Author's note: If you want a disclaimer, look for the first chapter. It's at the top. Here's chapter 3; chapter 4 will come soon! School and homework's really slowing down it's progress, but I'm about half way done with it.

Chapter 3: Speeding down Reality Lane

Amy and Mikaela followed the road down to where the police car had vanished. At least two minutes passed before they saw Sam running out of the abandoned parking lot, yelling at them. Seeing as they weren't close enough to hear him, Mikaela turned so the girls headed for him, but Amy had a bad feeling about it all.

Amy's instincts were right. When they drew closer, Sam jumped and dragged both girls off the bike.

"What is your problem Sam?!" Mikaela asked, her helmet slipping off. Amy got up, her helmet also discarded.

"Look, there's a monster right there, and you need to run, 'kay?" Sam said frantically, pointing in a different direction. Amy looked at the parking lot and screamed, "Oh my god! What the hell is that?!"

Sam and Mikaela looked up to see that a huge mechanical robot was running towards them, optics red and furious.

"You have to go, now!" Sam firmly said to both girls. Suddenly, his "possessed" yellow Camaro came speeding in and knocked over the monster, then skidded in front of the three kids. Sam turned to the girls. "You have to get in the car." Mikaela started to protest, but stopped when Amy climbed in the back seat and Sam pulled her in the front. The door closed and Amy could smell burned rubber as the Camaro peeled out of there. She looked back with horror and saw that the monster had transformed into a police car and was in hot pursuit. The rest of the afternoon was spent driving away from the police car with a lot of screaming from Mikaela, reassurances-turned-to-screams from Sam, and lots of cursing-under-her-breath from Amy.

When evening came, Amy rubbed her eyes. They were so tired and sore from being wide-eyed all day since she had been constantly watching the police car from behind them. Finally, in the midst of electrical powerhouses, the Camaro quietly backed up until it parked against a warehouse. When Mikaela reached to open the door, the doors on both sides locked.

"We're locked in," Sam muttered. He then tried to start the car up but the keys wouldn't turn. "Car won't start either. 'Least we ditched the monster, right?" He sounded hopeful, but all three of them saw the monster pass towards the right, seemingly not noticing them. It didn't keep going, though – it stopped nearby as if waiting.

The car engine rumbling caught Amy's attention. She grabbed onto one of the seats and hung on as the car shot ahead, behind the slower-moving police car. The Camaro drove on for at least 4 minutes, and then turned sharply, threw everyone out, and then transformed. All three looked up to the sounds of metal grinding and gears whirling. Sam grabbed Mikaela's hand and cautiously walked back with her as the yellow robot in front of them took up a defensive pose. Amy scrambled to her feet as well, and looked around at her surroundings. It was a relatively flat area, but there was a steep looking hill nearby for humans, and a storage area nearby where she guessed tools were stored.

The police car kept picking up speed as it came closer, and then jumped and transformed quickly. Sam and Mikaela ran in the opposite direction, away from the battle. The intimidating large black bot then released a silver nightmare from one of its chest compartments. Its blue optics landed gleefully on Sam, and chased after the two teens.

Amy knew that if she ran after her friends that she would probably be hindering them than helping them, so she looked around for a weapon to use against the black bot that was currently beating the smaller yellow bot up. Two long metal poles caught her frantic eyes, and she picked them both up. Amy knew that if she hadn't gone to those martial arts classes Ashley pestered her to go to, she wouldn't be able to pick them up without straining herself. She forced herself not to look over at Sam and Mikaela when Sam yelled out, but she still felt rage pulse through her when the yellow bot was not getting a chance to fight back.

Hefting the heavy metal pole in her hand, she took careful aim at the black monster, not noticing that glowing silver magic was pouring out of her and into her chosen weapons. The ends of the poles were morphing into heavily spiked ends, and when she threw the one in her right hand, the black and white robot howled an unearthly shriek. The spikes had driven through its armor and embedded itself in its back, causing sparks to fly around. It turned angrily towards her, and she gulped.

Smooth move Amy! That's what Ashley would've done, not you! Damnit! She thought angrily as she used the other pole to defend herself. When it tried to squish her with one of its feet, she swung the remaining pole and whacked the foot hard. Since she also hit him with the barbed side, it clung to his foot like an annoying piece of gum, except that this one hurt. A lot. While the not-police-car howled in anger and pain, the not-so-Camaro quickly forced himself to get up and tackle the black and white bot down.

The two fought for two more minutes. The battle ended when the yellow bot threw the black and white one into a power transformer and pulled apart some of his circuitry to keep him immobilized for now. Finished, and satisfied with his handiwork, the yellow bot climbed back up to where Amy had been watching with wide eyes.

Amy looked up at the yellow robot, who stared back down with surprisingly baby blue optics. She guessed suddenly that if he was a human, he wouldn't have been much older than herself.

"You okay? No injuries, right?" Amy blurted out before she could stop herself. Ashley had always been the type to worry about others. Seemed like a lot about her rubbed off on Amy. The bot nodded yes for the first question, but shook his head no for the latter. "Can you speak?" Another negative. "Sorry I asked. I've got a friend who could maybe help though – she's amazing with all sorts of mechanical machines."

The bot's head tilted to one side – he was interested, and definitely listening to her. Suddenly, there was a small yell heard from the sky above them. Both girl and robot looked up, and saw that an object that looked vaguely like the head of the small robot that had been after Sam.

Speak of the devil, Amy thought as Sam and Mikaela both climbed up over the hill. The yellow bot put his hand on the ground, making some coaxing noises. Amy guessed that he wanted her to climb into his hand. She tentatively got on it, and grabbed one of his metal digits. Her stomach lurched as she was lifted high but gently into the air, and she was carefully put on his shoulder. Grabbing the car door that was protruding from his shoulder, she secured herself so she wouldn't fall off. The yellow bot walked slowly over to Sam and Mikaela, to keep Amy from falling off and also to not scare off the two teens.

Said teens were staring wide-eyed up at the Camaro and Amy, perched on his shoulder. The yellow Camaro kept walking up tot hem slowly, as if he thought any sudden movements would really scare them off. When he was approximately two human yards away from them, he slowly turned to Amy, so his head wouldn't knock her off by accident. Amy gingerly stepped onto his offered hand, and he lowered her gently back to the ground.

Mikaela dashed to Amy and hugged her, saying that she had been so worried when she didn't follow her or Sam.

"Chill out 'kay? I'm fine. In fact, I helped kick some major bad-guy ass!" Amy crowed triumphantly. Then she noticed that Sam was cautiously approaching his Camaro-turned-robot. As a matter of fact, both girls did.

"What are you doing?" Mikaela hissed at him. Over his shoulder, Sam softly called back, "I don't think that it wants to hurt us. It would've done that already then."

"Well then do you speak robot?" Mikaela challenged. "Cause if you hadn't noticed, they just had a giant droid death match!" Amy sighed at her ever-cautious friend, but watched Sam, curious to see how he would react around the bot. Strangely enough, she was already comfortable to his presence. She even felt at home around him.

A/N again: Thank you to my lovely reviewers: CeruleanQueen24, Mrs. Optimus Prime, Devious Little Fox, Troufeilloumont, Silver Lugia, Endless-spirit, silvertaiyoukaistar now Jazzs girl 4ever, Yuniko 1987, rank lina Inverse, NybCR, Devious Decepticon, KDlalala, Chatte D'Ange, Prowl Autobot, Rumble D, Warrior of the Waters, and Hoodoo. If I've missed you in my list please tell me and I'll fix it!