AHHHHH! Seriously! I can't stop writing! I CAN'T! Forgive me you all! I seriously don't know how I do to update those stories without giving up! :P Firstly, I don't understand why I keep writing new stories when I already have many to update... Uphh... Big work but I CAN DO IT! :D Because all the reviews, story alerts and favourites motive me to continueeee! Heeeeeeh! :D
Anyway... I was wasting my time on Facebook when I suddenly saw pictures of WWE's guys with beautiful kids. They were making a wish and there appeared the idea. A Make-a-wish story.
He was laid on his bed. In fact, it was not HIS bed but all the years in that hospital made him feel like the room was his own room. Since he was two years old, he has been locked in that hospital. He almost never went to his real home. The last time he did, he got severly sick and medics forbade him to leave the hospital for any occasion. He was just seven years old and unluckily, his life's countdown started. In less than six months, the courageous child was going leave this world. His parents were trying to accept the reality but it was hard. Their unique child will be leaving in six months. Why? Why did he live all those years sick? Why didn't he die when he was two-years-old? His parents watched him grow year after year and their love for him was bigger and bigger after every year. They admired their child. He kept fighting until his seven but his enemy won. They learnt a lot about the battle their son lived. Doctors knew Christopher wouldn't live more than his six months due. They wanted to make the kid's dream come alive and they asked Christopher what he wanted. What children usually wished was to go at Disneyland with their family or to see their favourite actor, singer, soccer player or the president. Doctors didn't expect what Christopher asked. It was so unusual. They knew the kid was a big fanatic of them but not at the point to wish to spend his last days in their base. The kid almost threw a tantrum when his parents showed their disaccord toward his wish but they knew that it was what their child wanted and they had no choice than accept it.
"Optimus Prime, here is the director of Make a Wish, an organisation that try to make kids' wish to become true. Wishes are gave to those whose are in the final stage of their ill."
The Prime nodded telling him to continue.
"We received as request from a young patient, to spend his last days with you and your base. We know you are busy... Hm... Busy robots and that's why I'm asking you for your permission in accepting this kid."
"What does it involve?" asked te Prime.
"Nothing. The child will just live his last days with you. He would be like a visitor or as you want. He is a big fanatic of you guys."
"Alright, do they parents know about his wish?"
"Yes. They accepted the kid's wish. However, the parents won't spend the days with him. They will call to get news about their child but nothing more."
"If the wish of this child is to spend his last days with us, here, I would be honored to accept him and make sure he will spend his stay with the best treatment and respect we can give him."
"Thank you Optimus. You don't know how much kids like him have been through and accepting him in your base will make his day. Do you have any other question?"
"When will the child... You know?" He felt a bit uncomfortable asking that but he had to be informed about everything.
"He will spend a week with you and around the last days of this week, you will notice a sudden change with him. He will get really sick. You will know it Prime. When it will happen, you will have to inform the parents as quickly as you can."
"Chris, are you sure you want to be with them? What if they don't treat you as they should?" asked his father a bit worried on the left side of his son's bed.
"They are good daddy. No worry about them." He smiled weakly and looked up at his mother on the other side of his bed. "I always wanted to spend some time with them and I didn't want it to be in that way but... I'm happy with that." His mother caressed his child head and kissed his forehead.
"It's alright Chris. If that's what you want... We will let your wish to become true." She contemplated his son and tears began to fall on her tired face. Her child... Her only child was living his last months and it was painful to see him die little by little, day after day. Her treasure, her pride.
Months passed. Getting hard for the parents to accept the cruel reality that was coming closer and closer. They noticed how Chris has changed since he left hospital. He was getting weaker and weaker. The poor kid was losing weight after each week making him very thin. He was excited to spend his last week with his Autobots. The base was far away from where they lived but by pure miracle, a jet was already waiting for them. He quickly jumped in and sat on one of the firs seats. He couldn't wait anymore. He expected more travellers to get inside the jet but apparently, they were V.I.P and that big plan was only for them.
"Fasten your belt please. We are going to "decoller" INSERT PLAN MESSAGE."
"Are you ready for the week you are going to spend with them?" asked his father.
"Yes! I was waiting for this looooong time ago!" He grinned and got comfortable on his seat. He closed his eyes and was thinking about them. What could they do during his stay? Play? Train? Read? What?
"I think our little boy is already thinking about his stay." commented his mother to his father. They both looked at the kid and chuckled. He was adorable.
"Autobots, today we will receive a special kid in our base. We have already talked about that. You know what I told you. He deserve the best treatment ever." remembered the Prime to his officers and soldiers during their quick meeting.
"In other words, we treat him lika' sparkling!" added Jazz with a smile. "It means, very carefully, help him if necessary, don't upset him for any reason." He glanced the twins. "Don't prank him."
"Be respectful with him. He might be a kid but he deserves the same respect you give to our leader." added Prowl seriously. "He will be here to spend his last days... Not to be locked in his room during this week. I demand collaboration of all of you to make this kid the most happiest child on Earth."
"Ah' will be one of his caretaker if ya mess with him, ya are messing with me too and ya know what happen when a bot mess with me. I updated my weapons and it would be a pleasure to me to test them on you instead of drones." Ironhide was known as one of the best caretaker in the base. He was a mech to trust. Ratchet, who was on his right smiled at him. He knew Ironhide for Vorns and he knew what Ironhide was capable of. Even on his fellow Autobots.
"If you notice he is getting sick bring him quickly in my medbay. I received instructions from some physicians last week. I know what to do now." said the CMO on the left side of Prime. "Prowl would be doing patrols in base. Keeping a straight optic on the kid and the activies he would be doing."
Prowl nodded confirming Ratchet's words. "If I see one of you, getting the kid in danger or treating him not in the right way, you will have to make a little visit in my office, we will happily have a chat and you luckily will spend some comfortable days in the brig. Did I make myself clear?" To be on the right side of Prime gave him much authority not adding that he was second-in-command. The mechs nodded their helm but it was not what Prowl wanted. "I said, did I make myself clear?"
"Sir, yes Sir." answered in unison the mechs in the meeting room.
"Thank you Prowl, Ratchet, Ironhide and Jazz for your reminders and your concern about the kid wellbeing. With you looking on the wellbeing of Chris, I know he will be more than happy with us." concluded the Prime. "Meeting's over. Chris must arrive within 45 minutes. Prepare everything and get ready to spend a good week with him." The mechs left after Prime last directions and prepared everything as Prime said. Some of the mechs were excited to live a week with a kid. Others just stayed neutral about the situation. As always, Sunstreaker was one of them.
"Everythin' seems ready to welcome dah' kid." said Jazz happily.
"We just have to wait now." added Prowl standing next to Jazz.
"We are approaching our destination." said an automatic recorded voice.
"Daddy, mommy, you heard it?" asked the kid almost jumping on his seat.
"Yes we did sweetheart." They both smiled at their child.
"TRANSFORMERS, HERE I COME!" cried the boy happily raising his hands.
"Well... We were waiting for you since we knew you would come." said a voice in the speakers.
"Wh-who is talking?" asked the curious and surprised boy. He tried to look around him but there was anything else than seats and his parents. "You heard it momma?"
"Don't worry, I won't hurt any of you." said the voice again.
"Wh-who are you?"
"I'm Skyfire. One of the Autobots. Good guys."
Chris' eyes widened when he heard the name. His parents didn't react at all. They didn't know anything about Transformers. They barely understood what was a Transformers. Arph.. Parents.
"Yo-you are Skyfire? Really?"
"Yes I am. You are a VIP so you deserve the best treatmens and that's why you received a VIP flight to base!" said the enjoyed voice.
"We arrived now. Please, stay remain on your seats until I tell you to unfasten your belt"
After a few minutes, they landed on a forest. A big forest. Skyfire transformed and knelt down. "Nice to meet you Chris, nice to meet you Ms and Mr Hullagan. Please, come in." he gestured the family to enter in a cave.
"Is it save?" asked Ms. Hullagan.
"Yes it is. Our base is hidden to assure our protection and keep the Decepticons away."
"SWEET!" chirped Chris.
"Now... Chris, welcome to our base." Lights turned on and a big hallway gave him the idea of all big was the base. They were giant robots after all.
"First of all, we will meet Optimus in his office, after I will show you your room and introduce you to all of us. Right with that?" asked gently the flier.
"Alright, please follow me."
"Daddy, mommy... See how nice they are?" whispered the kid.
"Yes. They are likely humans."
They walked a while before to stand on a giant door. Skyfire taped a code and the door opened. Inside was the leader sitting on a chair, apparently working.
The leader got up of his chair and finally faced the family, especially the kid. He smiled at them.
"Welcome family Hullagan. Welcome to you, Chris. Please, take a seat, we have some stuff to talk about." They all did as demanded and then, began the whole chat.
don't like the end! XD XD Anyway... I'm already thinking about his last day! :( Aww! Makes me sad!
Reviews! ^^