Okay this story is finally finished. I cried writing it even though I knew like 5 months ahead what was going to happen. Please no flames.
Chapter 6
A Loss of a Friend
Weeks past and doctors did their best once they got Patricia in the hospital. The cancer had grown rapidly almost devouring her whole brain. One minute Patricia would be fine then the next moment she'd be throwing a temper fit over something silly. Alexis and Rad watched their only daughter battle the horrible cancer. So innocent in life and dying so young, no one understood why this was happening. She couldn't go home now she was stuck in the hospital twenty-four seven.
Once in a while the Autobots would drive up to the hospital and see Patricia and see how she was doing. Red Alert also scanned her small fragile body seeing if the cancer had spread…unfortunately it had started to spread rapidly and there could be nothing done. Optimus looked in the window from the outside and said, "Patricia…you're going to be fine."
Patricia looked at Optimus and said, "Optimus…I'm dying. I feel my organs slowly shut down. I hate it…I've barely even touched the world! I wanted to graduate school and then go to college and marry a wonderful man. I wanted to die old…I'm guessing I will never be able to do all those things will I Optimus?"
Optimus looked at Patricia sorrowful. He wanted to help her so bad. He wanted to protect her from the cancer that had taken hold of her. Alexis and Rad walked in the room and asked, "How are you feeling sweetie?"
"I'm fine. One of your big friends came and said hi." she replied.
"Honey, you know him. That's Optimus Prime." whispered Alexis who looked at Optimus with sorry eyes.
Optimus just waved it off and said, "I know what's going on Alexis."
Alexis grabbed Rad and started bawling in his shirt. She didn't understand why her daughter was dying.
"I wish it was me!" cried Alexis, "Why can't God take me instead of my baby!? Why!?"
Optimus heard every bit of what was going on inside. He then stood up and looked at his men with sad optics. They all looked at him with worry.
"Patricia's…Patricia's dying." he stuttered.
"What!?" exclaimed Sideswipe.
"Why? Why is she dying!?" asked Hot Shot.
Optimus took in a deep breath and said, "Her cancer that was once in her brain has devoured most of her brain and has traveled throughout her body. There's no way to get rid of the cancer."
"Can't Red Alert get rid of it or something?" asked Blurr.
"I can't do anything or else it'll endanger her life." replied Red Alert.
All the Autobots heard Alexis and Rad crying from the inside. They all transformed and drove back to the house. Rad and Alexis were still at the hospital until the next day with Patricia. Alexis came walking down the stairs and said, "Patricia wanted to see you guys before—" she broke off and started sobbing.
Optimus quickly picked her up in his hand and said, "Its okay Alexis."
Alexis looked up at him and said, "She wants to speak with you Optimus…Rad is carrying her down here as we speak."
The next thing all the Autobots saw was Rad with a teenager in his arms. Every one of them froze when they saw her, Rad walked over to Optimus who bent down to let Alexis on the ground. Rad gently laid his daughter in Optimus's palm and moved away. Optimus slowly stood up to full height and brought her close to his face and heard her whisper, "Optimus never forget me."
"I could never forget you." he whispered stroking her back.
"I mean, don't forget who I was. I don't want you to remember me dying. I want to be remembered like I was when the cancer was minor and thought to be gone." she replied softly.
Scavenger walked over to Optimus and Patricia and so did the rest of the Autobots. She looked at every one of them and said, "Please don't weep over my death."
Sideswipe walked forward and asked, "How can we not grieve for your death when you were in every spark of every one of us?"
Scavenger then spoke, "You are a very strong person Patricia and never forget that."
"I wasn't strong enough to beat this cancer living inside me." she replied letting tears fall.
"Don't say that little one. You are the strongest fighter I've ever known." he whispered extending a long purple finger.
She slowly grabbed it and gave a weak smile. Alexis and Rad looked up at them watching them talk their final talk with their daughter. Red Alert walked away from the group. Alexis saw this and asked, "Red Alert what's the matter?"
Red Alert looked at them and then the whole room went quiet. Alexis looked up and saw Optimus looking like he wanted to cry. He bent down and Patricia looked up at them and then her parents and whispered, "I love you all…Oh my god mom, dad…it's so beautiful…"
"What is?" asked Rad.
"The beautiful light I see…I see Grandma! Oh and there's Grandpa!" she exclaimed her voice becoming hoarse.
Alexis tried to smile, but she only managed to start sobbing. She was crying her heart out as Patricia's light went dim with a perfect smile on her face.
"Patricia? PATRICIA!?" cried Alexis.
Rad slowly let the tears fall and let Alexis cry into his shoulder. Optimus looked down at the body in his hand grow colder by the minute. He stood up with her in his hand still and whispered, "You'll always be in our sparks Patricia. You thought of us as heroes, but the truth was that you were the true hero."
Scavenger picked her body up from Optimus's palm and said, "We'll remember your life and nothing of your death. You lived a happy young life."
Red Alert walked forward and whispered, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save your life little one."
Alexis looked up at Red Alert and cried, "It wasn't your fault Red. It wasn't your fault. Cancer is the mostly deadly disease on this planet besides heart disease."
Red Alert looked down at the crying female. He bent down and extended a hand for her. She and Rad quickly climbed aboard as Red Alert stood up. After everyone was done saying good things for Patricia Optimus held her once again and said, "This day every year we will not mourn your death. We will celebrate your life and how big of an impact you had put upon us. You were a great friend and a great daughter to those around you and you will be sadly missed."
Alexis tried to smile at Optimus, but only managed to cry more. Optimus held her to his chest and said, "I love you little one."
He handed her over to her parents who hugged her and started telling stories back when she was young. Everyone talked about her life and not her death. She was remembered for she was.
Three years later…
The Autobots stayed on Earth and they weren't going anywhere for a while. Patricia was cremated and her ashes were scattered over one of her favorite meadows where she used to play. A little rock with writing on it was written to remember her. Optimus came to this place everyday during the morning or at dusk and talked to Patricia like she was there with him.
Everyone loved Patricia, but Optimus had developed a bond with her the other Autobots didn't. One day he was standing in the meadow listening to the birds singing and he thought he heard a child like voice call his name. He whirled around and there was a drawing of Optimus and Patricia. It looked like a small child had drawn it, but he didn't meet her until she was 15 years old.
He gently picked up the small paper between his fingers and looked into the woods and saw a girl around the age that Patricia would be smiling and waving at him. He smiled at her and then watched her disappear. He knew Patricia was in a better place, but it killed him.
Alexis and Rad walked up to Optimus with a 2 year old son. Their son started to laugh at Optimus and clap his hands wanting to be picked up. Optimus looked down and said, "Okay William."
Alexis looked up at the sky as Optimus made their son laugh Rad was right next to her and said, "I miss her too sweetie."
"We'll always miss her no matter what." she whispered.
I hoped you guys liked it. When I first started this I was depressed and I'm depressed again. So I hope you guys liked it and I'll be updating some more stories!