![]() Author has written 12 stories for Baten Kaitos. Hey people! So, a quick intro: My name's Brenda, I'm 15 years old, and I live in California. I love email, so feel free to message me if you want. The only topic I've written for so far is Baten Kaitos, although I may make another account and write some Fruits Basket (I don't want to post two different fandoms on one account for some reason, haha). Likes: Debate, public speaking, reading, Baten Kaitos, small spaces, REALLY small spaces, writing, scuba diving, swimming, some manga/anime, ballroom dancing (especially swing!!), algebra, sewing, being taller than most people, knowing what time it is, and music (except rap). Dislikes: Shopping (except for books and games), make-up, shopping, high heels, shopping, watches, shopping, most roller coasters, shopping, geometry, shopping, most magazines, shopping, dresses, shopping, wen ppl typ liek dis al da tiem, shopping, and shopping. Fears: Needles (besides the sewing kind, of course, haha), bees (because I'm allergic), and ferris wheels (don't mock me...haha). Anyways, I'm REALLY sorry about not updating my stories recently. I really haven't had time, but I do have a lot of things planned out. I promise to try to get more stuff up during school finals since I won't have any homework then, and I never study anyways (I test well, who needs studying? Haha...). But I promise that Dear Diary, and any other stories I've been planning to write, WILL get finished...eventually...haha... Random quotes that I love (but that I may have worded wrong, haha): "A-Anyways...I'll get some wood! From the tree! Tree wood!" -Sagi, Baten Kaitos Origins "One-two-three, SUH-LAM!!" -Gibari, BKO "So what, do you use that trick to spy on Milly in the shower, or what? Perv!" -Palolo II, BKO "My beloved president Yun-Yun San, the meeting is about to start, so please hurry to Kimi, 'kay? Oops, Kimi made a boo-boo, sorry Yun-Yun! Kimi meant to say 'hurry to the council room'. But Kimi is waiting, so please hurry, 'kaaaay?" -Kimi, Fruits Basket "Haha, I love Alma. She's like Jesus on a pogo stick." -crackedkatana, Baten Kaitos forums "Now that you've pointed my Brenda out, I can't possibly go back and edit it. And so I dub thee Brena, of the Baten Kaitos forums!" -Fan Fan Girl, BK Forums (in response to my pointing out that she spelled my name wrong) "Toiletwater Baby! Haha! I can imagine someone doing a documentary of Kalas, the feral child. Alas, he was a poor, parentless boy, left to play in the toilet water from which he came. He never learned how to fit in with the other kids, and upon entering teenhood he began to hear voices in his head. He lived a truly pitiable life." -Fan Fan Girl, BK forums There will be more as soon as I remember them haha. |