Reviews for Perpetuity
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
What, so Ozai waited for Ursa to visit but she didn't after the furst few and he dies? Then Ursa comes to his funeral? Wth?
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Oh shit. I abhor power abusing manipulation.
LazyAndIKnowItP chapter 5 . 10/26/2014
This was still so much better than what they actually gave us: An unloyal Ursa. The comic should've been better. I can't believe that they ruined our minds so much. Ursa was supposed to be the wonderful mother figure type. Ursa and Ozai was supposed to be in love. I would have loved it more if Ursa didn't have a boyfriend. That ruined everything. Never have I ever thought that she could be so selfish and hollow. But your story was wonderful yet sad.
gaarasgrl19 chapter 5 . 8/28/2014
Ah so sad!
The Auburn Girl chapter 5 . 7/16/2014
Holy smokes this was an amazing set of drabbles. I got chills reading some of the chapters, and you capture both characters so well :D Amazing job!
RakshaDaemon chapter 5 . 7/5/2014
It would have been so much better if "the search" had a bit of this in it. The story would have been more complex if he actually loved Ursa. Lovely fic mate.
LooneyZampy chapter 5 . 12/17/2013
Wow. This final chapter marks a beautiful ending to the story. I would have wanted to write a longer review, because your story deserves it, but whatever I write would just spoil the final result. The story is beautiful and that at least you deserve to know, and I'm unable to add anything else.
LooneyZampy chapter 3 . 12/17/2013
Damn, some of these are light and sweet, some of them are rather dark and disturbing, yet all are well-written and interesting to read.

"Hide" is painful ... Poor Ursa :(
Colorette chapter 5 . 10/30/2013
Here I am...past midnight,reading this while tears rolling down my face. This fic is one of a kind!
straw8erries chapter 5 . 8/17/2013
the amount of feels i got from this omg (ozai is so
selfish and ursa is so hopeless and ughh weeping)
you wrote these drabbles in the loveliest manner.
Cavallo Alato chapter 5 . 6/12/2013
This was so beautifully written... I've always wanted to see more of Urza and Ozai, and you've captured it perfectly. /wipes tear from eye/ Lovely :)
Vanessa Masters chapter 5 . 5/9/2013
Oh, so sad and emotional. But beautiful.
Vanessa Masters chapter 3 . 5/9/2013
Aww. Lu Ten is so kind, and niow I see why Ursa cherishes her children, if it took so long for them to be born.
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
Oh wow, this is splendidly written. I can't get enough of it :D
thatpinkjacket chapter 5 . 4/24/2013
One of the most beautiful portrayals of Ursa's character. Fits right in with the song that's stuck in my head right now: Gravity by Sara Bareilles...
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