ATE: Hey, everybody! *Dodges multiple objects being thrown* Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why the hostility? *Looks at date for the last uploaded chapter* What? It's been almost 6 MONTHS since I last updated? Sorry 'bout that! I kinda got distracted by college, video games, and temporary lost of motivation when it came to writing fanfics. But I finally got over it and forced myself to finish this chapter that you all have been waiting almost 6 months for. I wanna thank storygirl99210, Bee4ever, Link's Rose, Autobot NightFury, AllSpark Princess, SeekerLuna, Zeltrax541, WILDTRON01, CuteSparkling, dragonbookaddict, anissa, and Sognatori's Last Dragon for their reviews so far and anyone else whose still stuck to this story for this long during the 6 month hiatus. As for this chapter, it's covering the events of Episode 49 (Alliance) of Transformers Armada. I'm glad to finally get this done after my long absence of writing and updating.

Declaimer: I don't own Transformers, Transformers Armada, or anything I made reference to within this chapter. I only own my OCs Valerie and Astera.

Chapter 26 - Alliance

Both Thrust and Sideways (who was holding the Star Saber) stood in front of Unicron's spark, the glow providing enough light to illuminate the area.

"Everything is now in place." Thrust exclaimed. "All we have to do now is await Unicron's rouse from his slumber! And once he does, I shall serve at his right-hand, making me the second most powerful being in the cosmos!"

"Don't get carried away, Thrust. Remember, we still have a war to win. But once Unicron obliterates those incompetent Decepticons and mindless Autobots, then we can celebrate our victory. A victory unlike any the universe has ever witnessed! We will hold the keys to power and because we've destroyed all our enemies, we shall reign unchallenged!" Sideways stated before raising the Star Saber he held into the air. "All hail Unicron!"

Sideways stabbed the Star Saber into the ground, causing pale green lights to appear all around them and then smaller ones to travel through the veins inside the room. It was finally done. Unicron was awakened with his full power.

"Your work is done, Thrust. Leave us now. I can take it from here." Sideways suddenly said.

"But what do you mean?" Thrust asked, turning to face his ally in his confusion.

"You're in the way!" Sideways turned to face Thrust. "Now get lost before I lose my temper."

"But Sideways!"

Sideways narrowed his pink optics into a glare before growling quietly. Thrust's optics widened in surprise as he realized that was the only warning he was going to get from Sideways when it came to his temper.

"I...understand. In that case, as his new right-hand man, I'll send away the entire guard outside as well." Thrust laughed nervously before leaving.

"Heh. Yeah right." Sideways muttered doubtfully after turning to face Unicron's spark.


Jetfire sat on his berth within his quarters on the Axalon. He was still worried about Valerie and the fact that he couldn't feel her presence through their connection wasn't helping in the least bit. His servos tightened into fists, and his audio receptors were able to pick up the metallic screeching sound they made. This was all Sideways' fault! If it hadn't been for him none of this would be happening! Valerie would've still been here with him safe and sound!

'I know you can't hear me, Valerie, but I will save you!' He promised. 'One way or another, even if I get offlined in the process of it all! I'll make Sideways pay for what he's done, not just to us, but to everyone else in the universe as well!'


I groaned quietly as my mind slowly start to wake up. Even though I eventually regained consciousness my mind still felt fuzzy and my eyelids felt heavy. And then awareness started to set in when I remembered what happened and my eyes shot open.

'Where am I?' I thought frantically, looking around anxiously with wide eyes.

Wherever I was, I was alone. The place reminded me of the tunnels I had been in with my friends earlier, except it was more like a large (to me) room. The area was somewhat dimly lit, and it probably would've been completely dark if it wasn't for the glowing light coming from the large core looking object in the center of the room. Every time the glowing core brightened and dimmed I could hear the steady sound of what seemed to be a heartbeat. At the top of the glowing core were veins that had small dots of light traveling away from the core. But what shocked me was when I spotted the Star Saber, the Skyboom Shield, and the Requiem Blaster situated around the core as they were being held upright in place by those tentacles I've seen countless times already.

"I see that you finally decided to wake up."

My head shot in the direction the familiar voice came from and my eyes widened in shock and fear when I suddenly found Sideways standing in front of me! He wasn't there before and I could've sworn I had been alone!

"Sideways?!" I cried out fearfully. I suddenly started getting a dull headache and I tried to bring my hands up to hold my head, but I couldn't move them! I looked to where my arms were and to my horror I found that they were bound by those tentacles. No matter how hard I struggled to get them free it proved to be useless. I turned back to Sideways in fear. "Let me go! Please!"

I couldn't believe how pitiful I sounded at this point. My face must've looked just as pitiful as my voice sounded since Sideways chuckled darkly.

"Now why would I do that? We had a deal, remember?" He reminded me, and I felt my face go pale at this. "You can beg all you want, but you'll never get your freedom back. But I must commend you for your performance so far in light of everything that's happened since you left Earth."

"What are you talking about? I haven't performed anything!"

"Oh, sweet Valerie, that's where you're wrong." My breathing hitched when Sideways stepped forward, bringing his face up close so that it was right in front of me (and preventing me from being able to look away) and placed a large finger on the side of the helmet I was wearing. "Everything went exactly as I planned and your acting surpassed the point of being genuine. You did everything I hoped you'd do and more."

"You're not making any sense! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"For someone as smart as you I'm surprised you haven't figured it out. It's a shame seeing as that Autobot managed to figure it out, but then again he wasn't as heavily exposed to my manipulation as you've been."

My eyes widened as I started to realize what Sideways was telling me!

"You've been manipulating me?! How could you do that when-!!!"

"I wasn't around? You're forgetting who I am, sweet Valerie. I've been around the whole time, and I didn't even have to be there physically. All those times I've talked to you enabled me to expose you to my manipulation so gradually that even you didn't notice. What's more perfect than manipulating a pawn that doesn't even realize they're being manipulated in the first place, especially when it involves manipulating the direction of that pawn's very thoughts and emotions to suit my plans?"

I was shocked at this revelation, but then that shock turned to anger that even surprised me. I was never usually one to get angry like this, but after what I just learned I believe the anger I felt was completely justified.

"You slagging pit-spawn virus! I can't believe you not only manipulated me, but my own emotions and thoughts as well! You not only toyed with me, but with Jetfire as well!"

"I see that you're vocabulary has expanded, no thanks to your sparkmate. But as I've already stated, the perfect pawn is the one that doesn't even realize they're being manipulated. Not even Jetfire realized what was going on until it was too late and he even rushed to retrieve you and the others. Just seeing his reaction to learning I took you was more than priceless, even when he was taking it to the same extent as when his mother died."

"But why me? Why choose me when you could've picked someone else?" I demanded.

"True, I could've picked anyone from that backwater planet, but you happen to be special."

"Because I happen to be the sparkmate of a Cybertronian?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"That factor is merely a bonus, but a factor nonetheless. The main factor is your fear. I'm surprised you've already forgotten the little trip you took to 70,000 years into the past."


Jetfire followed Optimus as the Autobots (and the kids with their Mini-Con partners) filed into the hallway with other Autobot and Decepticon soldiers lined up against the walls on both sides. Waiting for them in the middle of the hallway was Galvatron, along with Demolishor, Cyclonus, and Tidal Wave.

"I don't like this, Fred." Billy said nervously, looking around.

"And I wish I went to the bathroom." Fred replied.

Optimus came to a stop in front of Galvatron and all was quiet as everyone waited to see what would happen next. Jetfire couldn't help but feeling somewhat anxious as he watched Galvatron. He could still remember what the Decepticon Leader did the Valerie after having argued with his sparkmate. The memory of his mother suddenly invaded his thoughts as he was reminded of how she died.

'Stop it! Now isn't the time to be thinking of Mom.' He told himself. 'I need to focus on the here and now.'

Jetfire was relieved when Optimus and Galvatron grasped each other's servo and he knew that an alliance between the Autobots and the Decepticons had been established.

"To unity!" Everyone declared.

"You know guys, I never thought I'd see this happen. The two of them shaking hands." Rad said. "Just standing here in front of the Decepticons, watching this is like some kind of weird dream."

Alexis closed her eyes as she tried to hold back the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Hey, are you all right, Alexis?" Carlos asked, turning to face her.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about Starscream." Alexis replied, trying not to cry. "You know, he sure would have loved to see all this happen between them. After all, it was kind of his last request."

"Well, I got a feeling he knows." Rad stated.

Jetfire felt sad when he overheard what Alexis said. He understood what she was feeling and knew what she was going through. It also didn't help that he had been there when Starscream was killed. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw High Wire, Sureshock, and Grindor combine into Perceptor and jumped up to place their tiny servos on top of Optimus' and Galvatron's.

"With this historic handshake, I, Optimus Prime, pledge to both Autobots and Decepticons to fight together." The Autobot Leader declared. "We shall prevail to bring peace and harmony to the universe."

"And to annihilate Unicron!" Galvatron added, taking a step forward.

"Hey, put 'er there, brother." Hot Shot said, holding a servo out to Demolishor.

"Hmm..." Demolishor reluctantly grasped the yellow Autobot's servo. "I'm only doing this because I'm following Galvatron's order."

"Ha! I can't believe I'm fighting for harmony!" Cyclonus said, grasping Sideswipe's servo. "What a load of bunk! I'm a lean mean fighting machine! Hahahaha!"

"I gotta work with this guy?" Sideswipe asked, feeling uncertain. "I'm not so sure about this."

"Hey, put it on mute, soldier. The one thing I can't stand is a smart-mouthed Autobot!"

"Tidal Wave..." The large Decepticon introduced as he shook Jetfire's servo, even though the shuttle mech knew who he was.

"Uh... Nice...meeting ya." He replied awkwardly.

'Never thought I'd see the day that I had to shake servos with a Decepticon.' Jetfire thought.


"It's time to get down to business, men!" Optimus declared, stepping forward

"All ships, destination: Unicron!" Galvatron added.

It was with that order that both Autobots, Decepticons, and their respective fleets followed their leaders towards Unicron's location.

"Fire!" Optimus and Galvatron ordered.

Everyone started firing at Unicron with blasters and cannons. Jetfire didn't bother to hold anything back at this point.

"Haha! Now this is more like it!" Cyclonus exclaimed excitedly. "Let's do some damage!"

"Hold your fire, men!" The Autobot leader ordered after awhile, due to the fact that they couldn't see Unicron at that moment.

"Hey! How come we stopped?"

"Take a look." Optimus pointed in Unicron's direction


Everyone watched as the smoked cleared, only to be shocked when they saw that Unicron hadn't been damaged at all.

"Whoa! We didn't even scratch it!" Jetfire stated, clearly shocked.

"We gave him everything we had!" Red Alert said.

"This is nuts!" Hoist commented.

"We have to re-think our strategy." Optimus said.

"Aw, c'mon! I say we blast 'im with everything we got!" Cyclonus said.

"No! That would be a waste of time. First, we must find out where his weakness lies."

"Okay, soldiers, we'll form up a reconnaissance fleet." Galvatron ordered after turning to face the Decepticons.

Two Decepticon ships started flying towards Unicron, but to everyone's shock they were easily shot down!

"They can't get close enough, Optimus!" Hot Shot said.

"Now what, sir?" Jetfire asked.

"I told you! We have to keep blasting 'im." Cyclonus whined, and did he sound like he was pouting?

"Hot Shot, Sideswipe!" Optimus said, turning to face the two. "I want you to take up the discovery pod."

"You want what?!" Sideswipe asked.

"Because the pods are small, I doubt Unicron's defense systems can detect them. Use stealth mode and get as close as you can. We have to find Unicron's weakest point."

"You got it, sir!" Hot Shot replied.

"All right. Demolishor, Cyclonus, I want you both to get ready and head up with them." Galvatron ordered.

"Right!" Demolishor answered.

"Awww, I never get to do anything." Cyclonus complained

"Cyclonus!" Galvatron barked.

Cyclonus jumped slightly at this.

"Yessir, at your service, sir! Waaaahh! Errgh!" He glared over at Optimus. "Boy... This isn't gonna work." He said to himself.


At first I was confused by what Sideways was saying, but then I started trying to figure it out in my head. I did end up seeing Jetfire 70,000 years in the past while he was still mourning Astera's death—even talked to him. I then realized that because I talked to Jetfire at that time I unintentionally set things into motion for him. But that didn't explain how Sideways knew about that (unless he read my mind). He sounded like he had been there to observe the whole event all those years ago, yet the Jetfire of the past was the only one who could see and hear me.

'Wait!' I thought, realizing something else.

It was while I was trying to escape with my friends that Sideways was able to capture me, but weren't those tunnels actually inside of-!

A whole new level of fear got a hold of me, my eyes widening, from the sudden revelation. I wished desperately that I was wrong, but the evidence that I now noticed, how Sideways had managed to know so much, been able to easily manipulate me. It all pointed to the same answer.

"Y-you're Unicron…!" I said fearfully.

"So you finally figured it out. I'm impressed that you managed to do it this quickly."

I was horrified when the metal surface on Sideways started melting off his body like molten lava. My eyes widened in fear at the now skeletal appearance of Sideways who gazed at me with red optics. If I had thought his pink optics had been cold and cruel, then these red optics made the former seem like a warm summer's breeze. I did everything I could to suppress the scream I knew I would've let out, knowing that's what Sideways wanted me to do.

"W-what are you?" I choked out, unable to hide my fear.

"The one you know as 'Sideways' is merely an extension of my being, allowing me to interact with the universe on a more incognito level." Sideways explained, but his voice was completely different, like he was a completely different person. In fact, this voice that spoke to me sounded nothing like his usual voice, making me believe that this was the true voice of Unicron. "But that is irrelevant at this time, nor do you really need to know that in order to fulfill your purpose."

Suddenly he started getting closer until his face was so close that there was no way for me to look away.

"May your nightmares be filled with despair."

My body convulsed in response to the pain I suddenly felt, although the movement was restricted due to being bound.


Jetfire stood behind Red Alert as he, Optimus, and Galvatron observed what was on the console screen. The monitor was showing nothing but white flurries.

"Hmmm... No transmissions yet." Optimus said.

"Well maybe your cable connection is loose." Billy suggested from where he and the kids were standing in front of the monitor.

"Should we try wiggling it around?" Fred asked, sounding unsure.

Jetfire had to hold back a chuckle upon hearing that. Despite how much he liked Earth, their technology was somewhat primitive compared to Cybertronian technology.

"Unicron could be blocking the signal, Optimus-sir." Red Alert said.

"I'm detecting a faint pulse." Blurr suddenly announced, turning to face Optimus.

Everyone looked at the monitor as it displayed what Blurr found. What they saw surprised them.

"This is getting freaky!" Rad said.

"Unicron is coming to life." Optimus said.

Jetfire watched as Unicron closed his 'mouth' (he really couldn't think of anything else to call it) before continuing to shift as he transformed slowly.

"Let's open fire on him." Galvatron ordered. "This may be our only window of opportunity, Optimus."

"But we can't." Rad said, turning to face Galvatron. "Not while Hot Shot and the others are still up there."

"Don't interfere, humans." Galvatron said, looking down at the kids. "There are always casualties involved with war. Now let us get back to the business at hand, shall we?"

"You can't!" Alexis protested.

"Do you mind? I'm busy here. I don't have time for this. Now run along and play!" Jetfire could see that Galvatron was starting to get annoyed by the kids.

"That's enough, Galvatron." Optimus said calmly.

"Hmm." The Decepticon leader suddenly smirked before calming down. "All right, then. Dispatch a rescue ship to bring them back, Optimus." Optimus sighed at this. "How strange! Listening to humans."

The kids merely laughed at this.


Suddenly the pain was gone and my eyes shot open to see why. What I saw confused me.

I was in a room of a house and found myself lying on my side in a really comfortable bed. Where am I? What's going on? Suddenly I felt something wrap around my waist from behind and I started to panic.

"Valerie, calm down! It's just me!"

I froze when I heard that familiar voice! It couldn't be…! Hesitantly I turned around and sure enough I found a pair of gold eyes gazing back at me in concern.

"J-Jetfire?" I asked, unsure if it was really him, that he was really here, and that this was all real. But that was also when I noticed my voice sounded different, like I was older. "W-what…what's going…?"

I couldn't really finish what I was trying to say, not because I was interrupted but more due to the fact that it was hard for me to comprehend what was happening. Jetfire did turn me around and pulled me close to himself as he tried to comfort me. But why?

"You had that nightmare again." He claimed.

"Nightmare?" I looked up confused. "What's going on? Where am I?"

Jetfire sighed, as if he was expecting this.

"We're here in our home, where it's safe. And it's been that way for the past 10 years." He explained.

What?! 10 years? It couldn't be! That would mean I was 24! Sideways couldn't have been a Weeping Angel and sent me into the future while he (or Unicron) fed off my life energy-! Wait, Weeping Angels are supposed to send a person into the past, not the future.

"That can't be right!" I told him. "I was just with Sideways in that weird place and found out he's Unicron! What about your war?"

"That all happened 10 years ago, Valerie. Ever since we rescued you, you've been having reoccurring nightmares. I've had to explain this to you every morning because of that."

I was shocked by this. It had been a dream this whole time? Why couldn't I remember what happened from after what happened with Sideways? Maybe the trauma had really affected my memories or something. All that really mattered to me was that I was safe with Jetfire. I didn't have to live in fear of Sideways anymore.

"I'm going to get a shower." I told Jetfire, getting out of bed.

"Want me to join you?" He asked.

"N-no!" My face heated up.

Jetfire merely chuckled in response, but otherwise didn't say anything else. I quickly went into the bathroom and closed the door before turning to my left. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a beautiful woman staring back at me with widened eyes as well. I raised my hand up so I could reach out to her, to which she did the same thing. And it was then that I realized that I was staring at my own reflection in a mirror. Was that…really me?

I turned away from the mirror so I could focus on getting a shower.


Jetfire could feel the ship shaking from the exploding chain reaction of the other ships being destroyed by Unicron. As worse of all, he was almost done transforming during this whole process!

"At this rate, they'll all be wiped out." Optimus said, turning to Galvatron.

"We don't have any choice, Prime! We have to back down now!" Galvatron stated..

Optimus turned to face Blurr.

"Blurr, any word from Hot Shot?" He asked.

"Negative, sir. Nothing." Blurr replied.

"This is Hot Shot. Over." They suddenly heard over the ship's comm link.

"It's him!" Hoist exclaimed.

"Get your tail back here!" Jetfire ordered.

"Well I'd love to, but the pod's kinda trashed." Hot Shot told him."Huh?!"

Jetfire saw Optimus turn to face him.

"Jetfire... It's time." Optimus told him.

"Yessir." Jetfire replied.

With that both Optimus and Jetfire Powerlinked before flying off towards Unicron. The giant transformer tried to shoot them down, but Jet Optimus dodged out of the way in time before firing back. Jet Optimus continued to dodge Unicron's blasts as he searched for Hot Shot and the others, but luckily he didn't have to search for long. He found them, but they were surrounded by a bunch of tiny bots. He took this chance to take the tiny bots out.

"It's Optimus!" Hot Shot cried out.

"Are you men all right?" Optimus asked after taking out the last of the tiny bots.

"Well, we are now that you're here, sir. Huh?" Hot Shot seemed to notice something. "Optimus, behind you!"


Optimus turned around to see another tiny bot about to fire at him, but before he could react another blast destroyed it. Optimus saw that it was Galvatron (who was Powerlinked with Tidal Wave) that did it.

"It's Galvatron!" Both Demolishor and Cyclonus said.

"I can't believe I just saved Prime!" Galvatron growled grabbing Demolishor and Cyclonus and flying off.

"You men ready?" Optimus asked, grabbing Hot Shot and Sideswipe as well.

"Let's do it!" Sideswipe said. As they all flew off Sideswipe turned to look behind them. "Optimus! Look over there!"


Optimus turned to look behind them, only to be shocked when he saw that Unicron had just finished transforming. Red optics lit up to show that the giant transformer was very much aware of his surroundings.


Sometime later I was showered and dressed before heading into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. Before I could open the fridge I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I felt him nuzzle the crook of my neck and breathe in.

"You smell nice." Jetfire said, causing me to blush.

"That's because I took a shower." I replied.

"True, but that's not what I mean." I turned around so I could face him. "I'm referring to your natural scent, not the kind you get from soap or perfume. Just the scent that defines you."

"But wouldn't soap or perfume obscure a person's natural scent?"

"In a way, yes, but not enough to completely hide it. It just makes it a little harder to discern which is which."

So that explains why he said I smelled good.

"What do I smell like?" I asked.

"You smell sweet." He brought his face closer. "Very sweet."

He pulled me closer before kissing me, to which I eagerly responded in return. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. All that mattered at this point was that I was safe and with Jetfire.

I gasped when I suddenly felt excruciating pain in my stomach. I looked down and was shocked to find that I had been stabbed with a kitchen knife, warm blood coming out of the fresh wound and sliding down the gleaming edge of the blade. I lifted my head to find Jetfire standing in front of me, but what took me by surprise was the expression on his face. It wasn't one of shock or worry like I had been expecting, but one of malicious intent. He smiled cruelly at me, merely watching me lose more blood as the seconds ticked by.

"…W…w-why…J…J-Jetfire…?" I asked, feeling betrayed by my own sparkmate. "…W-why did you-!"

I wasn't able to finish what I was saying before I fell to the wooden floor, my body getting weaker and my legs unable to support me. I let out a pained gasped as the knife dug deeper into my stomach from the way I landed. It hurt! I don't recall ever being in so much pain before! Why would he do this to me? The Jetfire I knew would've never dreamed of hurting me like this! My vision started to slowly fade as I watched Jetfire kneel down before me, the cruel smile still remaining on his face.

"Welcome to your nightmare." He told me, his voice sounding dark and sinister. "Although you won't be enjoying it for much longer."

It was at that point that everything went dark.


It was right after they got back to the Axalon and Jetfire had separated from Optimus that he felt pain explode within his spark. He fell to the floor on his knees while clutching the area covering his spark chamber, breathing heavily as he struggled with the pain. It felt like his spark was being ripped out of his spark chamber, torn to pieces, and then being placed back in with the addition of a huge void being where something important was supposed to be. And the worst part was that he knew what that something important was!

"Jetfire!" He heard Optimus cry out before he approached him. "What's wrong?"

Jetfire did his best to hold back the energon tears that were starting to well up in the corner of his optics before weakly lifting his helm up to look at Optimus.

"I…I felt her pain… For just a second…I felt her pain…! B-But…!" At this point Jetfire was glad that no one else was around since he was no longer able to hold back his tears, his throat tightening in the process. "Optimus…! S-She's gone… Not just her presence…her life…!"

Optimus gasped at this.

"Jetfire! You don't mean…?"

Jetfire nodded sadly.

"Valerie's been offlined." Jetfire choked out, the grief starting to catch up with him. "And I haven't even bonded with her yet."

ATE: Well, that wraps that up! I bet you all weren't expecting that to happen! As for what the form Sideways took looked like, here's a link to it (without the spaces and brackets):

[H t t p]: / / tf wiki [. n e t] /media wiki/ images 2/c /c3 /Double face _nano_ concept sketch . jp g

The thing about the image is that it was originally a concept sketch (WHICH I DON'T OWN IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM) that "show[ed] a 'skeletonized' version of Sideways associated" with the trans-phase mode that he tends to use (when he's the cloud of flurried nanos), but in the end it was ultimately never used in the show. And I can honestly see why it wasn't used as well. But at least I got to incorporate it into TDATS since I thought it would've made things interesting. I used my imagination when it came to this form's coloration.

Thanks for reading and please remember to review! ;D