Hey guys, I am going to put this chapter here, I am going to be needed to be motivated by your comments, so R&R please!
disclaimer: The Transformer Prime is copyrighted by Hasbro, but Lightstrider is my OC so you need to ask my permission.
Now unto the story:
Chapter 1:
A pair of metallic arms were handing the wheel of the space cruise the 'Hoverloft' he was more then tired and he was needed for recharge. A sigh escaped from the mouth of the mech, and he pressed foward for the auto-pilot button; signelling the cruiser to transport him toward the Autobot signals, his team-mates, his beloved leader.
He rose from the seat and went to his quaters inside the cruiser, and next to his berth was a Holo-pad on a shelf featuring his Autobot colleagues: Prowl, Jazz, Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebee. And of all of them he touched actually the figure of the cool,collected and caring Optimus Prime.
He gently kissed the figure of his beloved leader, and smiled at him afterwards. He hugged the holopad close to his blankly to the the ceiling of the cruiser, sighing softly as if he start to remember on a pained past.
'Come on, Come on!' thought Lightstrider as he ran foward the base of the Autobots. He was going to be late to his first day at being representetive of the Cyber Rangers corp. He almost accidently bumped into a mech and earned "Hey, Watch it!" which he apologized hastingly.
Lightstrider slowed down when he arrived at the towered building, venting some air as he sighed out of relief 'Finally, I have finally arrived.' thought Lightstrider and looked at his internal clock, he would still have enough time for the introduction.
"The war has began to take it's toll upon our soldiers, Prime, we need to find a way to find some solution in ending this endless war." Lightstrider stopped when he heard the voice as he approached the door
"I know, Prowl, Cybertron is being eaten by the bloodshed and destruction that the Decepticons brought to our home planet."
Lightstrider paused, wondering if he should enter right now "The decepticons are having a heavy security and it would be hard to inflitrate the base." said a loud voice.
"Ah say we should strike them directly." said another but cocky voice.
"Easy there Jazz, we will need someone to do such a thing." said the voice which Lightstrider found out to be Prowl.
He leaned himself against the door to further listen to the conversation "We will need someone who is subtle and able to function during stressful situations." continued the loud voice. "I will go to the headquaters myself to see who is capable of-" the door was suddenly opened wide which caused Lightstrider to yelp and fall foward only to see black feet while the mech looked awkwardly to lightstrider "-to… spy." said the black mech.
The black mech grabbed the surprised Lightstrider and forced him to face him "What do you think you are doing mech?!" said the black mech irritately
"Ironhide…" a blue and red mech called him warningly "Put the frightened mech down." he said.
The mech, named Ironhide only growled softly before he put him down, none too gently to the ground earning an 'Oww.' from Lightstrider, while he was rubbing his sore aft. He looked up as he seen a blue servo offering him to standup, he looked on the face as he seen the blue and red mech and he blushed not only from embarassment that the Prime, of all people is helping him but also he had seen a deity of a took the servo and the mech helped him to his pedes.
"I believe an introduction is in order: this is-" pointed the prime at the white and blue mech "-Is Prowl,Second in command, Tactician." then he point at the gruff black mech "That here, is Ironhide, Our weapon specialist." onward he pointed at a cocky white and black mech "Jazz, Third in command and Prowl's bond-mate." and last but not least "And this red and white mech is our medic, Ratchet." then Jazz added "Or you can call him 'the Hatchet." he grinned at Ratchet while the said mech glared at him. Lightstrider blinked his optics at Jazz "And why is that, Jazz, sir?" Jazz implored his servos to Lightstrider "Please, call me just Jazz." he then grinned again "And the reason is if you get him angry enough he would-" before he finished a wrench flew and landed on Jazz's Helm. "Oww!" called out loud. Which left the ranger in shock.
"'Oww, What was that for, Doc" said the third in command while his bondmate soothed him "That's what happens if you anger me rookie." said Ratchet to Lightstrider rather then Jazz. "So, What is your name, Kid." said the gruff medic
"I am Lightstrider, Ranger Repesentive of the corp, sir!" he saluted to the lot of the mechs.
Ironhide seem to smirk at the prime "Well Prime, sir, It seem we got fresh scrap to do the job for us." Prime nods at his weapon specialist "I would not force you if you don't-" he was inturrpted by an eager Lightstrider "It would be an honor, sir!" he decided on that day he would do anything for him.
-End of flashback-
Well, for him it was pained because of Ironhide, and a little embarassed how the meeting transpired but it was the best day that he'd meet his idol… his… love of his life.
He'd keep day dreaming of how he would confess his feeling for his Prime untill he heard the alarm go off. He quickly discarded the holopad on the berth and went to see what was wrong. Apparently the sensor found a ship… the origin was Decepticon. "Scrap!" Light said out loud as he canceled the autopilot so he could have full control on the ship.
Lightstrider pushed some buttons as he started going on stealth mode, having specifically built such ship for such moment, he only hoped he would avoid unnecessary attention. For few nanoclicks he thought they would never find out but then he felt the ship being shot at "SCRAP!" he cursed out loud as he typed more buttons on the Cybertronian computer.
-Meanwhile, Autobot base, Jasper, Navada-
Ratchet enjoyed the silence as the kids were at school, at this time of the day, he would finally get some peace and quiet from the overexcited Miko. The girl and Bulkhead, who were in some scary way identical to each other would destroy his tools, albeit accidently and now he can do his maintance of the ground bridge.
"Enjoying the peace and quiet, Old friend?" Ratchet smiled softly at the voice of the leader who more and more acted as a surrogate father to the team rather then another Prime.
"Indeed, Optimus, with the children occupied, and Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee and Smokescreen out on patrol, I can have more time in doing things more relaxing." Optimus smiled for short time, it would calm anyone, but the smile was disturbed as an intermission appeared om Ratchet's computer "In the name of Primus" whispered Ratchet as he worked his buttons.
The visual of Lightstrider appeared on screen, Ratchet gasped while Optimus was disturbed. "This is Lightstrider, do you copy?!" said the distressed Lightstrider while the screen vibrated with every shot was heard. " Scrap!, is anyone reading me?!"
Ratchet was the first to come out of his shock "Lightstrider, this is Ratchet." the mech's expression was relieved "Thanks primus… I need immediate back up!" said Lightstrider, "I will be crash landing soon on Earth!" he said additionally
"We will be there, just send the co-ordinates!" said Optimus, genuinely worried for his safety. "Will do, Optimus Prime, Sir. To Lightstrider he was thankful he was wearing his mask because right now he was blushing like mad.
Optimus nodded slowly before answering "Keep yourself safe, Lightstrider, We will come to your rescue when the team is assambled and you will be found." Lightstrider nodded at the command, and seem to be smiling in relief behind the mask. " Will do, Prime sir. Lightstrider, over and out."
With that the screen went offline, Optimus looked upon the internal Earth clock and then looked at Ratchet "When the team will collect the children, Ratchet…" says Optimus with neutral but slight worried tone "We will go and rescue him when you will find him." Ratchet nodded at the order. "I will work on it right away, Optimus.
Optimus smiles at his old friend, to him, Ratchet was almost father figure, and to most of the crew he found them as cherished family. And with Lightstrider, he would feel whole again.
Optimus went undercover when Iacon was under attack, the location: the Iacon hall of data records. He scanned the place to see few of the Autobots deactivated among them was Ironhide, within Optimus, he felt pain, hollowed void within the very spark, but he have his team and people to protect.
He looked beside him and was relieved to know that Ratchet, Prowl, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Lightstrider still intact, Optimus grown to be attached to the young mech, everytime that Lightstrider were sent into a dangerous mission he would be anxious to know both the result and the wellbeing of his now top spy within the autobot ranks.
"Ratchet, take Lightstrider away, and make him escape Cybertron!" said the Prime with neutral but still pain creeped into his voice. "But Prime-!" began Lightstrider to protest
"Understood, Optimus…" inturrupted Ratchet and then looked at Lightstrider "Listen up, Sparkling!" said the elder mech in a pained but harshed tone, Ratchet too was attached to the mech but obeyed nonetheless "You are now most importent right now," said Ratchet and then put a servo on his shoulder "We cannot afford to losing you."
With that he put the mech into stasis lock and picked the mech on his shoulder "Keep him safe Ratchet," Optimus said while firing "He hold our hope," said Optimus 'and my hope as well.' thought Optimus as to cotinue for his own sake "Go!" shouted Optimus as the group firing "We will cover for you!"
With a nod Ratchet sprint out of the building 'I hope we will meet again, dearest Lightstrider." thought out Optimus while he struggled along with his team-mates to deverse them from capturing the head spy and Ranger of the Autobots.
-End of Flashback-
He let out a sigh of relief and dread both in the same time: Relief to see his beloved Ranger safe and sound, and dread to that he is in trouble the minute they found him. "We will save him Optimus." said Ratchet while typing the buttons, sending him a sympethetic look.
Optimus nods at him and went to his quaters, he was going to need all the recharge he could get if he was going to save his beloved ranger from the Decepticons. "I will come for you, sweetspark." Optimus Prime whispers to himself.
To be cotinued.