Hi everyone, it's nice to see you again! My UPxPOT crossover is coming along nicely, and the rest of my stories are… not doing as well. But they're still alive, really! But anyway, ever since I watched Toy Story 3 some time ago with my friends, I couldn't get this plot out of my head, SOOO… I had to write it down. O_O First in my notebook, and now in Fanfiction! I hope you'll enjoy it!
The instant Bonnie stepped out, the entire bedroom burst into life. Toys leaped out of the toybox, others jumped off shelves, and all the rest crawled out from under the bed. They gathered at the same spot: the very middle of the room's carpeted floor. Dolie – the Elder of Bonnie's Room, you could call her –, stood at the center, mounted above a set of blocks for a good view of all the toys, and for all of them to clearly see her.
"Is everyone here?" she began, doing a quick headcount of those present. "One, two, three… hm, good enough."
She raised her hands, silencing all buzz noise. Then she lowered them slowly, and said in a grave voice, "Well guys, this is it… Our little Bonnie's growing up. Now, I don't want to have anyone panicking. We just have to figure out how to cope with –"
Hamm snorted loudly. Dollie quickly spotted him squished in between Rex and Slinky and managed a death glare unexpected from such a plushie of her cute stature. It would have silenced most toys, only if Ham hadn't gotten used to it already during their first few months' stay.
"Problem, Hammy-boy?"
"I don't see what the big deal is," Hamm responded loudly and smugly. "I mean, Andy's been sleeping at his friends' places since he was five, and didn't stop playing with us 'til thirteen. Bonnie's six," he pointed out with excessive emphasis. "Trust me, you have nothing to worry about."
Most of the toys never knew any owner other than their Bonnie, and hearing the ways of their world from an old-timer like Hamm reassured them greatly. The tension in the air thinned as relieved voices, squeaks and beeps filled the entire bedroom.
Standing among them with folded arms and an amused smile, Woody rolled his eyes. Maybe a long time ago he would have shared these toys' current anxieties – heck, he would have been Dollie, acting as 'Elder of Andy's Room' and trying to boss everyone around as if he bluff some way to get out of this now, he could've started laughing out loud if he knew it wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.
Bonnie was going to grow up whether they liked it or not. Better to just accept the fact, and make the best of the time they had left with her.
The meeting ended abruptly with Hamm's contribution, and everyone began to spread out to do their own business. Woody too was just about to start hunting for his best friend, Buzz, when the space ranger himself grabbed him by the arm and yanked him aside.
"Howdy, cowboy," Buzz greeted momentarily, practically dragging the stunned cowboy behind him.
Woody had just enough sense left to hold onto his hat before it could fling it off. And just as well, because the ride was so rough that it felt like he was being used to trace a dirt track on a rug.
Buzz eventually released him below Bonnie's school desk. But before the other could say anything, he motioned the cowboy to follow his lead. Together they scaled up to the surface of the table, cluttered with pencils, papers, and two hyperactive dinosaurs concentrating over a Nintendo DS at the other edge of the table. Buzz signaled Woody not to greet them, then used that same hand to point him towards a thin stack of tall books leaned against the wall.
They formed a triangular tunnel underneath that was sort of wide, yet so ordinary that no one would pay a second glance unless viewed from certain angles. Those angles had already been well dealt with in advance by other textbooks stacked horizontally. All of it had clearly been arranged beforehand.
"Did you do all thi-"
"Quiet!" Buzz hissed, a bit cross on how lightly the sheriff took all this. He shoved him not gently towards the tunnel.
Woody stumbled into the hole. Buzz soon joined him, rushing over at first, then turning and backing up the rest of the way to confirm no one had noticed he grabbed a book lying aside and propped it over the opening he came through. The darkness that shrouded his part was fast to activate his spacesuit, and it began to radiate its greenish, glow-in-the-dark light. Woody quickly took the other book and closed up the other end, just in case anyone could have seen it gleaming out. He still didn't understand what was going on, but it was painfully obvious at this point that whatever it was was something top-secret.
Still, he couldn't help messing with his buddy. "Aren't you a bit too old by now to start building clubhouses, bub?" Woody joked.
Buzz turned around to face him, and the look he wore was far from humorous. He looked more troubled than anything else. "Woody," he said gravelly. "I need your help."
Woody's immediately wiped the sarcastic smirk off his face, and his refolded arms loosened slightly. "Sure, just name it, buddy," he replied anxiously. Hard to believe that just around a decade ago, he considered the best friend right in front of him as his worst enemy.
"No, wait until I've explained it first," Buzz told him democratically. "I thought that you'd be the best person to go for this, but it's absolutely fine if you refuse."
"Okay." Woody shrugged.
Buzz nodded then began to speak. "It's…" He hesitated, and averted his eyes. "It's about Jessie."
And the smirk returned wider than ever, though by perspective it came out more like a grin. Buzz quickly continued before Woody could start his usually inevitable teasing.
"It came to me when I was watching the Potatoheads," Buzz explained a notch louder than before, but certainly not too loud to expose themselves. "And Mr. Potatohead was helping his wife search for her missing eye…"
"Yes, again. But anyway, when they finally located the item, Mrs. Potatohead asked why he stuck around so long to help her find it. And his reply was…"
Buzz trailed off, his face red as a beet. And that was more than enough for Woody to understand the circumstances of the situation. It honestly impressed him how far he was willing to go, even to ask for help so desperately. But then again, Buzz had surprised him before.
"It's fine if you refuse," Buzz repeated hastily. "But like I said, I thought you would be the best person to ask –"
" – because of Bo Peep, right?"
Buzz shut his mouth, and all of a sudden he seemed unable to look Woody in the face. It was the same reaction Woody would always get from Buzz whenever that name was mentioned with him in the area.
Woody sighed. "Listen, Buzz. Me and Bo? We both knew what was coming. We talked about it dozens of times, even before you joined the gang." Before he knew it, his voice trailed as distant memories flowed back in his head.
"I'm not going to lie. I was… Heh…" He made a grim face. "I was pretty devastated when she was taken away."
Buzz couldn't say anything. How can he? It wasn't as if he 'knew how it felt'. All he could do was listen with a sad and sympathetic expression, trying to understand his friend's situation as best as he could.
Then sheer determination hardened Woody's features. "But we both saw her new owner," he said determinedly. "I'm sure she'll take good care of Bo, and come to love her as much as I..." He stuttered. "I-I mean, Andy… did…"
Woody's slip-up didn't go unnoticed, and he worried that Buzz would take it as an excuse to call off his favor, whatever it was. He truly wanted to help - both Buzz and Jessie were his best friends, and it would be the greatest thing for him to see them happy.
Then Buzz suddenly looked him in the eye and said, "I'm not going to forget this, Sheriff." He held out his hand to seal the deal. "I owe you one."
The ragdoll cowboy smiled. "Like heck you do," he teased, throwing in his handshake with undisguised he leaned forward and began to recite the idea quickly taking shape in his mind. "We'll have to work fast 'cause something like this will only work tonight…"
When he finished, Buzz was practically gaping inside his retractable helmet. "Are you sure you can pull off all that?" he clarified anxiously. "I can help out, you know…"
"Don't be ridiculous," Woody dismissed. "You have more important things to work on! You –"
"I have come across the source of the greenish light! Ooooh…"
Both of Andy's past favorite toys whipped around simultaneously, and, after initially seeing nothing, looked down. Then they discovered an LGM in the process of squeezing in their hiding place through a tiny crack between the books.
"Danggnabbit, of all the- I mean - what are you doing?" Woody demanded, more exasperated than troubled about getting found out. It would have been dangerous if it had been anyone else, just one LGM could hardly be a problem. If it were all three of them squeaking in here, then maybe that could be an issue, but just one could be controlled if told to keep a secret.
"We're playing hide-and-seek, Woody," the LGM replied dreamily. "You have found a good spot."
"Forgive us, little green man, but this is not a hiding place," Buzz spoke in a strained voice. It must've taken some willpower to even say that – his batteries seemed to be running high as it was. And the corner of his mouth twitched.
"But it is not possible!" the LGM cried. "The game has already started!" He began to wave his arms wildly.
"There'll be other hiding places out there," Woody assured as he tried to control the small toy's exaggerated movements. Just he and Buzz inside the tunnel had made things cramped as it was. But the LGM proved surprisingly strong, and continued to flail around helplessly. "H-Hey, hold up, hold up, little fella! Stop moving!"
"Halt, the both of you! That this rate, the books will –"
Then all the books suddenly crashed over them. Completely buried and too stunned to move, the toys felt as if the entire bedroom froze into silence as well. But in a minute or two, they began to hear small squeaks approaching the wreckage. It took a while, but finally the two remaining LGMs removed the last book, revealing three very dazed toys sprawled pitifully underneath.
The two LGMs simultaneously smiled looks of accomplishment.
"Foooound you!"
I took your advice. &laughs&
Well, I suppose 6000+ words is pretty long for a oneshot... So I've decided to divide it into chapters. Again, I want to apologize to anyone I've inconvenienced by doing this...
So, stay tuned for the next chapter! And don't forget to RxR (since it's a weekend - Rest and Relaxation are VERY important).
Oh, and reviews would be nice too. :D
(P.S. Um... can I also request some prayers for my grandma? She's been in the hospital since last week and isn't feeling her best (we're even thinking of staying over at the ward tonight :(( )... Wish her luck, guys!)