![]() Author has written 61 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, and Wrestling. Hi, my name's Speedstreak360. Speedy for short. I am 20 years old, and now have a learner's permit and need to upgrade to license. I am FEMALE! I am and OVERLY AFFECTIONATE female! So BE WARNED! I am obsessed with Transformers, and have been reading a lot of stories about them. I started with reading Animorphs. then I watched the transformer movie and began searching for the stories and found them. Fell in love with it. I do not like horror movies, so don't ask me to read any, because i won't. I have a lot of ideas for stories, but i may need a little help, since I'm new at this. I am a random weirdo sometimes, so bare with me, and I love transformer love stories. Fave TF characters: Megatron (My #1) Galvatron: (ehehehe, he's as crazy as I am...I'm jsut not as flamboynat about it) Optimus Prime (he's a good leader and I agree with his beliefs. He's my role model) Ultra Magnus (he's stoic and serious in an adorable way!) Cyclonus (unf, how can you NOT love this silent, strong bunny head warrior?) Arcee (I think she's come a long way from the G1 cartoon and it's nice having a tough girl on the team) Tailgate (OMG if he had a face, i would jsut smoosh his cheeks and have him make cute faces!) Bulkhead (I have a thing for giant tough mechs with a big soft, kind heart) Breakdown (GIANT CUTIE!) Airachnid (I jsut...I thought she was well-developed because you don't see many sadistic female serial killers on TV) Knockout (I...he's a princess and I love him for that) Least Favorite TF characters: Starscream (I ONLY LIKE HIS TFA, G1 and ARMADA ONE! All the others can burn in the pits! GRRR!) Sentinel Prime (He's a pompous jerk, I don't care what people say) G1 humans (the only ones I liked were Chip, Danny and adult Spike. the others weren't that...I jsut...no, no, no.) Tyrest (GO TO HELL YOU FRAGGER! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY MAGGIE!) Favorite pairings: StarscreamxMegatron(G1, Armada and Animated. I only like reading about them and only if they're not too OOC) Optimus primexMegatron (G1, SG, Unicron Trilogy, Prime, Movie. MY PRECIOUS BEBES!) Ultra MagnusxMegatron (Animated, G1, Prime...it's my number 2 OTP) SkywarpxThundercracker (All universes) ShockwavexSoundwave (All universes) CyclonusxGalvatron (G1, Animated...MIIIINE!) Jetfire/SkyfirexStarscream (All universes...They're jsut so cute!) MegatronxDinobot(Beast Wars...again, OTP) DinobotxRattrap (Beast Wars...Meh, I like the fics written about them and they are pretty adorable) MegatronxOptimus Primal (Beast Wars...Yes. A thousand YES) SoundwavexWheeljack (Prime...My cuties..) KnockoutxSoundwave (Blame Jenkristo! They're story got me hooked!) BreakdownxKnockout (who doesn't like this pairing, I ask you!) ThundercrackerxSoundwave (I love crack pairings, as some of you may well know) Ultra MagnusxCyclonus (G1, Animated...OTP!) ProwlxJazz (G1, Animated...precious cuties...) DinobotxOptimus Primal (Beast Wars...I think it's sweet...) Depth ChargexDinobot (Don't ask, because I don't know why, I just love them) GalvatronxGrimlock (G1, Animated...my all-time favorite crack pairing! MY OTP!) I may sometimes add some oc's to my stories, just to warn people. I support homo-sexuals, hate homophobia. Quotes I like: "My God you've gotten fat, Come in come!"--Edna from "The Incredibles" "I don't want a new model! I just want the same arm I had before!"--Starscream from "Transformers Prime" "I'm going to be a master of disguise! I'm going to be a master of disguise! I'm goi--(gets slapped in the face)"--Dana Carvey from "The Master of Disguise" "There's someone out there for everyone. You just have to stick around to find them."--Me. "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, what do we do? we swim, swim..." Dory from "Finding Nemo" "That's a woman?"--Lorax from "The Lorax". "I can change my mind, can't I?"--Cera from "Land Before Time 5" "Prepare for surgery!"--Knockout from "Transformers Prime". "Why? That's what they all ask me. Why him...why Starscream? Why of all the Decepticons, did I decide to revitalize the one whose record of deceit and betrayal is legend? Because I'm an idiot, that's why!"--Megatron from the G2 Transformers comic, "Total War". And Megs is finally facing reality. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!"--Optimus Primes famous words from transformers. "HOLY SCHNITZEL!"--Me, when I'm trying not to swear. "OH, I'm like the CRYPTKEEPER!" Jamie Lee Curtis from "Freaky Friday". "Even if you were the last person on earth, I would already be halfway to Jupiter!"--Me to a really, really annoying boy at school who never leaves me alone. People come to this site to learn how to write. NO ONE automatically knows how to, professionals can tell you that much. This site is for people to get together and have fun. No one wants a flame but most can turn their cheek as long as if it has constructive criticism. But as this site grows more popular more people join this site for the wrong reasons. Thus the new and blossoming writers are a target for their foul mouths. Many new writers do not understand the concept of a flame and discontinue thier story. They never had they chance to blossom and become beautiful writers, instead they give up because someone decided to call them a foul name and didn't even bother to tell the author what was wrong with the story in the first place. I telling you this because I feel that this should come to stop. These people honestly believe that they're doing good by flaming. What they don't realize is that it's doing more harm than good. If they really wish for people to become better writers than they should be straight with them in a mature manner. No flaming, just telling the author politely what's wrong with the story. Please Post this on your profile if you agree No flames please. |