Here is the long awaited sequel to How Big Can Love Get. I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 1


Years had past since the Autobots and Decepticons had decided to live in peace. Megatron had actually found someone he would rather be with than conquer the world. Optimus was just happy to be at peace after so many years. If it weren't for Nicole they would be battling right now. Lauren and Optimus soon split up months after the peace treaty. Optimus had started to know Lauren's personality and really didn't like what he saw.

Since then they had been friends, but she was now dating Thundercracker and the two have not had one single fight…yet. Nicole was still in the bed warm under the covers. She rolled over and put her hand on the spot she had expected Megatron to be lying down at. Her optics turned on and looked around. The Decepticon leader was no longer in the room. She sat up in the bed and did a scan to make sure he wasn't trying to scare her.

"Megatron. Megatron are you here?" she spoke in the darkness. Her optics the only light in the room. She got out of her bed and stumbled around the dark room until she came to the door. Right as she was about to slide it open it opened and Megatron stood there with a tray in his hand.

"Go back to bed and act like you're sleeping so that I don't feel like I did al this for nothing." she exclaimed.

Nicole was shocked and watched Megatron leave the room. She ran to her bed and got under the covers and turned off her optics. She heard the door slide open and then Megatron walk into the room. "Morning dear."

Nicole got up from her bed and looked at Megatron and asked, "What's the occasion?"

"I thought I'd surprise you a with a little something this morning. Plus we've been together for years now. Thought we'd celebrate." Megatron replied.

Nicole looked at him and smiled. Megatron had a glass of energon and he had actually made her a breakfast with energon. She looked at all the food and was over whelmed. She was about to touch the tray when Megatron grabbed the fork and said, "I don't think so. I'm feeding you."

"Megatron you don't have to do this." Nicole whispered.

"I know, but I want to. I want to make you the happiest femme in the universe. Especially when you're all mine."

These words sent chills down Nicole's back and she couldn't help it. She truly couldn't. She had never been in love like this before. Megatron started cutting up the breakfast and started feeding it to her. Nicole took a first bite of the breakfast and exclaimed, "Oh my Primus Megatron!"

"What!? Did I do something wrong?" he exclaimed surprised by her outbreak.

"Megatron this is delicious! I don't think I've ever tasted anything better!"

Megatron smiled and said, "Well those cooking classes did pay off."

"You took cooking classes?" Nicole asked flabbergasted.

"Yes I did. I don't know why I did at the time, but I'm very glad I did. Now I can fix you anything you like." he whispered passionately and started kissing her lips. He slowly worked his way down to her neck. Nicole grabbed a hold of Megatron's horns and he let a little growl emit from his throat. She tugged a little harder and Megatron looked up at her and asked, "What?"

"I'm hungry." she whined.

Megatron gave her an evil smile and said, "What do you want to do after breakfast?"

"Well…what did you have in mind?" she asked.

Megatron didn't have to say anything to tell her what he wanted to do. She knew right away and she said, "Well let me feed myself so that I can get done faster and we can do something else."

"I'll be feeding you and no one else. Not even yourself." he smirked.

Optimus sat in his room typing away on his computer. He had to get stuff done today so that they could celebrate the years of peace. They had invited the humans from earth to join in. They needed to be part of the celebration. They had many friends now and the humans had helped them in many ways. Suddenly there was a knock on his door. He sighed and got up from his chair and opened the door.

No one stood outside, but then he heard a small voice from down at his feet. He looked down and saw Alexis Paxton. "Hey Optimus. Long time no see." she spoke.

"Alexis?!" he exclaimed.

"Yes it's me. Its bee way too long Optimus. I've missed you guys so much." With that said she hugged his leg and felt tears in her eyes. Optimus bent down and cupped her in his hand and brought her up to his face.

"We've missed you too Alexis. It hasn't been the same since the first time we were on earth."

"Yeah…those were good times. I miss it. But I hate to do this, but I want to see everyone else before tonight starts." she whispered.

"I totally understand Alexis. I'll see you at the celebration tonight?"

"Most definitely." she replied and ran off to find the rest of the Autobots. Maybe she would run into some Decepticons. He closed the door and got back to his computer work.

Alexis walked down the large hallways and was looking around. It was different from when she, Rad and Carlos had first met the transformers. The very first one they met was Megatron. She shuddered at the thought because he had nearly killed them all. But he and his Decepticons were at peace with the Autobots. As she walked she heard a familiar voice.

"Well look who it is."

She turned around and saw Cyclonus standing behind her. He had his hands on his hips and smiled down at her. He bent down and said, "Don't worry little human I'm not going to hurt ya. I'm part of the good guys now."

"I know…its just hard to believe you tried to kill us that one time, but thankfully failed."
Cyclonus looked at her and said, "Do I get a hug or anything from the human who has known about the Transformers the longest?"

Alexis hesitated at first, but walked carefully towards Cyclonus. He wrapped his large hand around her and started holding her a like a child would with a teddy bear he loved a lot. "Finally I can not harm a human and not get yelled at." he started laughing after that and set her down. He stood up and walked away after that. She shook her head after she thought what had happened. She needed to see everyone.

Nicole and Megatron were lying in bed next to one another. They were both overheated and their systems were trying to cool themselves. "I think that was the best time of my entire life."

Megatron smiled thinking back to what had happened. Their bodies were merged together at that time and their sparks were one. He had never been with a femme before Nicole and she was his first and last femme he was ever going to have. He had to fight for her before and he would die to protect her again.

"I think we need to start getting ready for the celebration tonight dear." she whispered in Megatron's Autoreceptor.

"Yeah you're probably right." he sighed and got out of bed. When he turned to face her she was on top of him in an instant and smothering him with kisses. He kissed back fiercely and not letting go of her. They fell back down on the bed together both wrapped up in the other. Megatron made his way into her mouth and tasted everything inside her mouth. She was so sweet. She was as sweet as honey.

When they pulled away Nicole said, "Okay now we need to get ready."

Suddenly there was a knocking at their door and Megatron said, "Perfect timing."

He walked to the door and opened it up. He found no one standing there, but then looked down at his feet. "By Primus I thought I'd never see you again…even if before I did try to kill you and your friends."

"Hey back then you weren't in peace. Now…you finally saw it, or something changed your mind."

"I think I was the one who changed his mind. I'm so lucky I did…or else he would have killed me the first night I was with him…Megatron would you like to introduce us?"

"Oh yes of course…Nicole this is Alexis. Alexis this is Nicole."

Alexis stepped forward and said, "Nice to meet you Nicole. I see you have changed him more than I thought was possible, and I had changed someone for a while until he died…"

Megatron looked at Alexis and knew exactly who she was talking about. "Who was that Alexis?"

"Starscream." she whispered. Her voice was aloft and she looked like she was dreaming.

"STARSCREAM!" Nicole screamed.

Alexis was out of her dreamy stage in a minute. She started walking back. Megatron stood up and held Nicole back and said, "Starscream was different with them before you had met him….before you and I ever met…he had a soft spot for her and would never leave her behind. She still cared for him even if he was a Decepticon."

Nicole looked down at her and then at Megatron. Alexis looked up at them and asked, "Where is Starscream?"

"Dead." Megatron said bluntly.

Alexis was silent. She felt her heard shatter. Megatron and Nicole both saw this. Then they heard her whispering to herself, "After all these years of not marrying…After all these years actually thinking he was coming back. But he did once…then died again. He was just misunderstood."

Both Nicole and Megatron said nothing. Then Alexis looked up at them and said, "I'll get ready for the celebration." She walked off and Megatron and Nicole stood there frozen in spot. They were so shocked at what had happened.

Down the hallways a human shriek was shrieking down the hallways. "Thundercracker don't!" she screamed.

"Come back here you little rascal!" he hollered.

Lauren ignored him and kept running until she ran into his metal hand and fell down. "You okay?" he asked in his country accent.

"Just peachy."

Everyone was getting ready for the celebration tonight. Decorations were everywhere and the transformers had made a buffet table for the humans while the transformers had energon and all the sort of goodies. Optimus walked in the room to see how everything was. He was happy to see the progress of things. He couldn't wait for the outcome of it. Just hours away and this place would be pact. Of course the transformers will have to be careful where they stepped.

He saw Lauren and Thundercracker enter the room and then Megatron with Nicole. He let out a sigh. He the Autobot leader had no loved one. He was alone. He was alone tonight. He walked out and when he did he heard sniffling. He turned to a corner and saw Alexis crying. "Alexis…what's the matter?"

"Why didn't you tell me Starscream was dead?" she asked.

Optimus felt sad for her and wrapped a hand around her frail body and said, "I didn't think of it at the time Alexis. I thought you and Rad got married."

"We were going to get married, but he ran away with some other woman. So I thought I was going to be with Starscream tonight, but since he's dead I'm with no one."

Optimus knew this was his chance. He had to speak up and fast. "Well Alexis I actually have no one either for tonight and I was curious if you'd like to come with me….as friends of course."

Alexis looked up at him and said, "I'd actually like that. Thank you Optimus."

"Anything for you Alexis. You are my friend and I will do anything to make you happy."

While the Autobots and Decepticons were getting ready for the party somewhere in the milky way a spark pulsed. Soon the spark was surrounded by a body. The transformer looked around and asked, "What is this?"

Suddenly a big powerful voice spoke, "Someone is waiting for you Starscream, but you will have to go to that one person. Forget Nicole and Megatron. Someone you haven't seen in years."

Starscream stood there in the middle of nowhere trying to think of that someone, but could not. He was then transported to Earth where a party was taking place. He didn't look like he had when he was Super Starscream. He looked like he had looked years ago. 20 years ago.

Lights were shining below him and he saw transformers and humans dancing. He slowly lowered himself down to the party and heard many people gasp. Suddenly someone yelled, "STARSCREAM!"

Everyone let the person pass. It was Alexis and she hugged his leg crying. He realized what Primus was talking about. Alexis was the one who was waiting for him. He bent down to her and cupped her in his hand and said, "It's been too long Alexis."

"Hey it's your fault you died." she replied.

Optimus stood there with no one to dance with now. Of course he couldn't really dance with her. Suddenly he felt something touch his foot he looked down and then heard a small voice, "See he here Emma! He here! I told you!"

A teenager walked out of the crowd and to Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime saw this girl. Her hair was of ringlets of blonde. He couldn't get his optics off of her. "Excuse me Mr. Prime…I was curious if you were free to dance if you would dance with me…or do whatever the transformers/human dances."

"It would be my pleasure Miss Emma. And please call me Optimus." The rest of the night was amazing. It was the biggest celebration of the century.

So what did you guys think? I hope you liked it especially Mistress Megatron. But please review!