The Masked Man
By: The Phantom's Loving Angel
Long ago I met a man with a mask
His eyes looked so sad and lonely.
He wore all black accept his white mask
He disappeared after a while and I came to a conclusion that he was The Phantom of the Opera.
He fell in love with a soprano named Christine
She rejected him and fell for Raoul.
I went down to his lair with the mob
But I was way ahead of them.
I met up with the phantom before he disappeared
He saw me and stopped to see me because he recognized me.
It looked like he had been crying for some time
I came up to him without fear.
My heart started beating faster and faster
I touched his right side of his face.
He closed his eyes and put his hand on my hand
With his free hand he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.
Our bodies met
I then confessed my love for him.
He pulled me to him closer than before and leaned into a big wonderful kiss
Afterward he started singing softly to me.
I felt like a feather right there in his arms
He carried me to his chair as the mob came in.
He but his cloak over the both of us in the chair
Next thing I know I no longer hear the mob and I am safe with my love…
My masked man…
Also known as the Phantom of the Opera.
Together in his kingdom of music
Together to create music everyday and every minute.