So a while ago I wrote a one shot only for Mistress Megatron's eyes to read and watch. It was very steamy and based on the Megatron from TFP. Well after discussing it for a little while i decided I'd make it into a full length story. So here is the very first chapter of a very steamy scifi romance featuring Megatron and Cassidy Arthur. Enjoy.
Chapter 1
Hero for a Day
Starting college or any kind of school for the first time is very exciting but it can also be just as scary. Cassidy Arthur had been in school for three years, graduated from her community college in New York and transferred to Genesco studying to be an English Teacher. She had finally graduated with her Bachelors and was now moving across the country to Nevada to work on her master's degree at Nevada State University. She said goodbye to her family and moved out there as fast as possible wanting adventure and finally going out west for the first time.
When she got out there she found a nice apartment and luckily there were rooms open and a price range where she could easily manage…all she needed was a job to make sure her security for living in the area was set. She had few items with her considering it was her first move in her entire life, she had a matrice but no bed frame which she will have to save up for in the future. She did own a computer which was a main priority since she was in college…still and that's practically where they posted all the homework, well in New York they did she'd find out sooner or later if they did the same thing in Nevada or not. For the rest of the day she got settled in and got on line to see when her classes were before going to bed. School was going to be starting in a few days; she had cut it very tight, very tight.
The next morning she woke up and got ready for her class about Shakespeare. When she arrived at the school she saw two men standing next to a car smoking a cigarette each. They were wearing black leather attire and just stared at her. Cassidy looked down, her dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind, her hazel eyes looking down at the pavement on which she walked. She didn't want to bring any attention to herself and it seemed if she didn't look at them it gave them no power at all. She held a map with her to navigate herself throughout the campus. She was a little taller than the average woman standing at 5'8'. She was small with many curves in the right places, the kind that kept men doing double takes and stopping traffic as she walked down the street.
When her class had ended she had a play to read and analyze when she got back to her apartment having to write her analysis at least ten pages long. She moaned seeing the assignment. "It's the first day of school…this is going to be much different that undergraduate school…unfortunately."
As she walked she noticed the same two men dressed in black following her across campus. She started to feel her heart pound within her chest and slowly looked over her shoulder to see them gaining on her. She went from a slow walk to a fast pace and heard their heavy feet pounding on the concrete. Quickly she increased her speed to a slow jog, she looked behind her and they were doing the same thing. She threw all her stuff at them and went running as fast as she could. "Hey! Come back here!"
The two men behind her yelled at her and started to run after her. Cassidy ran past people as fast as she could running through crowds, bumping into people knocking stuff out of their hands to slow the men down, but they quickly dodged the damage. Her adrenaline was pounding through her veins allowing her to run faster than ever and a burning in her chest started to appear and the more she ran the more it started to burn. She went running to a forest that was made up mostly of sequoias and the giant red woods. She was way ahead of the males and quickly hid behind of the red woods and heard one of them ask, "Where did so go?"
"How would I know! You were here with me!" The other yelled and after that slapped the man next to him.
Cassidy was breathing hard from all the running she did and had to put her hand over her mouth to muffle her loud breathing. She heard as they walked through the forest as they stopped on branches and causing them to crack beneath their feet. "Watch where you step asshole," the one whispered.
She watched as the two men came around from either side of the tree. She pressed herself against it wishing she could somehow disappear or blend in with her surrounding environment, but that wasn't the case today. She watched as the leader of the two turned to where she was hiding and his face lit up and a big smile spread across his face. "Well, well, well. Look who is right here beneath our noses."
The other guy faced her as well and smiled, "Why it's our little lamb."
Just as they were reaching for her, they all heard sirens and doors start opening. Men's voices filled the air and dogs started barking catching the scent of the two men and Cassidy. Cassidy felt a sudden relief came over her as she yelled, "I'm out here!"
One of the men smacked her across her face and growled, "You make another noise and I will kill you without any mercy."
Cassidy made a face and punched the guy in the nose and took off running. "Don't let that bitch get away!" he yelled as blood started to run down his face.
As all this was happening on the soils of earth, Megatron the leader of the Decepticons was flying through the air. Starscream was out scouting for Energon and Megatron wanted to make sure that the Autobots were in their base hiding from everyone. As he flew over a little area of Nevada he scanned the area and picked up a heat signature of a human female running with two grown me chasing after her.
Megatron ignored the beings and kept flying. They were humans which were as useful to him as a pile of pet rocks for a human, unless you were a geologist then you could have all the fun you wanted. He continued to scan but focused his scan back on the three humans and watched as one of the men punched her across the face and she let out a painful cry. Growling at how weak he was feeling he made a U-Turn in the air and started flying fast towards the humans and as he was hovering over them he transformed.
Cassidy looked up as her eye started to turn black and saw this giant mechanical being landed, they were right between its legs which made the two men stop what they were doing. Their heart rates increased dramatically and looked up to see Megatron staring down at them. They quickly looked down at Cassidy and picked her up and threw her at his feet. Megatron saw this. Cassidy looked up at the towering metal giant who looked down at her and then focused his attention back to the two men who threw her. "Um…you can have her and we'll be on our merry way and act like we never saw you." One of them spoke and turned around and started to walk away.
"I do not think so." Megatron growled and pulled out his fusion cannon. The two looked behind them and screamed then started to run at the full of their capacity. Megatron laughed at this seeing that these humans could run away from him. He could blast them and they'd be nothing but a blip in history. Cassidy watched as Megatron continued to look at the two men and looked down at her and gave her a little smirk and raised his arm with his fusion cannon attached to it and fired it only once.
The two men heard a whistling and then there was nothing but a big explosion and a flash of light. Cassidy fell backwards and started crawling away from the large explosion until she came to some metal. She looked behind her to find Megatron's foot standing right there. He saw her and squatted reaching a hand towards her. "You are very quiet for a human female, from what I've heard females never shut up."
Cassidy didn't say anything but continued to look up at the Decepticon leader. He gently picked her up in his hand and brought her up to his face. "What is your name?"
"Cassidy Arthur…"she whispered.
Megatron wanted to slap himself for even asking its name. Once you got its name you got attached to it. He looked at the bruise that was growing darker and darker from where the men had hit her. He then decided if he saved her from the human males that she would be his. "You shall come with me." He growled. Cassidy again didn't say a word. He was surprised that she didn't put up a fight or scream at this. She just sat there looking up at him doing nothing.
There were suddenly rustling in the woods and a man came out and yelled, "Sir! I found her…and…something…else…" Megatron looked down at the officers and aimed his fusion cannon and fired on all the humans.
He then transformed putting Cassidy in his cockpit and flew off towards space. Cassidy watched as the higher they got the darker the sky became until finally they broke through the atmosphere. Cassidy moved so she could look out the window which was very small and watched as the Earth grew smaller and smaller. She then looked straight ahead and saw the moon getting larger. "Your base is on the moon?" Cassidy asked shocked wondering why scientists haven't seen it yet.
"No." Megatron's raspy voice replied vibrating the little cockpit he had. His alt form as from Cybertron and was not meant to have a cockpit, but he had made one to accommodate the human whom he was chauffeuring around. "Our ship is past the moon hidden in the darkness of space."
Cassidy didn't say anything but continued to look out into the darkness of space. It was fascinating to feel so small in the in the universe. Megatron watched her look at space her mind wondering in fascination and decided to say something because of it, "You act like you've never been in space before."
"That's because I haven't." Cassidy replied never once taking her glance off of the stars. Megatron then started to prepare himself for to travel at the speed of light to get to his ship and to his fellow Decepticons. "You might want to hold on tight; where we come from we are able to fly at very fast speeds, faster than what you humans are used to." He growled and started to fly faster and faster and faster until Cassidy was thrown back into the seat. She watched as the starts slowly became white streaks, it wasn't like in Star Wars where everything was white, he wasn't flying nearly that fast, but it was way over the average human vehicle.
After a few minutes he started to slow down and a ship came into sight. "Lord Megatron, it's so nice to see you back and safe, I see that you didn't encounter the Autobots…"spoke Starscream through thei comlink.
"I take it you got all the dark Energon Starscream?" Megatron asked.
"Yes sir." Starscream replied quickly.
Megatron flew around the ship and finally asked, "What is the oxygen level on the ship?"
"There's oxygen everywhere, majority everywhere…why sir?" Starscream answered.
"Open the ground bridge." Megatron grumbled.
Starscream did what he was told and Megatron with Cassidy inside him flew through and came aboard on the Nemesis, then transformed to show a human in his hand. "S-S-Sir…a human?" Starscream stuttered.
Megatron looked down at Cassidy and then replied, "I have plans for her. She will be of use to me."
"A human!" Starscream yelled.
"Yes, a human Starscream, the Autobots won't see it coming. Now you and Arachnid will go get human supplies for her. She is going to be our little secret weapon." Cassidy looked at her master with a frightful look. "You will be my pet and once I have defeated the Autobots you will sit by my side as the key player to the war." Megatron smiled and put her on the ground then saw Soundwave walk in. "Ah Soundwave, I would like you to meet someone." Soundwave walked in further until he saw Cassidy, "This is Cassidy our new member of the Decepticons. When I am not here you shall be her guardian."
Soundwave didn't say anything but simply nodded. He continued to look down at the human female only to see him looking back up at him with a small smile growing at the corner of her mouth. He quickly took a snap shot of her adding to the ally list of Decepticons.
Here is the first chapter I hope everyone of you enjoyed it. Please hit the little button dead center below to leave a review. It is greatly appreciated.