Pond Scum
"You know, I don't want to be here as much as you do."
Korra held the glass of water in her hands as she moved the ice cubes around the glass with water bending.
She observed Tarrlok through the water.
"Well, our little… arrangement had been arranged ever since I was three," she placed the glass down. "Might as well be dutiful, and if the Spirits tell us we should be married… then we must be married."
Tarrlok gestured around the room. "Nice place, Kwong's…"
Korra looked around. Kwong's Cuisine had great atmosphere, no one could deny it. If it were up to her, she'd have her first dinner date with Tarrlok at Narook's Seaweed Noodlery.
The last place of carefree moments and hanging out with Mako, Bolin, and Asami. She just arrived in Republic City, and now she was already preparing for her engagement and to be a wife to a stranger she hardly knew. Childhood was up and gone already.
Tarrlok was Councilman of Republic City, representative of the Northern Water Tribe. At least he was Water Tribe like Korra, and they'd have something in common from there. Though, he was twenty years her senior. With an age gap like that, how could they have anything in common?
She wasn't impressed by his flashings of expensive gifts he gave her. Being a Councilman gave Tarrlok status and wealth, but being in that high of a position didn't impress her either. Then again, she'd have to put her Avatar status out of the way for at least fifteen minutes and just be 'Korra' for tonight.
"… so yeah, on the compound, Naga was my only best friend growing up."
Korra noticed Tarrlok's hand was in her own. "It must have been… hard."
She returned a smile back. Tarrlok was usually brash and conceited, it was surprising to see him open up like this. On the Task Force, whenever someone was injured, Tarrlok did the utmost to assist when someone was hurt.
Despite him being conceited at times, he definitely wasn't that bad looking. No, he was off the charts, even for Water Tribe standard. It wouldn't be so bad if she had to be with him for the rest of her life. In the event they had children, they would inherit his good looks.
Though, how was she supposed to be in love with this guy until they were married?
After dinner, they walked around the park. The moon shone brightly tonight. Yue and the rest of the spirits must be smiling upon them now as they spent time together.
After getting to know him a little better tonight, Korra deduced Tarrlok wasn't that bad of a person, but what if the marriage didn't work out? What if they were wrong for each other in the first place?
They found themselves at the park bridge, overlooking the pond.
"I mean, Pro-Bending's the greatest sport out there…!" Korra smiled. "Guys just throwing stuff at each other and having fun!"
At 'fun', Tarrlok was flying through the air. Looking to her left, she realized she just earth bended him straight into the sky.
And he was about to land in the pond.
A big splash echoed throughout the night.
Dashing from the bridge, she went to where she catapulted Tarrlok. In the water, there he was, face covered in seaweed, his proud clothes drenched in pond water.
A smile was on the Avatar's face. Her core ached from laughing.
Korra didn't have to worry about having to fall in love with the Councilman anymore.