Reviews for Namesake
LL chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
This fic is so old and I'm honestly so glad I found it and so glad I've read it.
gardeniia chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
This was a really unique piece. It's a really original concept and I liked your Chie a lot too. Great job!
psychedelic aya chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
I rarely see Chie angst, and this one was handled well. Thanks for writing this piece!
Fatal Mars chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
AH! I loved it Yosuke and Chie having a kid is so freaking adorable. I love the context of adding Saki to the equation. I really love how Yosuke was so non chalant about picking a name. I couldn't ask for anything more!
zero-damage chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
Man, I loved the humor in this one, especially the meanings of the names. I kind of wish there *was* one that meant "my wife is paranoid about this", seems useful.

Great characterization, too. Pregnancy might be disrupting her thinking just a tiny bit - but Chie's still recognizably herself. Including the detailed little mental scenes; insecure and hormonal Chie would go a bundle on those, whether intentionally or not. Fitting that her thoughts make it all about Saki, when it really isn't (could just as easily be Yukiko, going by that one line)

Particularly liked the section beginning 'Saki who was Yosuke’s first great love' - it's hard to criticize a dead girl, but Chie's feelings are mixed up enough to break with that a few paragraphs later.

Great stuff :) No criticisms, it does everything right for a fic of this length. Really enjoying these one-shots - not sure how many you still have to post, but they've been awesome so far.
Megaolix chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Chie is overthinking this, isn't she? Come on, we're talking about Yosuke.

Nice one-shot.
Lady Cheshire chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
I'm not sure how you craft these speculative future stories so well, but I'm not really sure that it matters because I'm so preoccupied with how AWESOME they always turn out! So let's just say you're amazing and thus your writing is amazing. On to the gushing:

What I like here is that you've gone beyond the established Chie/Yosuke pairing and refocused the attention back on Chie: pregnancy plus hormones plus insecurities make for a potentially hazardous undercurrent. Chie seems like the kind of person that would let such a combination get the best of her. The wry humor and tension that collapses at the end of the story make for a great perspective on Chie. I'm not really sure if what I've said makes sense, but I wanted to let you know that this was some characterization. I loved the way you wrote Chie in Elysion, so I'm glad to see your attention back on her.

Thank you! As always, I'm excited to see what lovely piece you have in store!
BonusParts chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
I have to admit, I loved this! Not only does it deal with my favorite P4 couple, but it's a great characterization piece for them both. Chie the over-thinking expectant mother; Yousuke the soon-to-be-father who doesn't think too long about anything. I'm certain that Chie could go through those sorts of feelings about a new baby girl (especially the first-born)...that anyone dealing with a mutual past such as theirs would have those feelings.

I also enjoy Chie's estimation of Konishi Saki, and those dreadful comparisons that she tries to draw between herself and the dead girl. Very true-to-life and a little bit heart-wrenching when faced with how a lost not-love affects someone that you love.

Really, really well done! This one has to go on my Favorites list.