didn't know if he wanted to go or not; being bit by Sirius Black in dog-form was painful. And the pain was still there.

Hermione hissed under her breath slightly when the Time Turner wouldn't turn. What was wrong with it!

Next thing she knew, her fingers slipped and the Time Turner was flipped multiple times. She gasped in surprise and it fumbled from her hands, turning some more when it fell to the ground. She grabbed it again, attempting to turn it back so they could start again.

Harry bit his lip. What was she doing?

Hermione, in her nervousness, ended up turning it back more. Then it jammed. Her eyes widened as the whirring images started to pass them. Harry and Ron pretty much backed up into each other.

Something was in the pit of their stomachs...

The images stopped. Hermione instantly began fumbling with the faulty Time Turner again. She pursed her lips and took it off of Ron and Harry when she learned that it was, again, jammed.

She instantly froze as she looked around. Harry and Ronald were also frozen as the glanced around.

They were on some port; near an ocean. The strong smell of sea salt filled their senses, making Hermione and Harry gag slightly. Ron seemed unfazed as he turned to look out into the opened sea.

Harry noticed that the port had about three ships in it. They reminded him of those old ships the English had back sometime in the 1700s. He had read about them in a book from the library; when he had his brief fascination with old ships. Heck, he even had an old ship-in-a-bottle as proof. And it was sitting in his room back at Number 4 Private Drive.

Hermione was the only one to notice where the were. The Caribbean. Hogwarts was in England; when she reversed the Time Turner, even if it had been quite a ways back, they shouldn't have ended up in the Caribbean!

She looked at the Time Turner. The faulty piece of sh-

"What is your purpose here, children?"