Nine Months Alone

Chapter Ten


I can't control
My destiny
I trust my soul
My only hope
Is just to be

There's only now
There's only here
Give in to love
Or live in fear
No other path
No other way
No day but today

- No Day But Today - from the musical 'RENT'

It was the calm before the storm. She was in labor for what seemed like hours and things were surprisingly mundane. Even though the atmosphere didn't swing into full panic, it didn't mean trouble wasn't around the corner. Arcee seemed to be the only calm one in the medical bay. All the mechs, including the male humans, were in full swing panic. Pure bedlam. And Arcee was the one giving birth.

"Where's the cord? We need it!"

"Should we boil water...?"

"... ow, Bulkhead, you're stepping on my foot!"

"Raf, that's only for humans, water will rust them."

"You started it...!"

"Boiling water doesn't actually do anything for the baby. It's just gives something for people to do if they're not part of the labor and keeps them calm."

"You two, stop it right now! This isn't the time, you can fight later."

"Miko, how could you be calm at a time like this?"


All the voices ceased to silence and the attention was all on Arcee.

This was it. The eye of the storm. The baby was coming. And the arrival wasn't going to be a smooth one.

Arcee's systems were heating up fast and she was loosing energon quickly. Things were starting to get more tense with each passing minute. And the baby was coming soon.

"Arcee, I need you to breathe, stay focused with me...!" Ratchet said as calmly as possible. "When I say push, you do as I say."

Nodding, she turned to Breakdown who was at her side, grasping on to his hand for dear life. Not far behind him was Bulkhead, who was still but she knew he was panicking inside. The green wrecker actually begged her to forgive him... He pleaded. He could have given a cold apology, but he was never one to give harsh words. If he said it to a comrade, perhaps he didn't mean it. They have known each other for a long time and they helped saved each other more than once... Perhaps Miko did a good job of turning Bulkhead's mind around. Either way, when the sparkling was born, the fewer grudges she had around her the better.

"Bulkhead...!" Arcee called.

The green Autobot drew closer to her, turquoise optics wide and tense.

"There's... no point in wallowing in what we said..." she breathed and rasped through breaths. "Sure, we'll regret it, but... for the future, for the baby... Let's put it behind for him."

A smile was on his face as she saw a tear drop roll down his face plate.

"Thank you..."

One fight was done. All that was left was trying to bring the sparkling into the world. The pain intensified, pulsing through her systems like shocks of electricity. It was building and building, balling up until...


She felt herself being thrown back on the berth.


Her insides just about gave in.


More heavy breaths... Breakdown probably wanted this to be over as much as her. Her grasp on his hand got hard, but they were made out of metallic alloy. Pain from a squeeze that hard he could probably take, though she did see him wincing from time to time. She didn't know what was messier. The battlefield or childbirth.

Arcee began to speak to Breakdown.

"What... would he think... if he knew he was going to be a father... now?"

All that was heard were painful grunts and moans, leaving Breakdown to ponder what he was asked.

"I think he... he would be uneasy about it at first, but... he would be glad that he's having it with you, and that the war's over."

From all the pain, a smile was on Arcee's lips.

"He was supportive and always there for me... he'd do the same for our child. Isn't that... more than enough?- AHHH!"

She felt her entire frame thrust back onto the berth. The levels of pain were rising. And they were spiking hard.

"Though, I am glad..." she uttered with all her strength. "To bring the first child that will be raised without faction."

Every vein in her body just about screamed in pain.


One last final scream.

A blackout. Darkness.

Then quiet.


A soft innocent cry was heard...

Optics slowly opening, she was eye to eye with a tiny version of herself... and gazed into Knock Out's ruby optics. Her infant had her metallic face and resembled some of her design, though instead of a blue finish, he had his father's crimson colors.

He was hooked up to her cord oil, and gazed with wide eyes at his mother.

Speechless and stunned, Arcee couldn't think at all. Her child seemed so innocent, so unprotected, no one would think that his father was a Decepticon. It knew of no evil, it knew nothing of good. The little tyke was hers. He was all hers.

A hand slowly motioned to reach for her child, and once her fingers made contact... She felt him for the first time. A wide smile was on the baby's face and his little hands reached for his mother's. A quick smile was on her face as she continued to witness her newborn son's efforts.

What was this... feeling she had that flickered in the depths of her spark? It was mightier than victory. Mightier than anything she ever felt. Was it... hope? Hope that her child will triumph all the hardships that came his way? That he would be strong and never experience the losses she went through?

In that tiny frame of his, he was so vulnerable... and she was going to protect him no matter what crossed them. And one day, when he was old enough, strong enough, he will be able to stand and be victorious in the face of danger. Though, he was still tiny, and he was just brought into the world. She had to take in the moment before time sped and aged them both. She hoped that what she did and the affection she was going to give to the child in front of her was enough to make him strong.

Scooping up the baby her arms, she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Closing her optics and gently embracing him.

Primus, he was so tiny... and fragile. He was all hers, and Knock Out's.

He was always... always with her.

As she hummed the notes to a Cybertronian lullaby, she felt herself smile as she gave another kiss to her baby.


My Cliffjumper.


Wow… It's done.

It's over.


At times I feel down when I can't get to finish a story on the site, but now this is completed, I feel happy that CAN finish them. ^.^

Never have I written anything this dramatic and visceral, especially in the second chapter when Arcee was on the verge of loosing Jack's trust, or in the fourth chapter when she has trouble opening up to Knock Out on her lost. It got me down to shredding into the characters and trying to understand and attain their personalities. Even though Arcee has been through so much trauma and loss, and her only second chance (which is Knock Out ;) ) was taken away from her, she learn to stand alone (as a person and single mother) but still knew how to let others in. But she's not actually alone... She's always surrounded and loved, by Jack, the Autobots, Breakdown, and the new addition her son, the new Cliffjumper. ^^ In a way, Knock Out is Arcee's saving grace, saved her from herself and got her out of the darkness she was in. ^^ :D

Now that it's over, hope you can't wait for the stories after this one. ^.^ :) Hope to see you soon on those. :D

I thank my favoriters, alerters and reviewers. You REALLY know how to make a girl cry. c': ^.^

Victoria-BlackHeart - your enthusiasm for the story warms me up. ^.^ thank you so much for the words :D ^^ c':

Sounddrive - thank you SO much for the faithful reviews. I'm touched to see how you admire my works, and I wish for all the best on your writing. ^^ Kick some aft. :D ^.^

thedivine9 - your reviews always leads me into deep thought, which leads to more plot twist. I'm so glad you enjoyed the two stories and this chaptered prequel and I always look forward to what you have to think.

Anodythe - thanks so much for looking at my writings and giving your feedback. It keeps me coming back, and I'll get back to work on my Doctor Who-TFP crossover. ^.^ :3 :D ^^

And last, but not least, RulerofFire. Without you, this wouldn't be a chaptered story *wrings fist* and I wouldn't be frantically writing each chapter and completing it up to here. The motivation *koff*forcedslavedriving*koff* couldn't have been made without you and for the helpful bits and pieces that got the story to where it's at now. Tipp der Hut zu Ihnen. Vielen, vielen Dank. ^^ *koff*curseyou*koff* x3

Once again, to ALL of you…

Thank you.


Pieda the Mokona (Legacy Now)