This has been a busy few days in Frozen - Land here at home; you might notice a few changes.

First and foremost, I've renamed this one. That might be obvious at a casual glance, but if you ask "Why oh why did you change the title, Archtech88?"

Simply enough, I didn't like the original title. I thought I'd be able to drop it in all clever like and such, but events conspired to keep that from happening. It also seems a bit more flip than the story became. Hope it isn't too confusing!

I've also merged the first couple of Chapters together, removed the things that (to me) made Lord Derek a Marty Stu and have generally gone back and made the story make sense in context with "Elsa and the Wendigo," throwing more references to it into the text and generally improving things.

As such, if you haven't read "Elsa and the Wendigo," I cannot place enough emphasis on reading it. It will give context to the new references now and will generally help explain a few things that have happened.

I hope that you enjoy the changes as much as I do!

Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year!

PS - Keep an eye out for a new Frozen Story from me in the next few months. Should be a doozy! :~)

PPS - If anyone cares to Draw Fanart, Do It! Then send it my way! I will for sure post it.

PPPS - I've changed up the last chapter a bit, taking out "Teeth" and replacing it with "Lips." I've had good experiences with teeth but it seems most others are thrown out of the story by their mention.