A combination of coffee and staying up FAR too late spawned this little tidbit… plus Shadow adores Puppy-Ratchet… so yeah, hope ya'll enjoy.

"I told him I'd do it."

"And you gave him fair warning."

"But he didn't listen!"

"It's his own fault for not Maggie."

Maggie whirled around to glare at Ironhide, eyes flashing as she pointed to the dark mech. "Your just trying to placate me you bastard! You don't wanna end up like him!" She pointed to Ratchet as the medic twitched and started panting, lying splayed out like a dog in the summer heat.

She'd done what she'd threatened after Ratchet refused to give her back her yummies… and, thanks to Frenzy as well as a few other 'bots she would have plenty of blackmail for after the hack-job wore off. The little 'con was a master of his trade and had made a virus to do as Maggie wanted but then be deleted by Ratchet's anti-virus software after a certain amount of time… short but plenty long enough for her to have fun.

"And if I am?"

"Then you're a very smart person."

"Humph… like I needed you to tell me that."

The human shook her head but didn't reply, walking to the edge of the table she was on to watch what would be an interesting show. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had both walked in, the red twin carrying a bouncy ball… "Oh Ratchy! Here boy, come're and play some ball!" He called, laughing when Ratchet jumped up and glomped him, licking and nuzzling the mech as a organic dog would do… the medic didn't do a few of the things that organic canines did… but the ones he did do were funny as hell.

Unfortunately though the virus was wearing off and the game of fetch didn't last as long as it could have as Ratchet suddenly stopped and collapsed, optics flickering as he rebooted. It had happened before when parts of the virus where erased and instantly afterward he stood shakily on two legs and walked over to Ironhide.

"Ratchet?" A whimper answered the question while the medic pulled himself into his friends lap, acting as a lap dog would while the twins were shooed away. Maggie made a soft cooing sound and giggled, guilt being beaten down with sheer will. It wasn't her fault he hadn't listened! It wasn't!

"When he gets back to normal you know he's coming after you…" Ironhide commented after awhile, getting Maggie to look at him and sigh.

"I know… I think maybe I'll get him a gift as an 'apology' for showing him I mean what I say… think he'd like a few pounds of chocolate?"

"I think he'd be thrilled."